Uses of Interface

Packages that use JNode   

Uses of JNode in

Fields in with type parameters of type JNode
protected  java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.util.Collection<JNode>> JPatternDictionary.markupMap
protected  java.util.Map<JNode,java.lang.String> JPatternDictionary.nodeIdentifierMap
protected  java.util.Map<JNode,java.util.List<JNode>> JMerger.orderedSourceChildrenMap
protected  java.util.Map<JNode,java.util.List<JNode>> JMerger.orderedSourceChildrenMap
protected  java.util.Map<JNode,JNode> JMerger.sourceToTargetMap
protected  java.util.Map<JNode,JNode> JMerger.sourceToTargetMap
protected  java.util.Map<JNode,JNode> JMerger.targetToSourceMap
protected  java.util.Map<JNode,JNode> JMerger.targetToSourceMap

Methods in that return JNode
protected  JNode JMerger.convertTarget(JAbstractType targetAbstractType, java.lang.Class<? extends JAbstractType> sourceClass)
          Converts the target abstract type to be compatible with the given source node class
 JNode JPatternDictionary.getNode(java.lang.String nodeIdentifier)
protected  JNode JMerger.insertClone(JNode sourceNode)

Methods in that return types with arguments of type JNode
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.util.Collection<JNode>> JPatternDictionary.getMarkupMap()
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,? extends JNode> JPatternDictionary.getNodeMap(JNode node)

Methods in with parameters of type JNode
protected  void JMerger.applyPullRules(JNode sourceNode, JNode targetNode)
protected  void JMerger.applySortRules(JNode sourceNode)
protected  boolean JMerger.applySweepRules(JNode targetNode)
protected  boolean JMerger.areCompatible(JNode sourceNode, JNode targetNode)
          Checks if two nodes are compatible and can be merged.
protected  boolean JMerger.PullTargetVisitor.basicVisit(JNode node)
protected  boolean JMerger.PushSourceVisitor.basicVisit(JNode node)
protected  void JPatternDictionary.beforeVisit(JNode node)
protected  java.lang.String JPatternDictionary.checkSelection(java.lang.String selection, JControlModel.DictionaryPattern dictionaryPattern, JNode node)
          Checks the selection to fix the problem with facade implementations that assign wrong javadoc to the node.
protected  void JMerger.PullTargetVisitor.doPull(JNode source, JNode target)
protected  boolean JMerger.PushSourceVisitor.doPush(JNode sourceNode)
          Returns whether the children should be visited (i.e., when the source is not in the target).
protected  java.lang.String JPatternDictionary.getDefaultNodeIdentifier(JNode node)
 java.lang.String JPatternDictionary.getNodeIdentifier(JNode node)
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,? extends JNode> JPatternDictionary.getNodeMap(JNode node)
protected  JNode JMerger.insertClone(JNode sourceNode)
 boolean JPatternDictionary.isMarkedUp(java.util.regex.Pattern markupPattern, JNode node)
 boolean JPatternDictionary.isMarkedUp(java.util.regex.Pattern markupPattern, java.util.regex.Pattern parentMarkupPattern, JNode node)
          Determines if the node is marked up based on the node and parent markup.
protected  boolean JMerger.isPushMarkedUp(JNode node)
          Checks if the node is marked up for pushing.
protected  void sourceNode, JNode targetNode)
          Maps the specified source and target nodes.
protected  void JMerger.mapChildren(JNode sourceNode, JNode targetNode)
protected  void JPatternDictionary.markupNode(java.lang.String selection, JControlModel.DictionaryPattern dictionaryPattern, JNode node)
          Matches pattern in dictionary pattern against selection, and marks up node with all matching groups.
protected  void JPatternDictionary.markupNode(java.lang.String markup, JNode node)
          Marks up node with the given markup string.
protected  void JMerger.PullTargetVisitor.visit(JNode target)

Uses of JNode in

Subinterfaces of JNode in
 interface JAbstractType
          Base interface for JType, JEnum, JAnnotationType.
 interface JAnnotation
          Annotation as defined by JLS3 9.7.
 interface JAnnotationType
          Annotation type declaration as defined by JLS3 9.6.
 interface JAnnotationTypeMember
          Annotation type element in the following format (JLS3 9.6): AbstractMethodModifiersopt Type Identifier ( ) DefaultValueopt ;
 interface JCompilationUnit
          Represents an entire Java compilation unit (.java source file).
 interface JEnum
          Enumeration declaration as described in JLS3 8.9.
 interface JEnumConstant
          Enum constant as described in JLS3 8.9.
 interface JField
          Represents a field declaration.
 interface JImport
          Represents an import declaration in Java compilation unit.
 interface JInitializer
          Represents an initializer.
 interface JMember
          An JMember defines functionality common to nodes, which can be members of types.
 interface JMethod
          Represents a method declaration.
 interface JPackage
          Represents a package declaration.
 interface JType
          Represents a source type in a compilation unit, either as a top-level type or a member type.

Classes in that implement JNode
 class AbstractJNode

Fields in declared as JNode
protected  JNode FacadeVisitor.rootNode

Fields in with type parameters of type JNode
protected  java.util.Map<java.lang.Object,JNode> FacadeHelper.objectToNodeMap

Methods in with type parameters of type JNode
<T extends JNode>
FacadeHelper.getChildren(JNode node, java.lang.Class<T> cls)
          Returns a list with the children of the specified node that are instances of the given class.

Methods in that return JNode
abstract  JNode FacadeHelper.cloneNode(java.lang.Object context, JNode node)
          Clones the specified node, returning an object that is related to the given context.
 JNode FacadeHelper.convertToNode(java.lang.Object object)
protected abstract  JNode FacadeHelper.doConvertToNode(java.lang.Object object)
 JNode FacadeHelper.getFirstChild(JNode node)
          Returns the first child of the specified node.
 JNode FacadeHelper.getNext(JNode node)
          Returns the sibling node immediately following the specified node.
 JNode JNode.getParent()
          Returns the parent of this node.
 JNode FacadeHelper.getPrevious(JNode node)
          Returns the sibling node immediately preceding the specified node.
protected  JNode FacadeVisitor.getRootNode()
protected  JNode FacadeHelper.getSibiling(JNode node, int pos)
          Returns the sibling of the specified node that is located in a specific position relative to the node.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type JNode
 java.util.List<JNode> AbstractJNode.getChildren()
 java.util.List<JNode> JNode.getChildren()
          Returns the children of this node.
protected  java.util.Map<java.lang.Object,JNode> FacadeHelper.getObjectToNodeMap()

Methods in with parameters of type JNode
 boolean FacadeHelper.addChild(JNode node, JNode child)
          Adds the given orphan node (document fragment) as the last child of the specified node.
protected  void FacadeVisitor.afterVisit(JNode node)
protected  void FacadeVisitor.afterVisitChildren(JNode node)
protected  boolean FacadeVisitor.basicVisit(JNode node)
protected  void FacadeVisitor.beforeVisit(JNode node)
abstract  JNode FacadeHelper.cloneNode(java.lang.Object context, JNode node)
          Clones the specified node, returning an object that is related to the given context.
 void FacadeHelper.commentOut(JNode node)
          Comment out the node and its children.
protected  boolean FacadeVisitor.dispatch(JNode node)
 void FacadeHelper.dispose(JNode node)
          Disposes the node and its children.
protected  void FacadeHelper.disposeNode(JNode node)
          Disposes a single node.
<T extends JNode>
FacadeHelper.getChildren(JNode node, java.lang.Class<T> cls)
          Returns a list with the children of the specified node that are instances of the given class.
 JCompilationUnit FacadeHelper.getCompilationUnit(JNode node)
          Returns the compilation unit of the specified node.
abstract  java.lang.Object FacadeHelper.getContext(JNode node)
          Returns the context of a node.
 JNode FacadeHelper.getFirstChild(JNode node)
          Returns the first child of the specified node.
 JNode FacadeHelper.getNext(JNode node)
          Returns the sibling node immediately following the specified node.
 JPackage FacadeHelper.getPackage(JNode node)
          Returns the package of the specified node.
 JNode FacadeHelper.getPrevious(JNode node)
          Returns the sibling node immediately preceding the specified node.
protected  JNode FacadeHelper.getSibiling(JNode node, int pos)
          Returns the sibling of the specified node that is located in a specific position relative to the node.
 boolean FacadeHelper.insertSibling(JNode node, JNode newSibling, boolean before)
          Inserts the given orphan node as a sibling of the specified node, immediately before or after it.
 boolean FacadeHelper.isDisposed(JNode node)
          Returns true if a node is disposed.
 boolean FacadeHelper.remove(JNode node)
          Separates the specified node from its parent and siblings, maintaining any ties that this node has to the underlying document fragment.
 void FacadeVisitor.start(JNode node)
protected  void FacadeVisitor.visit(JNode node)
protected  void FacadeVisitor.visitChildren(JNode node)

Uses of JNode in

Classes in that implement JNode
 class ASTJAbstractType<T extends AbstractTypeDeclaration>
 class ASTJAnnotation
          Wraps Annotation object.
 class ASTJAnnotationType
          Wraps AnnotationTypeDeclaration object.
 class ASTJAnnotationTypeMember
 class ASTJCompilationUnit
          Wraps CompilationUnit object.
 class ASTJEnum
 class ASTJEnumConstant
 class ASTJField
          Represents a single variable in a field declaration.
 class ASTJImport
          Wraps ImportDeclaration object.
 class ASTJInitializer
          Wraps Initializer object.
 class ASTJMember<T extends BodyDeclaration>
          Each ASTJMember has a reference to BodyDeclaration as a wrapped object.
 class ASTJMethod
          Wraps MethodDeclaration object.
 class ASTJNode<T extends ASTNode>
          Each subclass of ASTJNode wraps subclass of ASTNode.
 class ASTJPackage
          Wraps PackageDeclaration object.
 class ASTJType
          Wraps TypeDeclaration object.

Fields in with type parameters of type JNode
protected  java.util.List<JNode> ASTNodeConverter.EnumToTypeConverter.enumChildren
          List of children of the enum
protected  java.util.List<JNode> ASTNodeConverter.TypeToEnumConverter.typeChildren
          List of children of the type

Methods in that return JNode
abstract  JNode ASTNodeConverter.Converter.convert()

Methods in that return types with arguments of type JNode
protected  java.util.List<JNode> ASTJMember.getAnnotationList()
 java.util.List<JNode> ASTJAbstractType.getChildren()
          Returns the list of children.
 java.util.List<JNode> ASTJCompilationUnit.getChildren()
          Returns the list of children in order: package declaration (JPackage), imports (JImport), and types (JType).
 java.util.List<JNode> ASTJMember.getChildren()
 java.util.List<JNode> ASTJEnum.getChildren()
protected  java.util.List<JNode> ASTJEnum.getEnumConstants()
protected  java.util.List<JNode> ASTJAbstractType.getMembers()

Methods in with parameters of type JNode
 boolean ASTFacadeHelper.addChild(JNode node, JNode child)
 ASTJNode<?> ASTFacadeHelper.cloneNode(java.lang.Object context, JNode node)
          Creates a copy of the node to be inserted in the tree that context node belongs to.
 void ASTFacadeHelper.commentOut(JNode node)
 java.lang.Object ASTFacadeHelper.getContext(JNode node)
 boolean ASTFacadeHelper.insertSibling(JNode node, JNode newSibling, boolean before)
protected  void ASTNodeConverter.Converter.moveChildren(JNode source, JNode target)
          Removes children from the source node and adds them to the target node.
 boolean ASTFacadeHelper.remove(JNode node)
          Removes the given node.
protected  void ASTNodeConverter.Converter.replaceNode(JNode existingNode, JNode newNode)
          Replaces existing node by new node.

Uses of JNode in

Classes in that implement JNode
 class JDOMJCompilationUnit
 class JDOMJField
 class JDOMJImport
 class JDOMJInitializer
 class JDOMJMember
 class JDOMJMethod
 class JDOMJNode
 class JDOMJPackage
 class JDOMJType

Methods in that return JNode
 JNode JDOMFacadeHelper.cloneNode(java.lang.Object context, JNode node)
protected  JNode JDOMFacadeHelper.doConvertToNode(java.lang.Object object)
 JNode JDOMFacadeHelper.getFirstChild(JNode node)
 JNode JDOMFacadeHelper.getNext(JNode node)
 JNode JDOMJNode.getParent()
 JNode JDOMFacadeHelper.getPrevious(JNode node)

Methods in with parameters of type JNode
 boolean JDOMFacadeHelper.addChild(JNode node, JNode child)
 JNode JDOMFacadeHelper.cloneNode(java.lang.Object context, JNode node)
 java.lang.Object JDOMFacadeHelper.getContext(JNode node)
 JNode JDOMFacadeHelper.getFirstChild(JNode node)
static org.eclipse.jdt.core.jdom.IDOMNode JDOMFacadeHelper.getIDOMNode(JNode node)
 JNode JDOMFacadeHelper.getNext(JNode node)
 JNode JDOMFacadeHelper.getPrevious(JNode node)
 boolean JDOMFacadeHelper.insertSibling(JNode node, JNode sibiling, boolean before)
 boolean JDOMFacadeHelper.remove(JNode node)

Uses of JNode in

Fields in with type parameters of type JNode
protected  java.util.Map<EModelElement,JNode> JavaEcoreBuilder.eModelElementToJNodeMap
          The map from a model element to the corresponding JNode.

Methods in with parameters of type JNode
protected  EPackage JavaEcoreBuilder.getEPackage(JNode node)

Uses of JNode in

Methods in that return types with arguments of type JNode
protected  java.util.Map<java.lang.Object,JNode> FacadeAPITest.getObjectToNodeMap(FacadeHelper facadeHelper)

Methods in with parameters of type JNode
protected  int BaseFacadeTest.addChild(JNode node, JNode child, int noChildrenBefore)
protected  int BaseFacadeTest.insertSibling(JNode node, JNode newSibling, boolean before, int noChildrenBefore)
protected  int BaseFacadeTest.remove(JNode node, int noChildrenBefore)
protected  void BaseFacadeTest.removeAllChildren(JNode node, int noChildrenBefore)
protected  void BaseFacadeTest.removeAllChildren(JNode node, int noChildrenBefore, java.lang.Class<? extends JNode> childrenClass)
protected  void AnnotationsTest.switchVersionAndDeprecatedAnnotations(JNode parentNode)
          Tests that the parent node has 2 annotations, version and deprecated, then switches the order of them
protected  void BaseFacadeTest.testNoChildren(JNode parentNode, int noChildren)
protected  void BaseFacadeTest.testNoChildren(JNode parentNode, int noChildren, java.lang.Class<? extends JNode> childrenClass)
protected  void AnnotationsTest.testSwitchedVersionAndDeprecated(JNode parentNode)
protected  void AnnotationsTest.testVersionAndDeprecated(JNode parentNode)
protected  void AnnotationsTest.testVersionAndDeprecated(JNode parentNode, int versionIndex, int deprecatedIndex)
protected  int BaseFacadeTest.updateNoChildren(JNode parentNode, JNode node, BaseFacadeTest.Operation operation, int noChildrenBefore)
protected  int BaseFacadeTest.updateNoChildren(JNode parentNode, JNode node, BaseFacadeTest.Operation operation, int noChildrenBefore, java.lang.Class<? extends JNode> childrenClass)

Method parameters in with type arguments of type JNode
protected  void BaseFacadeTest.removeAllChildren(JNode node, int noChildrenBefore, java.lang.Class<? extends JNode> childrenClass)
protected  void BaseFacadeTest.testNoChildren(JNode parentNode, int noChildren, java.lang.Class<? extends JNode> childrenClass)
protected  int BaseFacadeTest.updateNoChildren(JNode parentNode, JNode node, BaseFacadeTest.Operation operation, int noChildrenBefore, java.lang.Class<? extends JNode> childrenClass)

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