Class AdapterFactoryEditingDomain

  extended by org.eclipse.emf.edit.domain.AdapterFactoryEditingDomain
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class AdapterFactoryEditingDomain
extends java.lang.Object
implements EditingDomain

This class implements an editing domain by delegating to adapters that implement IEditingDomainItemProvider.

Nested Class Summary
protected  class AdapterFactoryEditingDomain.AdapterFactoryEditingDomainResourceSet
          This is an implementation of a context that knows about this editing domain.
static class AdapterFactoryEditingDomain.DomainTreeIterator<E>
          This implements an tree iterator that iterates over an object, it's domain children, their domain children, and so on.
static class AdapterFactoryEditingDomain.EditingDomainProvider
          This class is an adapter than implements IEditingDomainProvider.
Field Summary
protected  AdapterFactory adapterFactory
          This is the adapter factory used to create the adapter to which calls are delegated.
protected  java.util.Collection<java.lang.Object> clipboard
          This is the current clipboard.
protected  CommandStack commandStack
          This is the command stack that was passed into the constructor.
protected  boolean optimizeCopy
          This controls whether or not copy command optimizations are safe in this domain.
protected  ResourceSet resourceSet
          This is the resource set used to contain all created and loaded resources.
protected  java.util.Map<Resource,java.lang.Boolean> resourceToReadOnlyMap
          This controls whether the domain is read only.
Constructor Summary
AdapterFactoryEditingDomain(AdapterFactory adapterFactory, CommandStack commandStack)
          Create an instance from the adapter factory, and the specialized command stack.
AdapterFactoryEditingDomain(AdapterFactory adapterFactory, CommandStack commandStack, java.util.Map<Resource,java.lang.Boolean> resourceToReadOnlyMap)
          Create an instance from the adapter factory, the specialized command stack, and the map used to maintain read only state.
AdapterFactoryEditingDomain(AdapterFactory adapterFactory, CommandStack commandStack, ResourceSet resourceSet)
          Create an instance from the adapter factory, the specialized command stack, and the specialized resource set.
Method Summary
 Command createCommand(java.lang.Class<? extends Command> commandClass, CommandParameter commandParameter)
          This delegates to IEditingDomainItemProvider.createCommand.
 Command createOverrideCommand(OverrideableCommand command)
          This just returns null, since this is an optional feature that we don't support here.
 Resource createResource(java.lang.String fileNameURI)
          This is a convenience method to create a resource, you could use the resource set returned by getResourceSet() directly.
 AdapterFactory getAdapterFactory()
          This returns the adapter factory used by this domain.
 java.util.Collection<?> getChildren(java.lang.Object object)
          This delegates to IEditingDomainItemProvider.getChildren.
 java.util.Collection<java.lang.Object> getClipboard()
          This returns the clipboard of the editing domain.
 CommandStack getCommandStack()
          This returns the command stack provided in the constructor.
static EditingDomain getEditingDomainFor(EObject object)
          This returns the editing domain of the given EMF object, or null, if it can't be determined.
static EditingDomain getEditingDomainFor(java.lang.Object object)
          This returns the editing domain for the given arbitrary object, or null, if it can't be determined.
static IEditingDomainItemProvider getEditingDomainItemProviderFor(java.lang.Object object)
          This is a convenient way to determine the adapter to which editing domain methods are delegated for a given object, by providing nothing more than the object itself.
 java.util.Collection<?> getNewChildDescriptors(java.lang.Object object, java.lang.Object sibling)
          This delegates to IEditingDomainItemProvider.getNewChildDescriptors.
 boolean getOptimizeCopy()
          This returns whether or not copy command optimizations are safe in this domain.
 java.lang.Object getParent(java.lang.Object object)
          This delegates to IEditingDomainItemProvider.getParent.
 ResourceSet getResourceSet()
          This returns the resource set used to contain all created and loaded resources.
 java.util.Map<Resource,java.lang.Boolean> getResourceToReadOnlyMap()
          Returns the map of resource to a Boolean value indicating whether the resource is read only.
 java.lang.Object getRoot(java.lang.Object object)
          This returns the root of the object, i.e., .
 java.util.List<?> getTreePath(java.lang.Object object)
          This returns a path list from the root object to the given object in the tree.
 java.lang.Object getWrapper(java.lang.Object object)
 boolean isControllable(java.lang.Object object)
          This returns whether or not the domain allows the given object to be moved to a different resource from its container.
static boolean isControlled(java.lang.Object object)
          This returns whether or not an object has been moved to a different resource from its container.
 boolean isReadOnly(Resource resource)
          This returns whether the resource is read only.
protected  boolean isReadOnlyURI(URI uri)
          Deprecated. this method is no longer called by isReadOnly(Resource)
static boolean isStale(java.lang.Object object)
          Returns whether the object is, contains, or wraps something that likely represents a stale unloaded object.
 Resource loadResource(java.lang.String fileNameURI)
          This is a convenience method to load a resource, you could use the resource set returned by getResourceSet() directly.
 java.util.List<?> resolve(java.util.Collection<?> objects)
          Each isStale(Object) in the list is unwrapped, resolved, and rewrapped before it's added to the result; Other objects are passed through unchecked.
 void setAdapterFactory(AdapterFactory adapterFactory)
          This sets the adapter factory after the domain is already created.
 void setClipboard(java.util.Collection<java.lang.Object> clipboard)
          This sets the clipboard of the editing domain.
 void setOptimizeCopy(boolean optimizeCopy)
          This sets whether or not copy command optimizations are safe in this domain.
 void setResourceToReadOnlyMap(java.util.Map<Resource,java.lang.Boolean> resourceToReadOnlyMap)
          Set the map of resource to a Boolean value indicating whether the resource is read only.
 TreeIterator<?> treeIterator(java.lang.Object object)
          This returns a tree iterator that will yield the object, the children of the object, their children, and so on.
static java.lang.Object unwrap(java.lang.Object object)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected AdapterFactory adapterFactory
This is the adapter factory used to create the adapter to which calls are delegated.


protected CommandStack commandStack
This is the command stack that was passed into the constructor.


protected ResourceSet resourceSet
This is the resource set used to contain all created and loaded resources.


protected java.util.Collection<java.lang.Object> clipboard
This is the current clipboard.


protected boolean optimizeCopy
This controls whether or not copy command optimizations are safe in this domain.


protected java.util.Map<Resource,java.lang.Boolean> resourceToReadOnlyMap
This controls whether the domain is read only.

Constructor Detail


public AdapterFactoryEditingDomain(AdapterFactory adapterFactory,
                                   CommandStack commandStack)
Create an instance from the adapter factory, and the specialized command stack.


public AdapterFactoryEditingDomain(AdapterFactory adapterFactory,
                                   CommandStack commandStack,
                                   java.util.Map<Resource,java.lang.Boolean> resourceToReadOnlyMap)
Create an instance from the adapter factory, the specialized command stack, and the map used to maintain read only state.


public AdapterFactoryEditingDomain(AdapterFactory adapterFactory,
                                   CommandStack commandStack,
                                   ResourceSet resourceSet)
Create an instance from the adapter factory, the specialized command stack, and the specialized resource set. If the resource set's context is null, one will be created here; otherwise, the existing context should implement IEditingDomainProvider.

Method Detail


public static boolean isStale(java.lang.Object object)
Returns whether the object is, contains, or wraps something that likely represents a stale unloaded object. It's best to stop using unloaded objects entirely because they ought to be garbage collected and should be replaced by their resolved result.


public static EditingDomain getEditingDomainFor(EObject object)
This returns the editing domain of the given EMF object, or null, if it can't be determined. This is implemented by checking whether the ResourceSet of the object implements IEditingDomainProvider and returns that result or null.

Just as for getEditingDomainFor(Object), it is recommended that you always keep an editing domain instance available through some other means.


public static EditingDomain getEditingDomainFor(java.lang.Object object)
This returns the editing domain for the given arbitrary object, or null, if it can't be determined. It is recommended that you always work directly with an EditingDomain instance whenever possible. This is implemented to checks if the object itself implements IEditingDomainProvider and returns that result. Otherwise it checks if it is valid to call getEditingDomainFor(EObject) and returns that result or null.

It is recommended that you always keep an editing domain instance available through some other means; this should only be used to implement things such as a global popup action for some object; in such a cases such as that the editing domain returned here may well be one that belongs to some editor you know nothing about, which is what you want.


public static IEditingDomainItemProvider getEditingDomainItemProviderFor(java.lang.Object object)
This is a convenient way to determine the adapter to which editing domain methods are delegated for a given object, by providing nothing more than the object itself. It is recommended that you always work directly with an EditingDomain instance whenever possible. If the object is an EMF object, this is implemented to call getEditingDomainFor(Object) and to return the adapter returned from the domain's adapter factory. If the object itself is an IEditingDomainItemProvider, it returns the object. Otherwise, it returns null.


public AdapterFactory getAdapterFactory()
This returns the adapter factory used by this domain.


public void setAdapterFactory(AdapterFactory adapterFactory)
This sets the adapter factory after the domain is already created.


public Resource createResource(java.lang.String fileNameURI)
This is a convenience method to create a resource, you could use the resource set returned by getResourceSet() directly.

Specified by:
createResource in interface EditingDomain


public Resource loadResource(java.lang.String fileNameURI)
This is a convenience method to load a resource, you could use the resource set returned by getResourceSet() directly.

Specified by:
loadResource in interface EditingDomain


public ResourceSet getResourceSet()
This returns the resource set used to contain all created and loaded resources.

Specified by:
getResourceSet in interface EditingDomain


public Command createCommand(java.lang.Class<? extends Command> commandClass,
                             CommandParameter commandParameter)
This delegates to IEditingDomainItemProvider.createCommand.

Specified by:
createCommand in interface EditingDomain


public Command createOverrideCommand(OverrideableCommand command)
This just returns null, since this is an optional feature that we don't support here.

Specified by:
createOverrideCommand in interface EditingDomain


public CommandStack getCommandStack()
This returns the command stack provided in the constructor.

Specified by:
getCommandStack in interface EditingDomain


public java.util.Collection<?> getChildren(java.lang.Object object)
This delegates to IEditingDomainItemProvider.getChildren.

Specified by:
getChildren in interface EditingDomain


public java.lang.Object getParent(java.lang.Object object)
This delegates to IEditingDomainItemProvider.getParent.

Specified by:
getParent in interface EditingDomain


public java.lang.Object getRoot(java.lang.Object object)
Description copied from interface: EditingDomain
This returns the root of the object, i.e., .

Specified by:
getRoot in interface EditingDomain


public java.util.List<?> resolve(java.util.Collection<?> objects)
Each isStale(Object) in the list is unwrapped, resolved, and rewrapped before it's added to the result; Other objects are passed through unchecked.


public java.lang.Object getWrapper(java.lang.Object object)


public static java.lang.Object unwrap(java.lang.Object object)


public java.util.Collection<?> getNewChildDescriptors(java.lang.Object object,
                                                      java.lang.Object sibling)
This delegates to IEditingDomainItemProvider.getNewChildDescriptors.

Specified by:
getNewChildDescriptors in interface EditingDomain


public java.util.Collection<java.lang.Object> getClipboard()
This returns the clipboard of the editing domain.

Specified by:
getClipboard in interface EditingDomain


public void setClipboard(java.util.Collection<java.lang.Object> clipboard)
This sets the clipboard of the editing domain.

Specified by:
setClipboard in interface EditingDomain


public boolean getOptimizeCopy()
This returns whether or not copy command optimizations are safe in this domain.

Specified by:
getOptimizeCopy in interface EditingDomain


public void setOptimizeCopy(boolean optimizeCopy)
This sets whether or not copy command optimizations are safe in this domain.


public java.util.Map<Resource,java.lang.Boolean> getResourceToReadOnlyMap()
Returns the map of resource to a Boolean value indicating whether the resource is read only.


public void setResourceToReadOnlyMap(java.util.Map<Resource,java.lang.Boolean> resourceToReadOnlyMap)
Set the map of resource to a Boolean value indicating whether the resource is read only.


public boolean isReadOnly(Resource resource)
This returns whether the resource is read only.

Specified by:
isReadOnly in interface EditingDomain


protected boolean isReadOnlyURI(URI uri)
Deprecated. this method is no longer called by isReadOnly(Resource)

Returns whether to expect that the resource corresponding to the given URI form will be read only.


public TreeIterator<?> treeIterator(java.lang.Object object)
This returns a tree iterator that will yield the object, the children of the object, their children, and so on.

Specified by:
treeIterator in interface EditingDomain


public java.util.List<?> getTreePath(java.lang.Object object)
This returns a path list from the root object to the given object in the tree.

Specified by:
getTreePath in interface EditingDomain


public boolean isControllable(java.lang.Object object)
This returns whether or not the domain allows the given object to be moved to a different resource from its container. In this implementation, an EObject is controllable if it has a container, it is contained via a feature that allows proxy resolution, and neither it nor its container is in a read-only resource.

Specified by:
isControllable in interface EditingDomain


public static boolean isControlled(java.lang.Object object)
This returns whether or not an object has been moved to a different resource from its container. It is a simple convenience method that compares the two resource of the two objects.

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