Uses of Class

Packages that use Signal
org.eclipse.net4j.signal A framework for request/response based communication on top of the Net4j transport layer. 

Uses of Signal in org.eclipse.net4j.signal

Subclasses of Signal in org.eclipse.net4j.signal
 class Indication
          Represents the receiver side of a one-way signal, i.e., one with no response.
 class IndicationWithMonitoring
          Represents the receiver side of a two-way signal with additional support for remote progress monitoring.
 class IndicationWithResponse
          Represents the receiver side of a two-way signal, i.e., one with a response.
 class Request
          Represents the sender side of a one-way signal, i.e., one with no response.
 class RequestWithConfirmation<RESULT>
          Represents the sender side of a two-way signal, i.e., one with a response.
 class RequestWithMonitoring<RESULT>
          Represents the sender side of a two-way signal with additional support for remote progress monitoring.
 class SignalActor
          Represents the sender side of a signal.
 class SignalReactor
          Represents the receiver side of a signal.

Methods in org.eclipse.net4j.signal that return Signal
 Signal SignalFinishedEvent.getSignal()
 Signal SignalScheduledEvent.getSignal()

Method parameters in org.eclipse.net4j.signal with type arguments of type Signal
 int SignalCounter.getCountFor(Class<? extends Signal> signal)

Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Eike Stepper (Berlin, Germany) and others.