Interface InternalCDORevisionManager

All Superinterfaces:
CDORevisionCacheAdder, CDORevisionManager, ILifecycle, INotifier
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface InternalCDORevisionManager
extends CDORevisionManager, CDORevisionCacheAdder, ILifecycle

If the meaning of this type isn't clear, there really should be more of a description here...


Nested Class Summary
static interface InternalCDORevisionManager.RevisionLoader
          If the meaning of this type isn't clear, there really should be more of a description here...
static interface InternalCDORevisionManager.RevisionLocker
          If the meaning of this type isn't clear, there really should be more of a description here...
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.eclipse.net4j.util.lifecycle.ILifecycle
Method Summary
 InternalCDORevisionCache getCache()
 CDORevisionFactory getFactory()
 InternalCDORevision getRevision(CDOID id, CDOBranchPoint branchPoint, int referenceChunk, int prefetchDepth, boolean loadOnDemand)
          Returns the revision with the given ID at the given branch point (branch + timestamp), optionally demand loading it if it is not already in the cache.
 InternalCDORevision getRevision(CDOID id, CDOBranchPoint branchPoint, int referenceChunk, int prefetchDepth, boolean loadOnDemand, SyntheticCDORevision[] synthetics)
 InternalCDORevision getRevisionByVersion(CDOID id, CDOBranchVersion branchVersion, int referenceChunk, boolean loadOnDemand)
          Returns the revision with the given ID at the given branch version (branch + version), optionally demand loading it if it is not already in the cache.
 InternalCDORevisionManager.RevisionLoader getRevisionLoader()
 InternalCDORevisionManager.RevisionLocker getRevisionLocker()
 List<CDORevision> getRevisions(List<CDOID> ids, CDOBranchPoint branchPoint, int referenceChunk, int prefetchDepth, boolean loadOnDemand, SyntheticCDORevision[] synthetics)
 boolean isSupportingAudits()
 boolean isSupportingBranches()
 void reviseLatest(CDOID id, CDOBranch branch)
          Called on client via postCommit when there is no version of detached objects available.
 void reviseVersion(CDOID id, CDOBranchVersion branchVersion, long timeStamp)
 void setCache(CDORevisionCache cache)
 void setFactory(CDORevisionFactory factory)
 void setRevisionLoader(InternalCDORevisionManager.RevisionLoader revisionLoader)
 void setRevisionLocker(InternalCDORevisionManager.RevisionLocker revisionLocker)
 void setSupportingAudits(boolean on)
 void setSupportingBranches(boolean on)
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.emf.cdo.common.revision.CDORevisionManager
containsRevision, containsRevisionByVersion, getObjectType, getObjectType, getRevisions
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.emf.cdo.common.revision.CDORevisionCacheAdder
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.net4j.util.lifecycle.ILifecycle
activate, deactivate, getLifecycleState, isActive
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.net4j.util.event.INotifier
addListener, getListeners, hasListeners, removeListener

Method Detail


boolean isSupportingAudits()


void setSupportingAudits(boolean on)


boolean isSupportingBranches()


void setSupportingBranches(boolean on)


InternalCDORevisionManager.RevisionLoader getRevisionLoader()


void setRevisionLoader(InternalCDORevisionManager.RevisionLoader revisionLoader)


InternalCDORevisionManager.RevisionLocker getRevisionLocker()


void setRevisionLocker(InternalCDORevisionManager.RevisionLocker revisionLocker)


CDORevisionFactory getFactory()


void setFactory(CDORevisionFactory factory)


InternalCDORevisionCache getCache()


void setCache(CDORevisionCache cache)


void reviseLatest(CDOID id,
                  CDOBranch branch)
Called on client via postCommit when there is no version of detached objects available.


void reviseVersion(CDOID id,
                   CDOBranchVersion branchVersion,
                   long timeStamp)


InternalCDORevision getRevision(CDOID id,
                                CDOBranchPoint branchPoint,
                                int referenceChunk,
                                int prefetchDepth,
                                boolean loadOnDemand,
                                SyntheticCDORevision[] synthetics)


List<CDORevision> getRevisions(List<CDOID> ids,
                               CDOBranchPoint branchPoint,
                               int referenceChunk,
                               int prefetchDepth,
                               boolean loadOnDemand,
                               SyntheticCDORevision[] synthetics)


InternalCDORevision getRevision(CDOID id,
                                CDOBranchPoint branchPoint,
                                int referenceChunk,
                                int prefetchDepth,
                                boolean loadOnDemand)
Description copied from interface: CDORevisionManager
Returns the revision with the given ID at the given branch point (branch + timestamp), optionally demand loading it if it is not already in the cache.

Specified by:
getRevision in interface CDORevisionManager
referenceChunk - The number of target IDs to load for each many-valued reference in the returned revision, or CDORevision.UNCHUNKED for all such list elements (IDs).
prefetchDepth - The number of nested containment levels to load revisions for in one round trip. Use the symbolic constants CDORevision.DEPTH_INFINITE to prefetch all contained revisions or CDORevision.DEPTH_NONE to not prefetch anything. Only the explicitely requested revision is returned by this method. If additional revisions are prefetched they are placed in the revision cache to speed up subsequent calls to this method.
loadOnDemand - If the requested revision is not contained in the revision cache it depends on this parameter's value whether the revision is loaded from the server or null is returned.
See Also:
CDORevisionManager.getRevisions(List, CDOBranchPoint, int, int, boolean), CDORevisionManager.getRevisionByVersion(CDOID, CDOBranchVersion, int, boolean)


InternalCDORevision getRevisionByVersion(CDOID id,
                                         CDOBranchVersion branchVersion,
                                         int referenceChunk,
                                         boolean loadOnDemand)
Description copied from interface: CDORevisionManager
Returns the revision with the given ID at the given branch version (branch + version), optionally demand loading it if it is not already in the cache.

Prefetching of nested containment levels is not support by this method because the version of a particular revision can not serve as a reasonable baseline criterium for a consistent graph of multiple revisions.

Specified by:
getRevisionByVersion in interface CDORevisionManager
referenceChunk - The number of target IDs to load for each many-valued reference in the returned revision, or CDORevision.UNCHUNKED for all such list elements (IDs).
loadOnDemand - If the requested revision is not contained in the revision cache it depends on this parameter's value whether the revision is loaded from the server or null is returned.
See Also:
CDORevisionManager.getRevision(CDOID, CDOBranchPoint, int, int, boolean)

Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Eike Stepper (Berlin, Germany) and others.