
Common concepts for dealing with revision deltas and feature deltas.

Interface Summary
CDOAddFeatureDelta A feature delta that represents an addition to a many-valued feature.
CDOClearFeatureDelta A feature delta that represents the removal of all elements from a many-valued feature.
CDOContainerFeatureDelta A feature delta that represents a modification of the eContainer feature.
CDOFeatureDelta Represents a change delta between two values of a single feature.
CDOFeatureDeltaVisitor Visits all feature deltas of a revision delta.
CDOListFeatureDelta A feature delta that represents any modification of the list of a many-valued feature.
CDOMoveFeatureDelta A feature delta that represents a move of one element of a many-valued feature to a different list position.
CDORemoveFeatureDelta A feature delta that represents a removal from a many-valued feature.
CDORevisionDelta Represents the change delta between two revisions of a CDO object.
CDORevisionDeltaProvider Provides consumers with the revision deltas of identifiable CDO objects.
CDOSetFeatureDelta A feature delta that represents a value change of a single-valued feature.
CDOUnsetFeatureDelta A feature delta that represents the unsetting of the value of a feature.

Enum Summary
CDOFeatureDelta.Type Enumerates the possible types of feature deltas.

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