Interface CDOLockState

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface CDOLockState

A client-side representation of all the locks on a single CDOObject.

As an individual lock is always owned by view, which in turn is owned by a session, the methods on this interface return instances of CDOLockOwner which carry that information.

No Implement
This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.
No Extend
This interface is not intended to be extended by clients.

Method Summary
 Object getLockedObject()
          Gets a unique identifier for the object that is locked; typically a CDOID or a CDOIDAndBranch, depending on whether branching support is enabled or not
 Set<CDOLockOwner> getReadLockOwners()
 CDOLockOwner getWriteLockOwner()
 CDOLockOwner getWriteOptionOwner()
 boolean isLocked(IRWLockManager.LockType lockType, CDOLockOwner lockOwner, boolean others)
          If the 'others' argument is false, this method returns true if this lock is currently held by the requesting CDOView, false otherwise.

Method Detail


Object getLockedObject()
Gets a unique identifier for the object that is locked; typically a CDOID or a CDOIDAndBranch, depending on whether branching support is enabled or not

the identifier


boolean isLocked(IRWLockManager.LockType lockType,
                 CDOLockOwner lockOwner,
                 boolean others)
If the 'others' argument is false, this method returns true if this lock is currently held by the requesting CDOView, false otherwise.

If the 'others' argument is true, this method returns true if this lock is currently held by another view (i.e. any view different from the requesting one), false otherwise.


Set<CDOLockOwner> getReadLockOwners()


CDOLockOwner getWriteLockOwner()


CDOLockOwner getWriteOptionOwner()

Copyright (c) 2004 - 2012 Eike Stepper (Berlin, Germany) and others.