Package org.eclipse.net4j.util.event

A framework for sending of and listening to events.

Interface Summary
IEvent An event that is fired from a notifier and can be handled by listeners.
IListener A callback interface that notifiers use to pass events to.
INotifier An entity that a number of listeners can be registered with and that can fire events to these registered listeners.

Class Summary
Event A default implementation of an event.
EventUtil Various static helper methods for dealing with events, notifiers and listeners.
ExecutorServiceNotifier Deprecated.
ExecutorServiceNotifier.ThreadPool Deprecated.
Notifier A default implementation of a notifier.
ValueEvent<VALUE> An IEvent fired from value notifiers after value changes.
ValueNotifier<VALUE> A notifier with an ID and a single value.

Copyright (c) 2004 - 2012 Eike Stepper (Berlin, Germany) and others.