Package org.eclipse.net4j.tcp

Transport layer extension with support for TCP socket connections.

Interface Summary
ITCPAcceptor An acceptor that implements non-blocking multiplexed TCP transport, optionally with SSL.
ITCPActiveSelectorListener Call-back that handles the possible calls from a selector to an active consumer, usually a connector.
ITCPConnector A connector that implements non-blocking multiplexed TCP transport, optionally with SSL.
ITCPNegotiationContext A negotiation context that is used in TCP transport.
ITCPPassiveSelectorListener Call-back that handles the possible calls from a selector to a passive consumer, usually an acceptor.
ITCPSelector Encapsulates a Java socket selector and orchestrates a number of active and passive consumers, usually connectors and acceptors that compete for the socket selector's I/O time.

Class Summary
TCPUtil A utility class with static convenience methods.
TCPUtil.AcceptorData Encapsulates the data needed to configure a TCP acceptor.
TCPUtil.ConnectorData Encapsulates the data needed to configure a TCP connector.

Copyright (c) 2004 - 2012 Eike Stepper (Berlin, Germany) and others.