Package org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors

Exception Summary
CanceledException Exception thrown when an operation was canceled
CannotDeleteCurrentBranchException Thrown when trying to delete a branch which is currently checked out
CheckoutConflictException Exception thrown when a command can't succeed because of unresolved conflicts.
ConcurrentRefUpdateException Exception thrown when a command wants to update a ref but failed because another process is accessing (or even also updating) the ref.
DetachedHeadException Exception thrown when a command expected a non-detached HEAD reference
GitAPIException Superclass of all exceptions thrown by the API classes in org.eclipse.jgit.api
InvalidConfigurationException Exception thrown when a command fails due to an invalid configuration
InvalidMergeHeadsException Exception thrown when a merge command was called without specifying the proper amount/type of merge heads.
InvalidRefNameException Exception thrown when an invalid Ref name was encountered
InvalidRemoteException Exception thrown when a fetch command was called with an invalid remote
InvalidTagNameException Exception thrown when a tag command was called with an invalid tag name (or null), such as bad~tag.
JGitInternalException Exception thrown when during command execution a low-level exception from the JGit library is thrown.
MultipleParentsNotAllowedException The commit to be cherry-pick'ed did not have exactly one parent
NoFilepatternException Exception thrown when the options given to a command don't include a file pattern which is mandatory for processing.
NoHeadException Exception thrown when a command expected the HEAD reference to exist but couldn't find such a reference
NoMessageException Exception thrown when the options given to a command don't include a specification of a message text (e.g.
NotMergedException Thrown when branch deletion fails due to unmerged data
PatchApplyException Exception thrown when applying a patch fails
PatchFormatException Exception thrown when applying a patch fails due to an invalid format
RefAlreadyExistsException Thrown when trying to create a Ref with the same name as an existing one
RefNotFoundException Thrown when a Ref can not be resolved
TransportException Exception thrown when transport operation failed
UnmergedPathsException Thrown when branch deletion fails due to unmerged data
WrongRepositoryStateException Exception thrown when the state of the repository doesn't allow the execution of a certain command.

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