Uses of Class

Packages that use MergeStrategy

Uses of MergeStrategy in org.eclipse.jgit.api

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.api with parameters of type MergeStrategy
 MergeCommand MergeCommand.setStrategy(MergeStrategy mergeStrategy)

Constructors in org.eclipse.jgit.api with parameters of type MergeStrategy
MergeResult(ObjectId newHead, ObjectId base, ObjectId[] mergedCommits, MergeResult.MergeStatus mergeStatus, MergeStrategy mergeStrategy, Map<String,MergeResult<?>> lowLevelResults)
MergeResult(ObjectId newHead, ObjectId base, ObjectId[] mergedCommits, MergeResult.MergeStatus mergeStatus, MergeStrategy mergeStrategy, Map<String,MergeResult<?>> lowLevelResults, Map<String,ResolveMerger.MergeFailureReason> failingPaths, String description)
MergeResult(ObjectId newHead, ObjectId base, ObjectId[] mergedCommits, MergeResult.MergeStatus mergeStatus, MergeStrategy mergeStrategy, Map<String,MergeResult<?>> lowLevelResults, String description)

Uses of MergeStrategy in org.eclipse.jgit.merge

Subclasses of MergeStrategy in org.eclipse.jgit.merge
 class StrategyOneSided
          Trivial merge strategy to make the resulting tree exactly match an input.
 class StrategyResolve
          A three-way merge strategy performing a content-merge if necessary
 class StrategySimpleTwoWayInCore
          Merges two commits together in-memory, ignoring any working directory.
 class ThreeWayMergeStrategy
          A merge strategy to merge 2 trees, using a common base ancestor tree.

Fields in org.eclipse.jgit.merge declared as MergeStrategy
static MergeStrategy MergeStrategy.OURS
          Simple strategy that sets the output tree to the first input tree.
static MergeStrategy MergeStrategy.THEIRS
          Simple strategy that sets the output tree to the second input tree.

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.merge that return MergeStrategy
static MergeStrategy[] MergeStrategy.get()
          Get all registered strategies.
static MergeStrategy MergeStrategy.get(String name)
          Locate a strategy by name.

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.merge with parameters of type MergeStrategy
static void MergeStrategy.register(MergeStrategy imp)
          Register a merge strategy so it can later be obtained by name.
static void MergeStrategy.register(String name, MergeStrategy imp)
          Register a merge strategy so it can later be obtained by name.

Uses of MergeStrategy in org.eclipse.jgit.notes

Constructors in org.eclipse.jgit.notes with parameters of type MergeStrategy
NoteMapMerger(Repository db, NoteMerger noteMerger, MergeStrategy nonNotesMergeStrategy)
          Constructs a NoteMapMerger with custom NoteMerger and custom MergeStrategy.

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