Class NoSqlSessionManager

  extended by org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.AbstractLifeCycle
      extended by org.eclipse.jetty.server.session.AbstractSessionManager
          extended by org.eclipse.jetty.nosql.NoSqlSessionManager
All Implemented Interfaces:
SessionManager, LifeCycle
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class NoSqlSessionManager
extends AbstractSessionManager
implements SessionManager

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.eclipse.jetty.server.session.AbstractSessionManager
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.AbstractLifeCycle
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.LifeCycle
Field Summary
protected  ConcurrentMap<String,NoSqlSession> _sessions
Fields inherited from class org.eclipse.jetty.server.session.AbstractSessionManager
__distantFuture, _checkingRemoteSessionIdEncoding, _context, _dftMaxIdleSecs, _httpOnly, _loader, _maxCookieAge, _nodeIdInSessionId, _refreshCookieAge, _secureCookies, _sessionAttributeListeners, _sessionCookie, _sessionDomain, _sessionHandler, _sessionIdManager, _sessionIdPathParameterName, _sessionIdPathParameterNamePrefix, _sessionListeners, _sessionPath, _sessionsStats, _sessionTimeStats
Fields inherited from class org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.AbstractLifeCycle
Fields inherited from interface org.eclipse.jetty.server.SessionManager
__CheckRemoteSessionEncoding, __DefaultSessionCookie, __DefaultSessionDomain, __DefaultSessionIdPathParameterName, __MaxAgeProperty, __SessionCookieProperty, __SessionDomainProperty, __SessionIdPathParameterNameProperty, __SessionPathProperty
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  void addSession(AbstractSession session)
 void doStart()
 int getIdlePeriod()
          The Idle Period is the time in seconds before an in memory session is passivated.
 int getSavePeriod()
          The Save Period is the time in seconds between saves of a dirty session to the DB.
 AbstractSession getSession(String idInCluster)
          Get a known existing session
 int getStalePeriod()
          The State Period is the maximum time in seconds that an in memory session is allows to be stale: If this period is exceeded, the DB will be checked to see if a more recent version is available. If the state period is set to a value < 0, then no staleness check will be made. If the state period is set to 0, then a staleness check is made whenever the active request count goes from 0 to 1.
protected  void invalidateSession(String idInCluster)
protected  void invalidateSessions()
 boolean isInvalidateOnStop()
          Invalidate sessions when the session manager is stopped otherwise save them to the DB.
 boolean isSaveAllAttributes()
          Save all attributes of a session or only update the dirty attributes.
protected abstract  NoSqlSession loadSession(String clusterId)
protected  AbstractSession newSession(HttpServletRequest request)
          Create a new session instance
protected abstract  Object refresh(NoSqlSession session, Object version)
protected abstract  boolean remove(NoSqlSession session)
protected  boolean removeSession(String idInCluster)
protected abstract  Object save(NoSqlSession session, Object version, boolean activateAfterSave)
 void setIdlePeriod(int idlePeriod)
          The Idle Period is the time in seconds before an in memory session is passivated.
 void setInvalidateOnStop(boolean invalidateOnStop)
          Invalidate sessions when the session manager is stopped otherwise save them to the DB.
 void setSaveAllAttributes(boolean saveAllAttributes)
          Save all attributes of a session or only update the dirty attributes.
 void setSavePeriod(int savePeriod)
          The Save Period is the time in seconds between saves of a dirty session to the DB.
 void setStalePeriod(int stalePeriod)
          The State Period is the maximum time in seconds that an in memory session is allows to be stale: If this period is exceeded, the DB will be checked to see if a more recent version is available. If the state period is set to a value < 0, then no staleness check will be made. If the state period is set to 0, then a staleness check is made whenever the active request count goes from 0 to 1.
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.jetty.server.session.AbstractSessionManager
access, addEventListener, addSession, clearEventListeners, complete, doSessionAttributeListeners, doStop, getClusterId, getContext, getContextHandler, getHttpOnly, getHttpSession, getIdManager, getMaxCookieAge, getMaxInactiveInterval, getMaxSessions, getMetaManager, getMinSessions, getNodeId, getRefreshCookieAge, getSecureCookies, getSessionCookie, getSessionCookie, getSessionDomain, getSessionHandler, getSessionIdManager, getSessionIdPathParameterName, getSessionIdPathParameterNamePrefix, getSessionMap, getSessionPath, getSessions, getSessionsMax, getSessionsTotal, getSessionTimeMax, getSessionTimeMean, getSessionTimeStdDev, getSessionTimeTotal, isCheckingRemoteSessionIdEncoding, isNodeIdInSessionId, isUsingCookies, isValid, newHttpSession, removeEventListener, removeSession, removeSession, resetStats, setCheckingRemoteSessionIdEncoding, setHttpOnly, setIdManager, setMaxCookieAge, setMaxInactiveInterval, setMetaManager, setNodeIdInSessionId, setRefreshCookieAge, setSecureCookies, setSessionCookie, setSessionDomain, setSessionHandler, setSessionIdManager, setSessionIdPathParameterName, setSessionPath, setUsingCookies, statsReset
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.AbstractLifeCycle
addLifeCycleListener, getState, getState, isFailed, isRunning, isStarted, isStarting, isStopped, isStopping, removeLifeCycleListener, start, stop, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.jetty.server.SessionManager
access, addEventListener, clearEventListeners, complete, getClusterId, getHttpOnly, getHttpSession, getMaxCookieAge, getMaxInactiveInterval, getMetaManager, getNodeId, getSecureCookies, getSessionCookie, getSessionCookie, getSessionDomain, getSessionIdManager, getSessionIdPathParameterName, getSessionIdPathParameterNamePrefix, getSessionPath, isCheckingRemoteSessionIdEncoding, isUsingCookies, isValid, newHttpSession, removeEventListener, setCheckingRemoteSessionIdEncoding, setMaxCookieAge, setMaxInactiveInterval, setSessionCookie, setSessionDomain, setSessionHandler, setSessionIdManager, setSessionIdPathParameterName, setSessionPath
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.LifeCycle
addLifeCycleListener, isFailed, isRunning, isStarted, isStarting, isStopped, isStopping, removeLifeCycleListener, start, stop

Field Detail


protected final ConcurrentMap<String,NoSqlSession> _sessions
Constructor Detail


public NoSqlSessionManager()
Method Detail


public void doStart()
             throws Exception
doStart in class AbstractSessionManager


protected void addSession(AbstractSession session)
Specified by:
addSession in class AbstractSessionManager


public AbstractSession getSession(String idInCluster)
Description copied from class: AbstractSessionManager
Get a known existing session

Specified by:
getSession in class AbstractSessionManager
idInCluster - The session ID in the cluster, stripped of any worker name.
A Session or null if none exists.


protected void invalidateSessions()
                           throws Exception
Specified by:
invalidateSessions in class AbstractSessionManager


protected AbstractSession newSession(HttpServletRequest request)
Description copied from class: AbstractSessionManager
Create a new session instance

Specified by:
newSession in class AbstractSessionManager
the new session


protected boolean removeSession(String idInCluster)
Specified by:
removeSession in class AbstractSessionManager


protected void invalidateSession(String idInCluster)


public int getStalePeriod()
The State Period is the maximum time in seconds that an in memory session is allows to be stale:

the stalePeriod in seconds


public void setStalePeriod(int stalePeriod)
The State Period is the maximum time in seconds that an in memory session is allows to be stale:

stalePeriod - the stalePeriod in seconds


public int getSavePeriod()
The Save Period is the time in seconds between saves of a dirty session to the DB. When this period is exceeded, the a dirty session will be written to the DB:

the savePeriod -2,-1,0,1 or the period in seconds >=2


public void setSavePeriod(int savePeriod)
The Save Period is the time in seconds between saves of a dirty session to the DB. When this period is exceeded, the a dirty session will be written to the DB:

savePeriod - the savePeriod -2,-1,0,1 or the period in seconds >=2


public int getIdlePeriod()
The Idle Period is the time in seconds before an in memory session is passivated. When this period is exceeded, the session will be passivated and removed from memory. If the session was dirty, it will be written to the DB. If the idle period is set to a value < 0, then the session is never idled. If the save period is set to 0, then the session is idled whenever the active request count goes from 1 to 0.

the idlePeriod


public void setIdlePeriod(int idlePeriod)
The Idle Period is the time in seconds before an in memory session is passivated. When this period is exceeded, the session will be passivated and removed from memory. If the session was dirty, it will be written to the DB. If the idle period is set to a value < 0, then the session is never idled. If the save period is set to 0, then the session is idled whenever the active request count goes from 1 to 0.

idlePeriod - the idlePeriod in seconds


public boolean isInvalidateOnStop()
Invalidate sessions when the session manager is stopped otherwise save them to the DB.

the invalidateOnStop


public void setInvalidateOnStop(boolean invalidateOnStop)
Invalidate sessions when the session manager is stopped otherwise save them to the DB.

invalidateOnStop - the invalidateOnStop to set


public boolean isSaveAllAttributes()
Save all attributes of a session or only update the dirty attributes.

the saveAllAttributes


public void setSaveAllAttributes(boolean saveAllAttributes)
Save all attributes of a session or only update the dirty attributes.

saveAllAttributes - the saveAllAttributes to set


protected abstract NoSqlSession loadSession(String clusterId)


protected abstract Object save(NoSqlSession session,
                               Object version,
                               boolean activateAfterSave)


protected abstract Object refresh(NoSqlSession session,
                                  Object version)


protected abstract boolean remove(NoSqlSession session)

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