Class AsyncContinuation

  extended by org.eclipse.jetty.server.AsyncContinuation
All Implemented Interfaces:
Continuation, AsyncContext

public class AsyncContinuation
extends Object
implements AsyncContext, Continuation

Implementation of Continuation and AsyncContext interfaces.

Nested Class Summary
 class AsyncContinuation.AsyncEventState
Field Summary
protected  HttpConnection _connection
Fields inherited from interface org.eclipse.jetty.server.AsyncContext
Fields inherited from interface org.eclipse.jetty.continuation.Continuation
Constructor Summary
protected AsyncContinuation()
Method Summary
 void addContinuationListener(ContinuationListener listener)
          Add a ContinuationListener.
 void cancel()
protected  void cancelTimeout()
 void complete()
          Complete a suspended request.
 void dispatch()
 void dispatch(ServletContext context, String path)
 void dispatch(String path)
protected  void doComplete()
protected  void expired()
 AsyncContinuation.AsyncEventState getAsyncEventState()
 Object getAttribute(String name)
          Get a request attribute.
 Request getBaseRequest()
 ContextHandler getContextHandler()
 ServletRequest getRequest()
 ServletResponse getResponse()
 ServletResponse getServletResponse()
          Get the suspended response.
 String getStatusString()
 long getTimeout()
protected  boolean handling()
 boolean hasOriginalRequestAndResponse()
 boolean isAsync()
 boolean isAsyncStarted()
 boolean isComplete()
 boolean isCompleting()
 boolean isExpired()
 boolean isInitial()
 boolean isResponseWrapped()
          Is the suspended response wrapped.
 boolean isResumed()
 boolean isSuspended()
protected  void recycle()
 void removeAttribute(String name)
          Remove a request attribute.
 void resume()
          Resume a suspended request.
protected  void scheduleDispatch()
protected  void scheduleTimeout()
 void setAttribute(String name, Object attribute)
          Set a request attribute.
protected  void setConnection(HttpConnection connection)
 void setTimeout(long ms)
          Set the continuation timeout.
 void start(Runnable run)
 void suspend()
          Suspend the processing of the request and associated ServletResponse.
protected  void suspend(ServletContext context, ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response)
 void suspend(ServletResponse response)
          Suspend the processing of the request and associated ServletResponse.
 String toString()
 void undispatch()
          Undispatch the request.
protected  boolean unhandle()
          Signal that the HttpConnection has finished handling the request.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected HttpConnection _connection
Constructor Detail


protected AsyncContinuation()
Method Detail


protected void setConnection(HttpConnection connection)


public void addContinuationListener(ContinuationListener listener)
Description copied from interface: Continuation
Add a ContinuationListener.

Specified by:
addContinuationListener in interface Continuation
Specified by:
addContinuationListener in interface AsyncContext


public void setTimeout(long ms)
Description copied from interface: Continuation
Set the continuation timeout.

Specified by:
setTimeout in interface Continuation
Specified by:
setTimeout in interface AsyncContext
ms - The time in milliseconds to wait before expiring this continuation after a call to Continuation.suspend() or Continuation.suspend(ServletResponse). A timeout of <=0 means the continuation will never expire.


public long getTimeout()


public AsyncContinuation.AsyncEventState getAsyncEventState()


public boolean isResponseWrapped()
Description copied from interface: Continuation
Is the suspended response wrapped.

Filters that wrap the response object should check this method to determine if they should destroy/finish the wrapped response. If the request was suspended with a call to Continuation.suspend(ServletResponse) that passed the wrapped response, then the filter should register a ContinuationListener to destroy/finish the wrapped response during a call to ContinuationListener.onComplete(Continuation).

Specified by:
isResponseWrapped in interface Continuation
True if Continuation.suspend(ServletResponse) has been passed a ServletResponseWrapper instance.
See Also:


public boolean isInitial()
Specified by:
isInitial in interface Continuation
true while the request is within the initial dispatch to the filter chain and/or servlet. Will return false once the calling thread has returned to the container after suspend has been called and during any subsequent redispatch.


public boolean isSuspended()
Specified by:
isSuspended in interface Continuation
true after #suspend(long) has been called and before the request has been redispatched due to being resumed, completed or timed out.


public String toString()
toString in class Object


public String getStatusString()


protected boolean handling()
false if the handling of the request should not proceed


protected void suspend(ServletContext context,
                       ServletRequest request,
                       ServletResponse response)


protected boolean unhandle()
Signal that the HttpConnection has finished handling the request. For blocking connectors, this call may block if the request has been suspended (startAsync called).

true if handling is complete, false if the request should be handled again (eg because of a resume that happened before unhandle was called)


public void dispatch()
Specified by:
dispatch in interface AsyncContext


protected void expired()


public void complete()
Description copied from interface: Continuation
Complete a suspended request.

This method can be called by any thread that has been passed a reference to a suspended request. When a request is completed, the associated response object commited and flushed. The request is not redispatched.

If complete is called before a suspended request is returned to the container (ie the thread that called #suspend(long) is still within the filter chain and/or servlet service method), then the complete does not take effect until the call to the filter chain and/or servlet returns to the container. In this case both Continuation.isSuspended() and Continuation.isResumed() return true.

Typically resume() is used after a call to Continuation.suspend(ServletResponse) with a possibly wrapped response. The async handler should use the response provided by Continuation.getServletResponse() to write the response before calling Continuation.complete(). If the request was suspended with a call to Continuation.suspend() then no response object will be available via Continuation.getServletResponse().

Once complete has been called and any thread calling the filter chain and/or servlet chain has returned to the container, the request lifecycle is complete. The container is able to recycle request objects, so it is not valid hold a request or continuation reference after the end of the life cycle.

Specified by:
complete in interface Continuation
Specified by:
complete in interface AsyncContext
See Also:


protected void doComplete()


protected void recycle()


public void cancel()


protected void scheduleDispatch()


protected void scheduleTimeout()


protected void cancelTimeout()


public boolean isCompleting()


public boolean isComplete()


public boolean isAsyncStarted()


public boolean isAsync()


public void dispatch(ServletContext context,
                     String path)
Specified by:
dispatch in interface AsyncContext


public void dispatch(String path)
Specified by:
dispatch in interface AsyncContext


public Request getBaseRequest()


public ServletRequest getRequest()
Specified by:
getRequest in interface AsyncContext


public ServletResponse getResponse()
Specified by:
getResponse in interface AsyncContext


public void start(Runnable run)
Specified by:
start in interface AsyncContext


public boolean hasOriginalRequestAndResponse()
Specified by:
hasOriginalRequestAndResponse in interface AsyncContext


public ContextHandler getContextHandler()


public boolean isResumed()
Specified by:
isResumed in interface Continuation
true if the request has been redispatched by a call to Continuation.resume(). Returns false after any subsequent call to suspend
See Also:


public boolean isExpired()
Specified by:
isExpired in interface Continuation
true after a request has been redispatched as the result of a timeout. Returns false after any subsequent call to suspend.
See Also:


public void resume()
Description copied from interface: Continuation
Resume a suspended request.

This method can be called by any thread that has been passed a reference to a continuation. When called the request is redispatched to the normal filter chain and servlet processing with Continuation.isInitial() false.

If resume is called before a suspended request is returned to the container (ie the thread that called #suspend(long) is still within the filter chain and/or servlet service method), then the resume does not take effect until the call to the filter chain and/or servlet returns to the container. In this case both Continuation.isSuspended() and Continuation.isResumed() return true. Multiple calls to resume are ignored.

Typically resume() is used after a call to Continuation.suspend() with no arguments. The dispatch after a resume call will use the original request and response objects, even if Continuation.suspend(ServletResponse) had been passed a wrapped response.

Specified by:
resume in interface Continuation
See Also:


public void suspend(ServletResponse response)
Description copied from interface: Continuation
Suspend the processing of the request and associated ServletResponse.

After this method has been called, the lifecycle of the request will be extended beyond the return to the container from the Servlet.service(ServletRequest, ServletResponse) method and Filter.doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) calls. When a suspended request is returned to the container after a dispatch, then the container will not commit the associated response (unless an exception other than ContinuationThrowable is thrown).

When the thread calling the filter chain and/or servlet has returned to the container with a suspended request, the thread is freed for other tasks and the request is held until either:

Typically suspend with a response argument is uses when a call to Continuation.complete() is expected. If a call to Continuation.resume() is expected, then the Continuation.suspend() method should be used instead of this method.

Filters that may wrap the response object should check Continuation.isResponseWrapped() to decide if they should destroy/finish the wrapper. If Continuation.isResponseWrapped() returns true, then the wrapped request has been passed to the asynchronous handler and the wrapper should not be destroyed/finished until after a call to Continuation.complete() (potentially using a ContinuationListener.onComplete(Continuation) listener).

Specified by:
suspend in interface Continuation
response - The response to return via a call to Continuation.getServletResponse()
See Also:


public void suspend()
Description copied from interface: Continuation
Suspend the processing of the request and associated ServletResponse.

After this method has been called, the lifecycle of the request will be extended beyond the return to the container from the Servlet.service(ServletRequest, ServletResponse) method and Filter.doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) calls. When a suspended request is returned to the container after a dispatch, then the container will not commit the associated response (unless an exception other than ContinuationThrowable is thrown).

When the thread calling the filter chain and/or servlet has returned to the container with a suspended request, the thread is freed for other tasks and the request is held until either:

Typically suspend with no arguments is uses when a call to Continuation.resume() is expected. If a call to Continuation.complete() is expected, then the Continuation.suspend(ServletResponse) method should be used instead of this method.

Specified by:
suspend in interface Continuation
See Also:


public ServletResponse getServletResponse()
Description copied from interface: Continuation
Get the suspended response.

Specified by:
getServletResponse in interface Continuation
the ServletResponse passed to Continuation.suspend(ServletResponse).
See Also:


public Object getAttribute(String name)
Description copied from interface: Continuation
Get a request attribute. This method is a convenience method to call the ServletRequest.getAttribute(String) method on the associated request object. This is a thread safe call and may be called by any thread.

Specified by:
getAttribute in interface Continuation
name - the attribute name
the attribute value
See Also:


public void removeAttribute(String name)
Description copied from interface: Continuation
Remove a request attribute. This method is a convenience method to call the ServletRequest.removeAttribute(String) method on the associated request object. This is a thread safe call and may be called by any thread.

Specified by:
removeAttribute in interface Continuation
name - the attribute name
See Also:


public void setAttribute(String name,
                         Object attribute)
Description copied from interface: Continuation
Set a request attribute. This method is a convenience method to call the ServletRequest.setAttribute(String, Object) method on the associated request object. This is a thread safe call and may be called by any thread.

Specified by:
setAttribute in interface Continuation
name - the attribute name
attribute - the attribute value
See Also:
Continuation.setAttribute(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object)


public void undispatch()
Description copied from interface: Continuation
Undispatch the request.

This method can be called on a suspended continuation in order to exit the dispatch to the filter/servlet by throwing a ContinuationThrowable which is caught either by the container or the ContinuationFilter. This is an alternative to simply returning from the dispatch in the case where filters in the filter chain may not be prepared to handle a suspended request.

This method should only be used as a last resort and a normal return is a prefereable solution if filters can be updated to handle that case.

Specified by:
undispatch in interface Continuation
See Also:

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