Package org.eclipse.emf.emfstore.server.model.versionspec

Interface Summary
ESAncestorVersionSpec Represents a version specifier that is used to resolve common ancestor version of two versions.
ESBranchVersionSpec Represents a version specifier that is used to identify a branch.
ESDateVersionSpec Represents a version specifier that is based on a date.
ESHeadVersionSpec Represents a version specifier that is used to identify the HEAD version of a branch.
ESPagedUpdateVersionSpec Represents a version specifier that enables the pagination of an update.
ESPrimaryVersionSpec A primary version specifier is a version specifier that has a globally unique number that may be used to identify a specific version.
ESTagVersionSpec Represents a version specifier that identifier a specific tag.
ESVersionFactory A factory for creating version specifiers.
ESVersionSpec Represents a version specifier.

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