Package org.eclipse.emf.emfstore.internal.client.ui.controller

Class Summary
AbstractEMFStoreUIController<T> Abstract UI controller class.
Messages UI controller related messages.
UIAddServerController UI controller for adding a server (also called repository).
UIAddTagController UI controller for creating a tag for a project.
UICheckoutController UI controller for checking out a project.
UICommitProjectController UI-dependent commit controller for committing pending changes on a ESLocalProject.
The controller presents the user a dialog will all changes made before he is able to confirm the commit.
UICompareRevisionsController Compare two HistoryInfos of a ProjectSpace.
UIControllerFactoryImpl Implementation of the UI controller factory.
UICreateBranchController UIController for branch creation.
UICreateLocalProjectController UI controller for creating a local project.
UICreateRemoteProjectController UI controller for creating a remote project.
UIDeleteProjectController UI controller for deleting a local project.
UIDeleteRemoteProjectController UI controller for deleting a project on the server.
UIEditServerPropertiesController UI controller for editing server properties.
UIExportController UI controller for exporting projects project spaces local changes project history of a project the whole workspace.
UIGenericExportImportController Generic UI-specific controller class that is capable of executing both, import and export controller classes.
UIImportController UI controller class for importing projects project spaces changes project history a whole workspace All import calls first open a file selection dialog that enables the user to select the file for import.
UILoginSessionController UI controller for logging a session.
UILogoutSessionController UI controller for logging out a given session.
UIManageOrgUnitsController UI controller for managing org units.
UIMergeController UIController used to merge other branches into the current projectspace.
UIRegisterEPackageController The Class UIRegisterEPackageController.
UIRemoveServerController UI controller for removing a server from the workspace.
UIRemoveTagController UI controller for removing version tags.
UIRevertCommitController UI controller for reverting a commit.
UIRevertOperationController UI controller for reverting any changes upon a ProjectSpace.
UIShareProjectController UI-related controller class that shares a project and displays a progress bar during the share.
UIShowHistoryController UI controller responsible for opening up the history view.
UIShowProjectPropertiesController UI controller for showing the properties of a project via a dialog.
UIUpdateProjectController UI controller for performing a paged update.
UIUpdateProjectToVersionController UI controller for updating a project to a specific version.

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