Package org.eclipse.emf.emfstore.internal.client.model.exceptions

Class Summary
Messages Exception related messages.

Exception Summary
CancelOperationException Is thrown if an operation is cancelled.
ChangeConflictException Exception that represents that there are conflicting changes.
CommitCanceledException If the preparation phase of the commit fails, this exception will be thrown.
EMFStorePropertiesOutdatedException Exception that indicates that some client-side properties are outdated.
IllegalProjectSpaceStateException Indicates that the project space is in an illegal state.
InvalidHandleException Represents an exception where a composite operation handle is not valid any more.
LoginCanceledException If the login fails, this exception will be thrown.
MEUrlResolutionException Represents an exception in model element url resolution.
MissingCommandException Thrown in case the forceCommands extension point option is set and a call altering a model element managed by EMFStore is not wrapped in a command.
NoChangesOnServerException Indicates that there are no changes on the server.
ProjectUrlResolutionException Represents exception in project URL resolution.
PropertyNotFoundException Represents exceptional condition where an OrgUnitProperty cannot be found in project space.
ServerUrlResolutionException Represents exception in resolving server URL, the server has never been used to check out a project yet probably.
UnknownNotificationImplementationException Represents exceptional condition where the used implementation (subclass) of Notification is unknown.
UnkownProjectException Indicates that a project is not part of the current workspace.
UnsupportedNotificationException Represents exceptional condition where the notification is unknown to a receiver.
WorkspaceException Indicates that an exception occurred in the workspace.

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