Interface EMFFormsViewServiceFactory<T>

    • Method Detail

      • getPriority

        double getPriority()
        The priority of the service. The usage of this service is twofold:
        1. A service with a higher priority is more likely to be used if more than one service of the same type is registered.
        2. A service with lower priority is instantiated and thereby executed earlier than other services of all types with higher priorities
        The priority of this service
      • getType

        java.lang.Class<T> getType()
        The type of the actual service provided by this provider.
        The Class of the actual service
      • createService

        T createService​(EMFFormsViewContext emfFormsViewContext)
        Creates a new instance of the provided service.
        emfFormsViewContext - The EMFFormsViewContext to use during the creation of the service
        A new instance of the provided service or null if the service should not be created