Interface EMFFormsDatabinding

    • Method Detail

      • getObservableValue

        org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.value.IObservableValue getObservableValue​(VDomainModelReference domainModelReference,
                                                                                          org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject object)
                                                                                   throws DatabindingFailedException
        Returns an IObservableValue by observing the value described by the given VDomainModelReference of the given EObject.
        domainModelReference - The domain model reference pointing to the desired value
        object - The root object of the rendered form. If the VDomainModelReference contains a path, the object is the first node of the path. Therefore, the IObservableValue can be bound to a feature of a sub element in case of a path.
        The resulting IObservableValue, does not return null.
        DatabindingFailedException - if the databinding could not be executed successfully.
      • getObservableList

        org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.list.IObservableList getObservableList​(VDomainModelReference domainModelReference,
                                                                                       org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject object)
                                                                                throws DatabindingFailedException
        Returns an IObservableList by observing the list described by the given VDomainModelReference of the given EObject.
        domainModelReference - The domain model reference pointing to the desired list
        object - The root object of the rendered form. If the VDomainModelReference contains a path, the object is the first node of the path. Therefore, the IObservableValue can be bound to a feature of a sub element in case of a path.
        The resulting IObservableList, does not return null
        DatabindingFailedException - if the databinding could not be executed successfully.
      • getValueProperty getValueProperty​(VDomainModelReference domainModelReference,
                                                                                    org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject object)
                                                                             throws DatabindingFailedException
        Returns an IValueProperty described by the given VDomainModelReference.
        domainModelReference - The domain model reference pointing to the desired value
        object - The root object of the rendered form. If the VDomainModelReference contains a path, the object is the first node of the path. Therefore, the IValueProperty can be bound to a feature of a sub element in case of a path.
        The resulting IValueProperty, does not return null.
        DatabindingFailedException - if the databinding could not be executed successfully.
      • getListProperty getListProperty​(VDomainModelReference domainModelReference,
                                                                                 org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject object)
                                                                          throws DatabindingFailedException
        Returns an IListProperty described by the given VDomainModelReference.
        domainModelReference - The domain model reference pointing to the desired list
        object - The root object of the rendered form. If the VDomainModelReference contains a path, the object is the first node of the path. Therefore, the IValueProperty can be bound to a feature of a sub element in case of a path.
        The resulting IListProperty, does not return null.
        DatabindingFailedException - if the databinding could not be executed successfully.