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Class orion.commands.Command

A command is an object that describes an action a user can perform, as well as when and what it should look like when presented in various contexts. Commands are identified by a unique id.
Defined in: </shared/eclipse/e4/orion/I201107200200/plugins/org.eclipse.orion.client.core/web/orion/commands.js>.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Constructs a new command with the given options.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
getChoices(items, handler, userData)
Get the appropriate choices using the choiceCallback.
Return a boolean indicating whether this command has a specific image associated with it.
makeChoiceCallback(choice, items)
Make a choice callback appropriate for the given choice and items.
populateChoicesMenu(menu, items, handler, userData)
Populate the specified menu with choices using the choiceCallback.
Class Detail
Constructs a new command with the given options.
{Object} options
The command options object.
the unique id to be used when referring to the command in the command service.
the name to be used when showing the command as text.
{String} options.tooltip
the tooltip description to use when explaining the purpose of the command.
{Function} options.callback
the callback to call when the command is activated. The callback should either perform the command or return a deferred that represents the asynchronous performance of the command. Optional.
{Function} options.hrefcallback
when options.callback is not specfied, this callback is used to retrieve a URL that can be used as the location for a command represented as a hyperlink. The callback should return the URL. In this release, the callback may also return a deferred that will eventually return the URL, but this functionality may not be supported in the future. See Optional.
{Function} options.choicecallback
a callback which retrieves choices that should be shown in a secondary menu from the command itself. Returns a list of choices that supply the name and image to show, and the callback to call when the choice is made. Optional.
{Image} options.image
the image that may be used to represent the callback. A text link will be shown in lieu of an image if no image is supplied. Optional.
{Function} options.visibleWhen
A callback that returns a boolean to indicate whether the command should be visible given a particular set of items that are selected.
Method Detail
getChoices(items, handler, userData)
Get the appropriate choices using the choiceCallback. Used internally by the command service. Not intended to be overridden or called externally.

Return a boolean indicating whether this command has a specific image associated with it. Used internally by the command service. Not intended to be overridden or called externally.

makeChoiceCallback(choice, items)
Make a choice callback appropriate for the given choice and items. Used internally by the command service. Not intended to be overridden or called externally.

populateChoicesMenu(menu, items, handler, userData)
Populate the specified menu with choices using the choiceCallback. Used internally by the command service. Not intended to be overridden or called externally.

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