Install location: file:/opt/public/webtools/tests/patches-R3.2.5-P/eclipse/ Configuration file: file:/opt/public/webtools/tests/patches-R3.2.5-P/eclipse/configuration/config.ini loaded Configuration location: file:/opt/public/webtools/tests/patches-R3.2.5-P/eclipse/configuration/ Framework located: file:/opt/public/webtools/tests/patches-R3.2.5-P/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.osgi_3.6.2.R36x_v20110210.jar Framework classpath: file:/opt/public/webtools/tests/patches-R3.2.5-P/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.osgi_3.6.2.R36x_v20110210.jar Debug options: file:/opt/public/webtools/tests/patches-R3.2.5-P/eclipse/.options not found Time to load bundles: 6 Starting application: 1671 Response from ---------------------------------- Eclipse - The Eclipse Foundation open source community website.
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RSS FeedAnnouncemen ts

2012/10/23 Eclipse Survey: Big d ata, reporting and visualization
The Eclipse Foundation would like to better understand how developers are using Eclipse with big data and reporting projects. Please take a few minutes to answer this four question survey.
2012/10/23 Ecl ipse DemoCamps: November 2012
The Eclipse Community is hosting Demo Camps in cities around the world during November 2012. Sign up now to attend or present at a DemoCamp in your area.
2012/10/11 New Issue of the EclipseCon Europe Newslet ter
The third issue of the EclipseCon Europe Newsletter is out! Read it online here.
2012/10/11 Eclipse DemoCamps: Time to Organize
Sign up now to organize a DemoCamp in your area! For more i nformation, see the November DemoCamp wiki page.
2012/09/26 New Issue of the EclipseCon Europe Newsletter
The second issue of the EclipseCon Europe Newsletter has been published. You can read it online here.

RSS FeedCommunity News

2012/10/23 Google is Eclipse’s Newest Strategic Member
I am very happy to welcome Google as the newest Strategic Member of the Eclipse Foundation. This is important, and exciting news for the Eclipse community. Google will be joining CA Technologies, IBM, Oracle and SAP as the backbone of the Eclipse Foundation’s funding, as each of these companies ar...
2012/10/15 Hands-on with Eclipse Orion
Eclipse Orion is a new IDE designed specifically for web development, and one we’ve covered before at JAXent er. It’s a project with lofty goals: “to make the web itself the development environment, instead of trying to bring existing desktop IDE concepts to the browser”. It’s meant not as ...
2012/10/09 Spring Tool Suite and Groovy/Grails Tool Suite 3.1.0 released
We are happy to announce the next major release of our Eclipse-based tooling today: The Spring Tool Suite (STS) 3.1.0 and the Groovy/Grails Tool Suite (GGTS) 3.1.0.
2012/10/09 Hacking Node on a Raspberry Pi with Orion
With EclipseCon Europe fast approaching we wanted to have some cool demos to show off Orion that were a little out of the ordinary. Given that Orion can provide a UI to the file system of an underlyin g installation it seemed a natural fit to get it running on a headless Raspberry Pi.
2012/09/26 Eclipse's browser IDE Orion showing steady progress in 1.0 M2
Eclipse Orion, the foundation' s latest venture aims to create an web IDE, stocked with tools for developing with JavaScript, CSS, and HTML. It's a completely separate outlet from Eclipse's successful Java IDE - a new codebase, adopting the motto - "Tools for the web, on the webâ" .
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