Install location: file:/opt/public/webtools/tests/patches-R3.2.5-P/eclipse/ Configuration file: file:/opt/public/webtools/tests/patches-R3.2.5-P/eclipse/configuration/config.ini loaded Configuration location: file:/opt/public/webtools/tests/patches-R3.2.5-P/eclipse/configuration/ Framework located: file:/opt/public/webtools/tests/patches-R3.2.5-P/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.osgi_3.6.2.R36x_v20110210.jar Framework classpath: file:/opt/public/webtools/tests/patches-R3.2.5-P/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.osgi_3.6.2.R36x_v20110210.jar Debug options: file:/opt/public/webtools/tests/patches-R3.2.5-P/eclipse/.options not found Time to load bundles: 7 Starting application: 1854 Response from ---------------------------------- Eclipse - The Eclipse Foundation open source community website.
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RSS FeedAnnouncements
2012/08/30 Register for the Eclipse Fall 2012 Training Series
The Ec lipse member companies are pleased to announce the Fall 2012 Training Series. We are pleased to introduce two new courses, Eclipse4 RCP and Building OSGI/RCP with Maven/Tycho.
2012/08/28 Eclipse Webinars: Learning about M2M
Machine- 2-Machine (M2M) or the Internet of Things (IoT) is a technology area and industry that is growing very quickly, has a lot of great potential but I am not sure is understood very well by the software industry.
2012/08/17 Eclipse Testing Day Agenda Available
The third annual Eclipse Testing Day on 5 September in Darmstad t, Germany provides insight into testing for Eclipse applications and in the Eclipse community, including talks from Eclipse users and member companies. The agenda includes lightning talks on areas “beyond” testing and an inter...
2012/08/16 EclipseCon Europe Collaborates with Open Source Think Tank
Ecli pseCon Europe 2012 is partnering with the Open Source Think Tank, October 26-27 in Stuttgart, Germany. This partne rship provides special pricing for those...
2012/08/02 Eclipse Day Krakow Call for Papers
Eclipse Day Krakow is 13 September, and the call for papers is open until 15 August. The event is free, but registration is required.

RSS FeedCommunity News

2012/09/17 DevBoost releases build tool BuildBoost
DevBoost is happy to announce the release of the open-source build tool BuildBoost for Eclipse, OSGi and Java developers. BuildBoost was originally developed for Eclipse-based tools and is now used to build, integrate and deliver multiple open-source tools such as HEDL, JU nitLoop, JaMoPP and EMFText...
2012/08/22 Integrate an external code checker into Eclipse CDT
Codan is the Eclipse CDT (C/C++ Development Tooling) built-in code analysis framework for C/C++ projects. Codan provides infrastru cture to perform static code analysis and comes with ready-to-use problem checkers. With the Eclipse Juno release, Codan was extended to enable developers to automaticall...
2012/08/22 Architexa Toolsuite is Now Available for Free
At Architexa we have been working very hard to help developers examine code and its architecture. In expanding this effort, effective immediately, the Architexa tool suite is available for free.
2012/08/17 Spring Tool Suite (STS) and Groovy/Grails Tool Suite (GGTS) 3.0.0 releases
We a re proud to announce that the newest major release of our Eclipse-based developer tooling is now available. This is a major release not only in terms new features but because of other serious changes like componentization, open-sourcing and the fact that f or the first time we are making multiple...
2012/07/24 New M2M portable project arrives at Eclipse - welcome Mihini
Nobody can really accuse the new Machine-To-Machine (M2M) Industry Working Group of not being productive. Yet another Eclipse project proposal has emerged, hoping to sit alongside messaging protocol project Paho and M2M tools project Koneki.
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