Install location: file:/opt/public/webtools/tests/patches-R3.2.5-P/eclipse/ Configuration file: file:/opt/public/webtools/tests/patches-R3.2.5-P/eclipse/configuration/config.ini loaded Configuration location: file:/opt/public/webtools/tests/patches-R3.2.5-P/eclipse/configuration/ Framework located: file:/opt/public/webtools/tests/patches-R3.2.5-P/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.osgi_3.6.2.R36x_v20110210.jar Framework classpath: file:/opt/public/webtools/tests/patches-R3.2.5-P/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.osgi_3.6.2.R36x_v20110210.jar Debug options: file:/opt/public/webtools/tests/patches-R3.2.5-P/eclipse/.options not found Time to load bundles: 9 Starting application: 1799 Response from ---------------------------------- Eclipse - The Eclipse Foundation open source community website.

RSS FeedAnnouncements

2012/05/17 OSGi Community Event Co-locates with EclipseCon Europe
We are pleased to announce the co-location of the OSGi Community Event 2012 wi th EclipseCon Europe 2012, October 23-25, in Ludwigsburg, Germany. This year's theme for the OSGi Commu...
2012/05/12 Eclipse Day Delft Call for Papers
Eclipse Day Delft will be 27 September in Delft, The Netherlands. Proposals should be emailed to the Eclipse Day Delft Organizers. See the wiki page for details.
2012/05/0 9 Registration Now Open for Eclipse Day Toulouse
Eclipse Day Toulouse is scheduled for May 24 in Toulouse, France. The conference feat ures tracks on embedded development, M2M and OSS business models. Registration is now open.
2012/05/08 EclipseCon Europe Call for Papers
Submissions are open for EclipseCon Europe 2012 . ECE is October 23-25, 2012 in Ludwigsburg, Germany.
2012/04/26 ACM Recognizes Ec lipse with Software System Award
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) announced that Eclipse has been awarded the Software System Award.

RSS FeedCommunity News

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2012/05/11 Gyrex 1.0 sees project leaving Eclipse incubation
Gyrex have announced the release of version 1.0 of the software. With this release, the project moves out of incubation status and becomes a full member project of the...
2012/04/30 Eclipse awarded ACM System Software Award
The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) has awarded Eclipse its prestigious System So ftware Award. The award is given to recognise "developing a software system that has had a lasting influence, reflected in co...
2012/04/ 30 Eclipse Foundation gets ACM honour
Today, the Association for Computing Machinery has announced that Eclipse are the latest recipients of the Software System Award, recognising their decade of influence within the development world.
2012/04/16 Jubula Training Day in Florence, Italy
In conjunction with the Eclipse Day Florence (4th May 2012), BREDEX GmbH and RCP Vision are pleased to offer a Jubula Training Day on May 3r d 2012.
2012/04/11 Introduction to Cloud Foundry Integration for Eclipse 1.0
Cloud Foundry Integration for Eclipse allows users to deploy applications to Cloud Foundry targets f rom either Eclipse IDE JEE Indigo or STS (SpringSource Tool Suite) 2.9.0 or higher.
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