Install location: file:/opt/public/webtools/tests/patches-R3.2.3-P/eclipse/ Configuration file: file:/opt/public/webtools/tests/patches-R3.2.3-P/eclipse/configuration/config.ini loaded Configuration location: file:/opt/public/webtools/tests/patches-R3.2.3-P/eclipse/configuration/ Framework located: file:/opt/public/webtools/tests/patches-R3.2.3-P/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.osgi_3.6.2.R36x_v20110210.jar Framework classpath: file:/opt/public/webtools/tests/patches-R3.2.3-P/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.osgi_3.6.2.R36x_v20110210.jar Debug options: file:/opt/public/webtools/tests/patches-R3.2.3-P/eclipse/.options not found Time to load bundles: 6 Starting application: 1713 Response from ---------------------------------- Eclipse - The Eclipse Foundation open source community website.

RSS FeedAnnouncements

< td>Voting is Open for the Eclipse Community Awards
Nominations for the Eclipse Community Awards are complete and voting has opened for the individual and project category nominees. Congratulations to all the worthy candidates! Show your appreciation to the people that have...
2012/01/26 Program Announced for the OMG/Eclipse Workshop
The Eclips e Foundation and OMG are pleased to announce the program for the third Eclipse/OMG Workshop on open specifications and open source software. The Workshop will occur on Sunday, March 25 in Rest...
2012/01/26 EclipseCon 2 012 Gold Sponsors Announced
The Eclipse Foundation is pleased to announce the Gold sponsors for the upcoming EclipseCon 2012 conference in Reston, Virginia on March 26-29, 2012. Actuate, IBM, Oracle, Red Hat and SAP have all agreed to be the premier sponsors of the annual Eclipse community event.
2012/01/19 Last Week of Nominations for The Eclipse Community Awards 2012
The nomination deadline for the Eclipse Community Awards is Januar y 27, 2012. Don't forget to nominate the individuals or products that were the best in 2011. Winners will be announce at EclipseCon 2012.
2011/12/19 Site Authentication Changes
On Thursday, December 22, 2011, the Eclipse Foundation will be changing the mechanisms it uses to authenticate user access to its various websites, such as Bugzilla, the Forums, and the Wiki. The purpose of this change is to simplify our account management, reduce duplicate accounts and ...

RSS FeedCommunity News

2012/02/01 Creating a build you can trust
‘The build is broken’ is something I’ve heard too many times in my software developme nt career. Concepts like continuous delivery and devops make it all that more important to have a build that you can trust. In the Agile ALM Connect session, Build Trust in Your Build to Deployment Flow ,Yo...
2012/01/27 Dev + Ops = Ge tting Software Deployed Faster (DevOps)
DevOps is one of those terms you hear a LOT about lately but I am not sure it is really well understood. However, if you are going to be successful at Agile ALM it w ould seem natural you would want to bring the operations side of IT closer into the development process. Puppet is one example of an...
201 2/01/27 Eclipse Juno's successor will be named Kepler
The Eclipse Foundation has decided that the name of the successor to Juno, the currently in-development simultaneous release of Eclipse projects, will be Kepler. Almost half of the more than 200 participants that took part in the survey, launch ed in December 2011, chose the German astronomer. This i...
2012/01/26 HTML5 for App Developers: Eclipse
This episode cover how you can use Eclipse, which is a free and open source IDE, to do your HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS work.
2012/01/25 Integrating Lifecycle Tools with OSLC and Eclipse Lyo
Lifecycle tool integration is a key issue for the new breed of tools emerging around the concepts of A gile ALM. Eclipse is a great platform for tools integration on the desktop but how do tools integrate on the server? OSLC and Eclipse Lyo are a specification and open source implementation for s...
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