Maven Signed Native Library Dependencies Summary

This is a tabular summary of the bundle versions available in the p2 update sites for Maven Signed Native Library Dependencies.

A column header or version decorated with indicates a version increase relative to the next/older column.

Bundle Symbolic Name nightly/latest milestone/latest release/4.31.0  release/4.30.0
com.github.jnr.jffi.native 1.3.13.v20240215-1616 1.3.13.v20240215-1616 1.3.13.v20240215-1616  1.3.12.v20230912-1130
com.sun.jna 5.14.0.v20231211-1200 5.14.0.v20231211-1200 5.14.0.v20231211-1200  5.13.0.v20230812-1000