Orbit Build: R20170307180635

The repository offered by this build is a composite of the content seen here and the last 'old' R (Recommended) build. The metadata from that build is not yet fully displayed below so to view it please go to R20160520211859.

Useful Information

In addition to the bundles themselves, the following maps, project sets, and test results are useful for committers and consumers:

Bundle IP Log Information does not exist.
Maven Build Output
P2 Mirror Comparator Output does not exist.
Repo indicator file not found
Repository indicator file not found. Probably a bad build or build script error? Check Ant Build Output.
Test Results do not exist.
Checks OkIP Log XML File Checks: Ok
CBI Repository Analysis Reports

Orbit Build Repository

For HTTP access, a p2 repository for this specific build can be found by adding 'repository' to the end of this download site URL, namely:

Zipped Orbit Build Repository

The following zip file is a compressed-archive version of the above repository, for those that need or desire to have a copy of the whole repository on their local machine:
orbit-buildrepo-R20170307180635.zip (md5) (sha1) (434M)

Individual Bundles


Number of distinct third party packages: 447.
Number of bundles (including different versions): 447.
Total number of bundles (including source): 803.

CQ Bookkeeping

Total number of distinct CQs: 110.
IPZilla list of all CQs

Note: IPZilla is a database for tracking CQs (Contribution Questionnaires) and is only accessible by committers, since in theory they might contain some non-public information. But, don't worry ... if you are not a committer you are not missing anything ... they are pretty dry! These (and the links provided here) are just some aides for committers to double check our book-keeping.

Table of Bundles

BundleSourceVersionOrbit CQOrbit Contact
ch.qos.logback.classic (source) 1.1.2 9124 Gunnar Wagenknecht
ch.qos.logback.core (source) 1.1.2 9123 Gunnar Wagenknecht
ch.qos.logback.slf4j (source) 1.1.2 9124 Gunnar Wagenknecht
com.fasterxml.jackson.core.jackson-annotations (source) 2.6.2 12173 Roland Grunberg
com.fasterxml.jackson.core.jackson-core (source) 2.6.2 12172 Roland Grunberg
com.fasterxml.jackson.core.jackson-databind (source) 2.6.2 12174 Roland Grunberg
com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype.jackson-datatype-guava (source) 2.6.2 12175 Roland Grunberg
com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs.jackson-jaxrs-base (source) 2.6.2 12176 Roland Grunberg
com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs.jackson-jaxrs-json-provider (source) 2.6.2 12177 Roland Grunberg
com.github.jnr.constants (source) 0.9.1 12166 Roland Grunberg
com.github.jnr.enxio (source) 0.12.0 12167 Roland Grunberg
com.github.jnr.ffi (source) 2.0.9 12168 Roland Grunberg
com.github.jnr.jffi (source) 1.2.11 12171 Roland Grunberg
com.github.jnr.jffi.native (source) 1.2.11 12171 Roland Grunberg
com.github.jnr.posix (source) 3.0.29 12169 Roland Grunberg
com.github.jnr.unixsocket (source) 0.12.0 12170 Roland Grunberg
com.google.gson (source) 2.7.0 12314 Dennis Huebner
com.google.guava (source) 21.0.0 12630 Steffen Pingel
com.google.guava (source) 18.0.0 12184 Roland Grunberg
com.google.javascript (source) 0.0.20160315 12299 Gorkem Ercan
com.google.protobuf 2.4.0 5135 Chris Aniszczyk
com.ibm.icu (source) 58.2.0 12471 Roland Grunberg
com.ibm.icu.base (source) 58.2.0 12471 Roland Grunberg
com.jcraft.jsch (source) 0.1.54 12524 Roland Grunberg
com.spotify.docker.client (source) 6.1.1 12758 Roland Grunberg
com.spotify.docker.client (source) 3.6.8 12179 Roland Grunberg
javaewah (source) 1.1.6 11878 Matthias Sohn
javassist 3.13.0.GA 6465 Lazar Kirchev
javax.annotation 1.2.0 7806 Stuart McCulloch
javax.inject 1.0.0 3555 Boris Bokowski
javax.persistence 1.0.0 3261 Tom Ware
javax.servlet 3.1.0 7293 Gunnar Wagenknecht
javax.ws.rs 2.0.1 9485 Roland Grunberg
jnr.x86asm 1.0.2 9630 Roland Grunberg
org.antlr.runtime (source) 4.5.1 10181 Doug Schaefer
org.aopalliance 1.0.0 3087 Oliver Wolf
org.apache.batik.css (source) 1.8.0 12537 Roland Grunberg
org.apache.batik.util (source) 1.8.0 12538 Roland Grunberg
org.apache.batik.util.gui (source) 1.8.0 12539 Roland Grunberg
org.apache.commons.codec (source) 1.9.0 12676 Steffen Pingel
org.apache.commons.compress 1.6.0 7669 Chris Aniszczyk
org.apache.commons.fileupload (source) 1.3.2 12545 Roland Grunberg
org.apache.commons.httpclient 3.1.0 1857 Chris Aniszczyk
org.apache.commons.io 2.2.0 8294 Chris Aniszczyk
org.apache.commons.logging 1.1.1 1907 Chris Aniszczyk
org.apache.commons.math3 (source) 3.5.0 10384 Philip Wenig
org.apache.felix.scr (source) 2.0.8 12557 Thomas Watson
org.apache.httpcomponents.httpclient (source) 4.5.2 12664 Steffen Pingel
org.apache.httpcomponents.httpcore (source) 4.4.6 12682 Steffen Pingel
org.apache.jclouds.api.cloudwatch (source) 1.8.0 9998 Nicholas Loulloudes
org.apache.jclouds.api.ec2 (source) 1.8.0 9997 Nicholas Loulloudes
org.apache.jclouds.api.openstack-cinder (source) 1.8.0 9995 Nicholas Loulloudes
org.apache.jclouds.api.openstack-keystone (source) 1.8.0 9993 Nicholas Loulloudes
org.apache.jclouds.api.openstack-nova (source) 1.8.0 9992 Nicholas Loulloudes
org.apache.jclouds.api.sts (source) 1.8.0 10179 Nicholas Loulloudes
org.apache.jclouds.common.openstack-common (source) 1.8.0 10135 Nicholas Loulloudes
org.apache.jclouds.driver.jclouds-slf4j (source) 1.8.0 9991 Nicholas Loulloudes
org.apache.jclouds.jclouds-blobstore (source) 1.8.0 10178 Nicholas Loulloudes
org.apache.jclouds.jclouds-compute (source) 1.8.0 10242 Nicholas Loulloudes
org.apache.jclouds.jclouds-core (source) 1.8.0 10183 Nicholas Loulloudes
org.apache.jclouds.jclouds-scriptbuilder (source) 1.8.0 10177 Nicholas Loulloudes
org.apache.jclouds.labs.docker (source) 1.8.0 9999 Nicholas Loulloudes
org.apache.jclouds.labs.openstack-neutron (source) 1.8.0 9994 Nicholas Loulloudes
org.apache.lucene.analyzers-common (source) 6.1.0 12106 Roland Grunberg
org.apache.lucene.analyzers-common (source) 5.2.1 10146 Roland Grunberg
org.apache.lucene.analyzers-smartcn (source) 6.1.0 12107 Roland Grunberg
org.apache.lucene.analyzers-smartcn (source) 5.2.1 10147 Roland Grunberg
org.apache.lucene.core (source) 5.2.1 10145 Roland Grunberg
org.apache.lucene.core (source) 6.1.0 12105 Roland Grunberg
org.apache.lucene.misc (source) 6.1.0 12108 Roland Grunberg
org.apache.lucene.queries (source) 5.2.1 12009 Andreas Sewe
org.apache.lucene.queryparser (source) 6.1.0 12109 Roland Grunberg
org.apache.lucene.queryparser (source) 5.2.1 10148 Roland Grunberg
org.apache.onami.configuration (source) 6.3.0 10220 Nicholas Loulloudes
org.apache.ws.commons.util (source) 1.0.2 11780 Erwin De Ley
org.apache.xmlrpc.client (source) 3.1.3 11780 Erwin De Ley
org.apache.xmlrpc.common (source) 3.1.3 11780 Erwin De Ley
org.apache.xmlrpc.server (source) 3.1.3 11780 Erwin De Ley
org.assertj (source) 1.7.1 9238 Lars Vogel
org.bouncycastle.bcpg (source) 1.52.0 10234 Matthias Sohn
org.bouncycastle.bcpkix (source) 1.52.0 10233 Matthias Sohn
org.bouncycastle.bcprov (source) 1.52.0 10235 Matthias Sohn
org.eclipse.orbit.mongodb (source) 3.2.2 12388 Rjesh Goteti
org.freemarker (source) 2.3.22 10180 Doug Schaefer
org.glassfish.hk2.api (source) 2.5.0 10884 Gunnar Wagenknecht
org.glassfish.hk2.locator (source) 2.5.0 10888 Gunnar Wagenknecht
org.glassfish.hk2.osgi-resource-locator (source) 2.5.0 10890 Gunnar Wagenknecht
org.glassfish.hk2.utils (source) 2.5.0 10886 Gunnar Wagenknecht
org.glassfish.jersey.apache.connector (source) 2.22.1 10866 Gunnar Wagenknecht
org.glassfish.jersey.bundles.repackaged.jersey-guava (source) 2.22.1 10879 Gunnar Wagenknecht
org.glassfish.jersey.containers.servlet (source) 2.22.1 10863 Gunnar Wagenknecht
org.glassfish.jersey.containers.servlet.core (source) 2.22.1 10863 Gunnar Wagenknecht
org.glassfish.jersey.core.jersey-client (source) 2.22.1 10863 Gunnar Wagenknecht
org.glassfish.jersey.core.jersey-common (source) 2.22.1 10863 Gunnar Wagenknecht
org.glassfish.jersey.core.jersey-server (source) 2.22.1 10863 Gunnar Wagenknecht
org.glassfish.jersey.ext.entityfiltering (source) 2.22.1 10871 Gunnar Wagenknecht
org.glassfish.jersey.media.jersey-media-json-jackson (source) 2.22.1 12178 Roland Grunberg
org.hamcrest.core 1.3.0 7067 David Williams
org.jacoco.agent (source) 0.7.9 12668 Evgeny Mandrikov
org.jacoco.core (source) 0.7.9 12669 Evgeny Mandrikov
org.jacoco.report (source) 0.7.9 12670 Evgeny Mandrikov
org.jcodings (source) 1.0.18 12856 Mickael Istria
org.joni (source) 2.1.11 12818 Mickael Istria
org.junit 4.12.0 9298 David Williams
org.kohsuke.args4j (source) 2.33.0 11142 Matthias Sohn
org.objectweb.asm (source) 5.2.0 12454 Evgeny Mandrikov
org.objectweb.asm.analysis (source) 5.2.0 12561 Evgeny Mandrikov
org.objectweb.asm.commons (source) 5.2.0 12558 Evgeny Mandrikov
org.objectweb.asm.tree (source) 5.2.0 12559 Evgeny Mandrikov
org.objectweb.asm.util (source) 5.2.0 12560 Evgeny Mandrikov
org.objectweb.asm.xml (source) 5.2.0 12562 Evgeny Mandrikov
org.slf4j.api (source) 1.7.10 9134 Gunnar Wagenknecht
org.slf4j.apis.jcl (source) 1.7.10 9136 Gunnar Wagenknecht
org.slf4j.apis.log4j (source) 1.7.10 9137 Gunnar Wagenknecht
org.slf4j.binding.nop (source) 1.7.10 9139 Gunnar Wagenknecht
org.slf4j.binding.simple (source) 1.7.10 9138 Gunnar Wagenknecht
org.slf4j.bridge.jul (source) 1.7.10 9140 Gunnar Wagenknecht
org.slf4j.ext (source) 1.7.10 9135 Gunnar Wagenknecht
org.tukaani.xz (source) 1.5.0 12479 Roland Grunberg
org.w3c.css.sac 1.3.1 2166 Anthony Hunter

Note: entries marked with 'unzip' are intented to be unzipped in a normal IDE environment, to work as intended (even though the file to download is a jar file).

Warning: include(./commonFiles/footerSUA.html): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /localsite/orbit/scripts/iplog.php on line 307 Warning: include(): Failed opening './commonFiles/footerSUA.html' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/share/php5:/usr/share/php5/PEAR') in /localsite/orbit/scripts/iplog.php on line 307 Warning: include(./commonFiles/footerWebmaster.html): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /localsite/orbit/scripts/iplog.php on line 308 Warning: include(): Failed opening './commonFiles/footerWebmaster.html' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/share/php5:/usr/share/php5/PEAR') in /localsite/orbit/scripts/iplog.php on line 308