Package org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.matchers

Class Summary
AbstractMatcher<T> A matcher that logs the result of matches.
AllOf<T> A matcher that evaluates to true if and only if all the matchers evaluate to true.
AnyOf<T> A matcher that evaluates to true if any the matchers evaluate to true.
InGroup<T extends Widget> Tells if a particular widget is within a Group with the specified text.
InUIThread<T extends Widget> Deprecated. this has been deprecated and will be removed in future releases of swtbot
WidgetOfType<T extends Widget> Tells if a particular widget is of a specified type.
WithId<T extends Widget> Tells if a particular widget has value for the given key.
WithItem<T extends Item>  
WithLabel<T extends Widget> Tells if a particular widget has a label with the specified text.
WithMnemonic<T extends Widget> Matches Widgets with the specified text.
WithRegex<T extends Widget> Matches widgets if the getText() method of the widget matches the specified regex.
WithStyle<T extends Widget> Matches if the widget has the specified style bits set.
WithText<T extends Widget> Matches widgets if the getText() method of the widget matches the specified text.
WithTooltip<T extends Widget> Matches widgets if the getToolTipText() method of the widget matches the specified text.