Interface AccessibleTextListener

  • All Known Subinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    AccessibleTextAdapter, AccessibleTextExtendedAdapter

    public interface AccessibleTextListener
    Classes that implement this interface provide methods that deal with the events that are generated when an accessibility client sends a message to a control.

    After creating an instance of a class that implements this interface it can be added to a control using the addAccessibleTextListener method and removed using the removeAccessibleTextListener method. When a client requests information the appropriate method will be invoked.

    Note: Accessibility clients use child identifiers to specify whether they want information about a control or one of its children. Child identifiers are increasing integers beginning with 0. The identifier CHILDID_SELF represents the control itself.

    Note: This interface is typically used by implementors of a custom control to provide very detailed information about the control instance to accessibility clients.

    See Also:
    AccessibleTextAdapter, AccessibleTextEvent
    • Method Detail

      • getCaretOffset

        void getCaretOffset​(AccessibleTextEvent e)
        Sent when an accessibility client requests the current character offset of the text caret.

        Return the caret offset in the offset field of the event object.

        e - an event object containing the following fields:
        • childID [IN] - an identifier specifying a child of the control
        • offset [OUT] - the current offset of the text caret
      • getSelectionRange

        void getSelectionRange​(AccessibleTextEvent e)
        Sent when an accessibility client requests the range of the current text selection.

        Return the selection start offset and non-negative length in the offset and length fields of the event object.

        e - an event object containing the following fields:
        • childID [IN] - an identifier specifying a child of the control
        • offset [OUT] - the offset of the current text selection
        • length [OUT] - the length of the current text selection