Interface KeyListener

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface KeyListener
    Classes which implement this interface provide methods that deal with the events that are generated as keys are pressed on the system keyboard.

    After creating an instance of a class that implements this interface it can be added to a control using the addKeyListener method and removed using the removeKeyListener method. When a key is pressed or released, the appropriate method will be invoked.

    See Also:
    KeyAdapter, KeyEvent
    • Method Detail

      • keyPressed

        void keyPressed​(KeyEvent e)
        Sent when a key is pressed on the system keyboard.
        e - an event containing information about the key press
      • keyReleased

        void keyReleased​(KeyEvent e)
        Sent when a key is released on the system keyboard.
        e - an event containing information about the key release