Class SWT

  • public class SWT
    extends java.lang.Object
    This class provides access to a small number of SWT system-wide methods, and in addition defines the public constants provided by SWT.

    By defining constants like UP and DOWN in a single class, SWT can share common names and concepts at the same time minimizing the number of classes, names and constants for the application programmer.

    Note that some of the constants provided by this class represent optional, appearance related aspects of widgets which are available either only on some window systems, or for a differing set of widgets on each window system. These constants are marked as HINTs. The set of widgets which support a particular HINT may change from release to release, although we typically will not withdraw support for a HINT once it is made available.

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static int ABORT
      The MessageBox style constant for an ABORT button; the only valid combination is ABORT|RETRY|IGNORE (value is 1<<9).
      static int Activate
      The activate event type (value is 26).
      static int ALL
      A constant indicating that a given operation should be performed on all widgets (value is 1<<0).
      static int ALT
      keyboard and/or mouse event mask indicating that the ALT key was pushed on the keyboard when the event was generated (value is 1<<16).
      static int APPLICATION_MODAL
      Style constant for application modal behavior (value is 1<<16).
      static int Arm
      The arm event type (value is 30).
      static int ARROW
      Style constant for arrow button behavior (value is 1<<2).
      static int ARROW_DOWN
      Keyboard event constant representing the DOWN ARROW key (value is (1<<24)+2).
      static int ARROW_LEFT
      Keyboard event constant representing the LEFT ARROW key (value is (1<<24)+3).
      static int ARROW_RIGHT
      Keyboard event constant representing the RIGHT ARROW key (value is (1<<24)+4).
      static int ARROW_UP
      Keyboard event constant representing the UP ARROW key (value is (1<<24)+1).
      static int BACKGROUND
      Event detail field that indicates a user-interface component draws the background (value is 1<<3).
      static int BALLOON
      Style constant for balloon behavior (value is 1<<12).
      static int BAR
      Style constant for menu bar behavior (value is 1<<1).
      static int BEGINNING
      Style constant for vertical alignment or orientation behavior (value is 1).
      static int BOLD
      The font style constant indicating a bold weight font (value is 1<<0).
      static int BORDER
      Style constant for bordered behavior (value is 1<<11).
      static int BOTTOM
      Style constant for align bottom behavior (value is 1<<10, since align DOWN and align BOTTOM are considered the same).
      static int BREAK
      Keyboard event constant representing the break key (value is (1<<24)+86).
      static char BS
      ASCII character convenience constant for the backspace character (value is the char '\b').
      static int BUTTON_MASK
      Keyboard and/or mouse event mask indicating all possible mouse buttons.
      static int BUTTON1
      Keyboard and/or mouse event mask indicating that mouse button one was pushed when the event was generated.
      static int BUTTON2
      Keyboard and/or mouse event mask indicating that mouse button two was pushed when the event was generated.
      static int BUTTON3
      Keyboard and/or mouse event mask indicating that mouse button three was pushed when the event was generated.
      static int BUTTON4
      Keyboard and/or mouse event mask indicating that mouse button four was pushed when the event was generated.
      static int BUTTON5
      Keyboard and/or mouse event mask indicating that mouse button five was pushed when the event was generated.
      static int CALENDAR
      Style constant for calendar display (value is 1<<10).
      static int CANCEL
      The MessageBox style constant for a CANCEL button; valid combinations are OK|CANCEL, YES|NO|CANCEL, RETRY|CANCEL (value is 1<<8).
      static int CAP_FLAT
      Line drawing style for flat end caps (value is 1).
      static int CAP_ROUND
      Line drawing style for rounded end caps (value is 2).
      static int CAP_SQUARE
      Line drawing style for square end caps (value is 3).
      static int CAPS_LOCK
      Keyboard event constant representing the caps lock key (value is (1<<24)+82).
      static int CASCADE
      Style constant for cascade behavior (value is 1<<6).
      static int CENTER
      Style constant for align center behavior (value is 1<<24).
      static int CHANGED
      A constant indicating that widgets have changed.
      static int CHECK
      Style constant for check box behavior (value is 1<<5).
      static int CLIP_CHILDREN
      Style constant indicating that the window manager should clip a widget's children with respect to its viewable area.
      static int CLIP_SIBLINGS
      Style constant indicating that the window manager should clip a widget's siblings with respect to its viewable area.
      static int Close
      The close event type (value is 21).
      static int CLOSE
      Style constant for close box trim (value is 1<<6, since we do not distinguish between CLOSE style and MENU style).
      static int Collapse
      The collapse event type (value is 18).
      static int COLOR_BLACK
      Default color black (value is 2).
      static int COLOR_BLUE
      Default color blue (value is 9).
      static int COLOR_CYAN
      Default color cyan (value is 13).
      static int COLOR_DARK_BLUE
      Default color dark blue (value is 10).
      static int COLOR_DARK_CYAN
      Default color dark cyan (value is 14).
      static int COLOR_DARK_GRAY
      Default color dark gray (value is 16).
      static int COLOR_DARK_GREEN
      Default color dark green (value is 6).
      static int COLOR_DARK_MAGENTA
      Default color dark magenta (value is 12).
      static int COLOR_DARK_RED
      Default color dark red (value is 4).
      static int COLOR_DARK_YELLOW
      Default color dark yellow (value is 8).
      static int COLOR_GRAY
      Default color gray (value is 15).
      static int COLOR_GREEN
      Default color green (value is 5).
      static int COLOR_INFO_BACKGROUND
      System color used to paint tooltip background areas (value is 29).
      static int COLOR_INFO_FOREGROUND
      System color used to paint tooltip text (value is 28).
      static int COLOR_LIST_BACKGROUND
      System color used to paint list background areas (value is 25).
      static int COLOR_LIST_FOREGROUND
      System color used to paint list foreground areas (value is 24).
      static int COLOR_LIST_SELECTION
      System color used to paint list selection background areas (value is 26).
      System color used to paint list selected text (value is 27).
      static int COLOR_MAGENTA
      Default color magenta (value is 11).
      static int COLOR_RED
      Default color red (value is 3).
      System color used to paint title background areas (value is 31).
      System color used to paint title background gradient (value is 32).
      System color used to paint title text (value is 30).
      System color used to paint inactive title background areas (value is 34).
      System color used to paint inactive title background gradient (value is 35).
      System color used to paint inactive title text (value is 33).
      static int COLOR_TRANSPARENT
      System color used to paint with alpha 0 (value is 37).
      static int COLOR_WHITE
      Default color white (value is 1).
      System color used to paint background areas (value is 22).
      static int COLOR_WIDGET_BORDER
      System color used to paint border areas (value is 23).
      System color used to paint dark shadow areas (value is 17).
      System color used to paint foreground areas (value is 21).
      System color used to paint highlight shadow areas (value is 20).
      System color used to paint light shadow areas (value is 19).
      System color used to paint normal shadow areas (value is 18).
      static int COLOR_YELLOW
      Default color yellow (value is 7).
      static int COMMAND
      Keyboard and/or mouse event mask indicating that the COMMAND key was pushed on the keyboard when the event was generated (value is 1<<22).
      static int CONTROL
      Keyboard and/or mouse event mask indicating that the CTRL key was pushed on the keyboard when the event was generated.
      static char CR
      ASCII character convenience constant for the carriage return character (value is the char '\r').
      static int CTRL
      Keyboard and/or mouse event mask indicating that the CTRL key was pushed on the keyboard when the event was generated (value is 1<<18).
      static int CURSOR_APPSTARTING
      System app startup cursor (value is 3).
      static int CURSOR_ARROW
      System arrow cursor (value is 0).
      static int CURSOR_CROSS
      System cross hair cursor (value is 2).
      static int CURSOR_HAND
      System hand cursor (value is 21).
      static int CURSOR_HELP
      System help cursor (value is 4).
      static int CURSOR_IBEAM
      System i-beam cursor (value is 19).
      static int CURSOR_NO
      System "not allowed" cursor (value is 20).
      static int CURSOR_SIZEALL
      System resize all directions cursor (value is 5).
      static int CURSOR_SIZEE
      System resize east cursor (value is 12).
      static int CURSOR_SIZEN
      System resize north cursor (value is 10).
      static int CURSOR_SIZENE
      System resize north-east cursor (value is 14).
      static int CURSOR_SIZENESW
      System resize north-east-south-west cursor (value is 6).
      static int CURSOR_SIZENS
      System resize north-south cursor (value is 7).
      static int CURSOR_SIZENW
      System resize north-west cursor (value is 17).
      static int CURSOR_SIZENWSE
      System resize north-west-south-east cursor (value is 8).
      static int CURSOR_SIZES
      System resize south cursor (value is 11).
      static int CURSOR_SIZESE
      System resize south-east cursor (value is 15).
      static int CURSOR_SIZESW
      System resize south-west cursor (value is 16).
      static int CURSOR_SIZEW
      System resize west cursor (value is 13).
      static int CURSOR_SIZEWE
      System resize west-east cursor (value is 9).
      static int CURSOR_UPARROW
      System up arrow cursor (value is 18).
      static int CURSOR_WAIT
      System wait cursor (value is 1).
      static int DATE
      Style constant for date display (value is 1<<5).
      static int Deactivate
      The deactivate event type (value is 27).
      static int DEFAULT
      Indicates that a default should be used (value is -1).
      static int DefaultSelection
      The default selection event type (value is 14).
      static int DEFER
      A constant indicating that a given operation should be deferred.
      static char DEL
      ASCII character convenience constant for the delete character (value is the char with value 127).
      static int DIALOG_TRIM
      Trim style convenience constant for the most common dialog shell appearance (value is CLOSE|TITLE|BORDER).
      static int Dispose
      The dispose event type (value is 12).
      static int DM_FILL_BACKGROUND
      GIF image disposal method constants indicating that the the previous images should be covered with the background color before displaying the next image (value is 2).
      static int DM_FILL_NONE
      GIF image disposal method constants indicating that the disposal method is to do nothing; that is, to leave the previous image in place (value is 1).
      static int DM_FILL_PREVIOUS
      GIF image disposal method constants indicating that the disposal method is to restore the previous picture (value is 3).
      static int DM_UNSPECIFIED
      GIF image disposal method constants indicating that the disposal method is unspecified (value is 0).
      static int DOUBLE_BUFFERED
      Style constant to indicate double buffering (value is 1<<29).
      static int DOWN
      Style constant for align down behavior (value is 1<<10, since align DOWN and align BOTTOM are considered the same).
      static int DRAG
      Indicates that a user-interface component is being dragged, for example dragging the thumb of a scroll bar (value is 1).
      static int DragDetect
      The drag detect event type (value is 29).
      static int DRAW_DELIMITER
      Draw constant indicating whether the string drawing operation should handle line-delimiters (value is 1<<1).
      static int DRAW_MNEMONIC
      Draw constant indicating whether the string drawing operation should handle mnemonics (value is 1<<3).
      static int DRAW_TAB
      Draw constant indicating whether the string drawing operation should expand TAB characters (value is 1<<2).
      static int DRAW_TRANSPARENT
      Draw constant indicating whether the drawing operation should fill the background (value is 1<<0).
      static int DROP_DOWN
      Style constant for drop down menu/list behavior (value is 1<<2).
      static int END
      Keyboard event constant representing the END key (value is (1<<24)+8).
      static int ERROR
      Constant to indicate an error state (value is 1).
      static int ERROR_CANNOT_BE_ZERO
      SWT error constant indicating that a value which can not be zero was found to be (value is 7).
      static int ERROR_CANNOT_GET_COUNT
      SWT error constant indicating that the underlying operating system was unable to provide count information (value is 36).
      SWT error constant indicating that the underlying operating system was unable to provide enabled/disabled state information (value is 31).
      static int ERROR_CANNOT_GET_ITEM
      SWT error constant indicating that the underlying operating system was unable to provide the value of an item (value is 8).
      SWT error constant indicating that the underlying operating system was unable to provide the height of an item (value is 11).
      SWT error constant indicating that the underlying operating system was unable to provide the selection (value is 9).
      static int ERROR_CANNOT_GET_TEXT
      SWT error constant indicating that the underlying operating system was unable to provide the text of a widget (value is 12).
      SWT error constant indicating that the matrix is not invertible (value is 10).
      SWT error constant indicating that the underlying operating system was unable to set the enabled state (value is 30).
      static int ERROR_CANNOT_SET_MENU
      SWT error constant indicating that the underlying operating system was unable to set the menu (value is 29).
      SWT error constant indicating that the underlying operating system was unable to set the selection of a widget (value is 28).
      static int ERROR_CANNOT_SET_TEXT
      SWT error constant indicating that the underlying operating system was unable to set the text of a widget (value is 13).
      static int ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED
      SWT error constant indicating that an attempt was made to invoke an SWT operation using a device which had already been disposed (value is 45).
      static int ERROR_FAILED_EVALUATE
      SWT error constant indicating that an exception happened when evaluating a javascript expression (value is 50).
      static int ERROR_FAILED_EXEC
      SWT error constant indicating that an exception happened when executing a runnable (value is 46).
      SWT error constant indicating that an unsatisfied link error occurred while attempting to load a library (value is 47).
      SWT error constant indicating that an attempt was made to use an BrowserFunction object which had already been disposed (value is 49).
      SWT error constant indicating that an attempt was made to invoke an SWT operation using a graphics object which had already been disposed (value is 44).
      SWT error constant indicating that an invalid argument was passed in (value is 5).
      static int ERROR_INVALID_FONT
      SWT error constant indicating that a font is not valid (value is 48).
      static int ERROR_INVALID_IMAGE
      SWT error constant indicating that a graphics operation was attempted with an image having an invalid format (value is 40).
      static int ERROR_INVALID_PARENT
      SWT error constant indicating that a provided widget can not be used as a parent in the current operation (value is 32).
      static int ERROR_INVALID_RANGE
      SWT error constant indicating that a value was found to be outside the allowable range (value is 6).
      SWT error constant indicating that an invalid value was returned (value is 51).
      SWT error constant indicating that an attempt was made to subclass an SWT widget class without implementing the checkSubclass() method (value is 43).
      static int ERROR_IO
      SWT error constant indicating that an input/output operation failed during the execution of an SWT operation (value is 39).
      static int ERROR_ITEM_NOT_ADDED
      SWT error constant indicating that the underlying operating system was unable to add an item (value is 14).
      static int ERROR_ITEM_NOT_REMOVED
      SWT error constant indicating that the underlying operating system was unable to remove an item (value is 15).
      static int ERROR_MENU_NOT_BAR
      SWT error constant indicating that a menu which needed to have the menu bar style had some other style instead (value is 33).
      static int ERROR_MENU_NOT_DROP_DOWN
      SWT error constant indicating that a menu which needed to have the drop down style had some other style instead (value is 21).
      static int ERROR_MENU_NOT_POP_UP
      SWT error constant indicating that a menu which needed to have the pop up menu style had some other style instead (value is 37).
      SWT error constant indicating that a menu item which needed to have the cascade style had some other style instead (value is 27).
      SWT error constant indicating that the graphics library is not available (value is 16).
      static int ERROR_NO_HANDLES
      SWT error constant indicating that no more handles for an operating system resource are available (value is 2).
      static int ERROR_NO_MORE_CALLBACKS
      SWT error constant indicating that no more callback resources are available (value is 3).
      static int ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED
      SWT error constant indicating that a particular feature has not been implemented on this platform (value is 20).
      static int ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT
      SWT error constant indicating that a null argument was passed in (value is 4).
      SWT error constant indicating that an attempt was made to invoke an SWT operation which can only be executed by the user-interface thread from some other thread (value is 22).
      static int ERROR_UNSPECIFIED
      SWT error constant indicating that no error number was specified (value is 1).
      SWT error constant indicating that a graphics operation was attempted with an image of an unsupported depth (value is 38).
      SWT error constant indicating that a graphics operation was attempted with an image having a valid but unsupported format (value is 42).
      static int ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED
      SWT error constant indicating that an attempt was made to invoke an SWT operation using a widget which had already been disposed (value is 24).
      static char ESC
      ASCII character convenience constant for the escape character (value is the char with value 27).
      static int Expand
      The expand event type (value is 17).
      static int F1
      Keyboard event constant representing the F1 key (value is (1<<24)+10).
      static int F10
      Keyboard event constant representing the F10 key (value is (1<<24)+19).
      static int F11
      Keyboard event constant representing the F11 key (value is (1<<24)+20).
      static int F12
      Keyboard event constant representing the F12 key (value is (1<<24)+21).
      static int F13
      Keyboard event constant representing the F13 key (value is (1<<24)+22).
      static int F14
      Keyboard event constant representing the F14 key (value is (1<<24)+23).
      static int F15
      Keyboard event constant representing the F15 key (value is (1<<24)+24).
      static int F16
      Keyboard event constant representing the F16 key (value is (1<<25)+25).
      static int F17
      Keyboard event constant representing the F17 key (value is (1<<26)+26).
      static int F18
      Keyboard event constant representing the F18 key (value is (1<<27)+27).
      static int F19
      Keyboard event constant representing the F19 key (value is (1<<28)+28).
      static int F2
      Keyboard event constant representing the F2 key (value is (1<<24)+11).
      static int F20
      Keyboard event constant representing the F20 key (value is (1<<29)+29).
      static int F3
      Keyboard event constant representing the F3 key (value is (1<<24)+12).
      static int F4
      Keyboard event constant representing the F4 key (value is (1<<24)+13).
      static int F5
      Keyboard event constant representing the F5 key (value is (1<<24)+14).
      static int F6
      Keyboard event constant representing the F6 key (value is (1<<24)+15).
      static int F7
      Keyboard event constant representing the F7 key (value is (1<<24)+16).
      static int F8
      Keyboard event constant representing the F8 key (value is (1<<24)+17).
      static int F9
      Keyboard event constant representing the F9 key (value is (1<<24)+18).
      static int FILL
      Style constant for vertical alignment or orientation behavior (value is 4).
      static int FLAT
      Style constant for flat appearance.
      static int FOCUSED
      Event detail field that indicates a user-interface component state is focused (value is 1<<2).
      static int FocusIn
      The focus in event type (value is 15).
      static int FocusOut
      The focus out event type (value is 16).
      static int FOREGROUND
      Event detail field that indicates a user-interface component draws the foreground (value is 1<<4).
      static int FULL_SELECTION
      Style constant for full row selection behavior and selection constant indicating that a full line should be drawn.
      static int GESTURE_BEGIN
      Gesture event detail field value indicating that a continuous gesture is about to begin.
      static int GESTURE_END
      Gesture event detail field value indicating that a continuous gesture has ended.
      static int GESTURE_MAGNIFY
      Gesture event detail field value indicating that a magnification gesture has happened.
      static int GESTURE_PAN
      Gesture event detail field value indicating that a panning (two-finger scroll) gesture has happened.
      static int GESTURE_ROTATE
      Gesture event detail field value indicating that a rotation gesture has happened.
      static int GESTURE_SWIPE
      Gesture event detail field value indicating that a swipe gesture has happened.
      static int H_SCROLL
      Style constant for horizontal scrollbar behavior (value is 1<<8).
      static int Help
      The help event type (value is 28).
      static int HELP
      Keyboard event constant representing the help key (value is (1<<24)+81).
      static int Hide
      The hide event type (value is 23).
      static int HIDE_SELECTION
      Style constant for selection hiding behavior when the widget loses focus (value is 1<<15).
      static int HOME
      Keyboard event constant representing the HOME key (value is (1<<24)+7).
      static int HORIZONTAL
      Style constant for horizontal alignment or orientation behavior (value is 1<<8).
      static int HOT
      Event detail field that indicates a user-interface component state is hot (value is 1<<5).
      static int ICON_CANCEL
      The style constant for "cancel" icon.
      static int ICON_ERROR
      The MessageBox style constant for error icon behavior (value is 1).
      static int ICON_INFORMATION
      The MessageBox style constant for information icon behavior (value is 1<<1).
      static int ICON_QUESTION
      The MessageBox style constant for question icon behavior (value is 1<<2).
      static int ICON_SEARCH
      The style constant for "search" icon.
      static int ICON_WARNING
      The MessageBox style constant for warning icon behavior (value is 1<<3).
      static int ICON_WORKING
      The MessageBox style constant for "working" icon behavior (value is 1<<4).
      static int ID_ABOUT
      ID for the About menu item (value is -1).
      static int ID_HIDE
      ID for the Hide menu item (value is -3).
      static int ID_HIDE_OTHERS
      ID for the Hide Others menu item (value is -4).
      static int ID_PREFERENCES
      ID for the Preferences menu item (value is -2).
      static int ID_QUIT
      ID for the Quit menu item (value is -6).
      static int ID_SHOW_ALL
      ID for the Show All menu item (value is -5).
      static int IGNORE
      The MessageBox style constant for an IGNORE button; the only valid combination is ABORT|RETRY|IGNORE (value is 1<<11).
      static int IMAGE_BMP
      Image format constant indicating a Windows BMP format image (value is 0).
      static int IMAGE_BMP_RLE
      Image format constant indicating a run-length encoded Windows BMP format image (value is 1).
      static int IMAGE_COPY
      The Image constructor argument indicating that the new image should be a copy of the image provided as an argument (value is 0).
      static int IMAGE_DISABLE
      The Image constructor argument indicating that the new image should have the appearance of a "disabled" (using the platform's rules for how this should look) copy of the image provided as an argument (value is 1).
      static int IMAGE_GIF
      Image format constant indicating a GIF format image (value is 2).
      static int IMAGE_GRAY
      The Image constructor argument indicating that the new image should have the appearance of a "gray scaled" copy of the image provided as an argument (value is 2).
      static int IMAGE_ICO
      Image format constant indicating a ICO format image (value is 3).
      static int IMAGE_JPEG
      Image format constant indicating a JPEG format image (value is 4).
      static int IMAGE_OS2_BMP
      Image format constant indicating an OS/2 BMP format image (value is 7).
      static int IMAGE_PNG
      Image format constant indicating a PNG format image (value is 5).
      static int IMAGE_TIFF
      Image format constant indicating a TIFF format image (value is 6).
      static int IMAGE_UNDEFINED
      Image format constant indicating an unknown image type (value is -1).
      static int INDETERMINATE
      Style constant for progress bar behavior (value is 1<<1).
      static int INHERIT_DEFAULT
      The Composite constant to indicate that an attribute (such as background) is inherited by children who choose this value as their "default" (value is 1).
      static int INHERIT_FORCE
      The Composite constant to indicate that an attribute (such as background) is inherited by all children.
      static int INHERIT_NONE
      The Composite constant to indicate that an attribute (such as background) is not inherited by the children (value is 0).
      static int INSERT
      Keyboard event constant representing the INSERT key (value is (1<<24)+9).
      static int ITALIC
      The font style constant indicating an italic font (value is 1<<1).
      static int JOIN_BEVEL
      Line drawing style for bevel joins (value is 3).
      static int JOIN_MITER
      Line drawing style for miter joins (value is 1).
      static int JOIN_ROUND
      Line drawing style for rounded joins (value is 2).
      static int KEY_MASK
      Accelerator constant used to extract the key stroke portion of an accelerator.
      static int KEYCODE_BIT
      Accelerator constant used to differentiate a key code from a unicode character.
      static int KeyDown
      The key down event type (value is 1).
      static int KEYPAD_0
      Keyboard event constant representing the numeric key pad zero key (value is (1<<24)+48).
      static int KEYPAD_1
      Keyboard event constant representing the numeric key pad one key (value is (1<<24)+49).
      static int KEYPAD_2
      Keyboard event constant representing the numeric key pad two key (value is (1<<24)+50).
      static int KEYPAD_3
      Keyboard event constant representing the numeric key pad three key (value is (1<<24)+51).
      static int KEYPAD_4
      Keyboard event constant representing the numeric key pad four key (value is (1<<24)+52).
      static int KEYPAD_5
      Keyboard event constant representing the numeric key pad five key (value is (1<<24)+53).
      static int KEYPAD_6
      Keyboard event constant representing the numeric key pad six key (value is (1<<24)+54).
      static int KEYPAD_7
      Keyboard event constant representing the numeric key pad seven key (value is (1<<24)+55).
      static int KEYPAD_8
      Keyboard event constant representing the numeric key pad eight key (value is (1<<24)+56).
      static int KEYPAD_9
      Keyboard event constant representing the numeric key pad nine key (value is (1<<24)+57).
      static int KEYPAD_ADD
      Keyboard event constant representing the numeric key pad add key (value is (1<<24)+43).
      static int KEYPAD_CR
      Keyboard event constant representing the numeric key pad enter key (value is (1<<24)+80).
      static int KEYPAD_DECIMAL
      Keyboard event constant representing the numeric key pad decimal key (value is (1<<24)+46).
      static int KEYPAD_DIVIDE
      Keyboard event constant representing the numeric key pad divide key (value is (1<<24)+47).
      static int KEYPAD_EQUAL
      Keyboard event constant representing the numeric key pad equal key (value is (1<<24)+61).
      static int KEYPAD_MULTIPLY
      Keyboard event constant representing the numeric key pad multiply key (value is (1<<24)+42).
      static int KEYPAD_SUBTRACT
      Keyboard event constant representing the numeric key pad subtract key (value is (1<<24)+45).
      static int KeyUp
      The key up event type (value is 2).
      static int LEAD
      Style constant for leading alignment (value is 1<<14).
      static int LEFT
      Style constant for align left behavior (value is 1<<14).
      static int LEFT_TO_RIGHT
      Style constant for left to right orientation (value is 1<<25).
      static char LF
      ASCII character convenience constant for the line feed character (value is the char '\n').
      static int LINE_CUSTOM
      Line drawing style for custom dashed lines (value is 6).
      static int LINE_DASH
      Line drawing style for dashed lines (value is 2).
      static int LINE_DASHDOT
      Line drawing style for alternating dash-dot lines (value is 4).
      static int LINE_DASHDOTDOT
      Line drawing style for dash-dot-dot lines (value is 5).
      static int LINE_DOT
      Line drawing style for dotted lines (value is 3).
      static int LINE_SOLID
      Line drawing style for solid lines (value is 1).
      static int LONG
      Style constant for long date/time format (value is 1<<28).
      static int MAX
      Style constant for maximize box trim (value is 1<<10).
      static int MEDIUM
      Style constant for medium date/time format (value is 1<<16).
      static int MenuDetect
      The menu detect event type (value is 35).
      static int MIN
      Style constant for minimize box trim (value is 1<<7).
      static int MIRRORED
      Style constant to indicate coordinate mirroring (value is 1<<27).
      static int MOD1
      Keyboard and/or mouse event mask indicating that the MOD1 key was pushed on the keyboard when the event was generated.
      static int MOD2
      Keyboard and/or mouse event mask indicating that the MOD2 key was pushed on the keyboard when the event was generated.
      static int MOD3
      Keyboard and/or mouse event mask indicating that the MOD3 key was pushed on the keyboard when the event was generated.
      static int MOD4
      Keyboard and/or mouse event mask indicating that the MOD4 key was pushed on the keyboard when the event was generated.
      static int MODELESS
      Style constant for modeless behavior (value is 0).
      static int MODIFIER_MASK
      Keyboard and/or mouse event mask indicating all possible keyboard modifiers.
      static int Modify
      The modify event type (value is 24).
      static int MouseDoubleClick
      The mouse double click event type (value is 8).
      static int MouseDown
      The mouse down event type (value is 3).
      static int MouseEnter
      The mouse enter event type (value is 6).
      static int MouseExit
      The mouse exit event type (value is 7).
      static int MouseMove
      The mouse move event type (value is 5).
      static int MouseUp
      The mouse up event type (value is 4).
      static int MouseWheel
      The mouse vertical wheel event type (value is 37).
      static int Move
      The move event type (value is 10).
      static int MOZILLA
      Style constant specifying that a Browser should use a Mozilla GRE for rendering its content (value is 1<<15).
      static int MULTI
      Style constant for multi-selection behavior in lists and multiple line support on text fields (value is 1<<1).
      static int NO
      The MessageBox style constant for NO button; valid combinations are YES|NO, YES|NO|CANCEL (value is 1<<7).
      static int NO_BACKGROUND
      Style constant for no background behavior (value is 1<<18).
      static int NO_FOCUS
      Style constant for no focus from the mouse behavior (value is 1<<19).
      static int NO_MERGE_PAINTS
      Style constant for no paint event merging behavior (value is 1<<21).
      static int NO_RADIO_GROUP
      Style constant for preventing child radio group behavior (value is 1<<22).
      static int NO_REDRAW_RESIZE
      Style constant for no redraw on resize behavior (value is 1<<20).
      static int NO_SCROLL
      Style constant for no scrollbar behavior (value is 1<<4).
      static int NO_TRIM
      Style constant to ensure no trimmings are used (value is 1<<3).
      static int None
      The null event type (value is 0).
      static int NONE
      A constant known to be zero (0), typically used in operations which take bit flags to indicate that "no bits are set".
      static int NORMAL
      The font style constant indicating a normal weight, non-italic font (value is 0).
      static int NULL
      A constant known to be zero (0), used in operations which take pointers to indicate a null argument.
      static int NUM_LOCK
      Keyboard event constant representing the num lock key (value is (1<<24)+83).
      static int OFF
      Indicates that a property is off (value is 0).
      static int OK
      The MessageBox style constant for an OK button; valid combinations are OK, OK|CANCEL (value is 1<<5).
      static int ON
      Indicates that a property is on (value is 1).
      static int ON_TOP
      Style constant for always on top behavior (value is 1<<14).
      static int OPEN
      The FileDialog style constant for open file dialog behavior (value is 1<<12).
      static int PAGE_DOWN
      Keyboard event constant representing the PAGE DOWN key (value is (1<<24)+6).
      static int PAGE_UP
      Keyboard event constant representing the PAGE UP key (value is (1<<24)+5).
      static int Paint
      The paint event type (value is 9).
      static int PASSWORD
      Style constant for password behavior (value is 1<<22).
      static int PATH_CLOSE
      Path constant that represents a "close" operation (value is 5).
      static int PATH_CUBIC_TO
      Path constant that represents a "cubic curve to" operation (value is 4).
      static int PATH_LINE_TO
      Path constant that represents a "line to" operation (value is 2).
      static int PATH_MOVE_TO
      Path constant that represents a "move to" operation (value is 1).
      static int PATH_QUAD_TO
      Path constant that represents a "quadratic curve to" operation (value is 3).
      static int PAUSE
      Keyboard event constant representing the pause key (value is (1<<24)+85).
      static int PAUSED
      Constant to a indicate a paused state (value is 4).
      static int POP_UP
      Style constant for pop up menu behavior (value is 1<<3).
      static int PRIMARY_MODAL
      Style constant for primary modal behavior (value is 1<<15).
      static int PRINT_SCREEN
      Keyboard event constant representing the print screen key (value is (1<<24)+87).
      static int PUSH
      Style constant for push button behavior (value is 1<<3).
      static int RADIO
      Style constant for radio button behavior (value is 1<<4).
      static int READ_ONLY
      Style constant for read-only behavior (value is 1<<3).
      static int Resize
      The resize event type (value is 11).
      static int RESIZE
      Style constant for resize box trim (value is 1<<4).
      static int RETRY
      The MessageBox style constant for a RETRY button; valid combinations are ABORT|RETRY|IGNORE, RETRY|CANCEL (value is 1<<10).
      static int RIGHT
      Style constant for align right behavior (value is 1<<17).
      static int RIGHT_TO_LEFT
      Style constant for right to left orientation (value is 1<<26).
      static int SAVE
      The FileDialog style constant for save file dialog behavior (value is 1<<13).
      static int SCROLL_LOCK
      Keyboard event constant representing the scroll lock key (value is (1<<24)+84).
      static int SEARCH
      Style constant for search behavior (value is 1<<7).
      static int SELECTED
      Event detail field that indicates a user-interface component state is selected (value is 1<<1).
      static int Selection
      The selection event type (value is 13).
      static int SEPARATOR
      Style constant for line separator behavior (value is 1<<1).
      static int SetData
      The set data event type (value is 36).
      static int Settings
      The settings changed event type (value is 39).
      static int SHADOW_ETCHED_IN
      Style constant for shadow etched in behavior (value is 1<<4).
      static int SHADOW_ETCHED_OUT
      Style constant for shadow etched out behavior (value is 1<<6).
      static int SHADOW_IN
      Style constant for shadow in behavior (value is 1<<2).
      static int SHADOW_NONE
      Style constant for no shadow behavior (value is 1<<5).
      static int SHADOW_OUT
      Style constant for shadow out behavior (value is 1<<3).
      static int SHEET
      Style constant for sheet window behavior (value is 1<<28).
      static int SHELL_TRIM
      Trim style convenience constant for the most common top level shell appearance (value is CLOSE|TITLE|MIN|MAX|RESIZE).
      static int SHIFT
      Keyboard and/or mouse event mask indicating that the SHIFT key was pushed on the keyboard when the event was generated (value is 1<<17).
      static int SHORT
      Style constant for short date/time format (value is 1<<15).
      static int Show
      The show event type (value is 22).
      static int SIMPLE
      Style constant for simple (not drop down) behavior (value is 1<<6).
      static int SINGLE
      Style constant for single selection behavior in lists and single line support on text fields (value is 1<<2).
      static int Skin
      The skin event type (value is 45).
      static java.lang.String SKIN_CLASS
      Key value for setting and getting the skin class of a widget.
      static java.lang.String SKIN_ID
      Key value for setting and getting the skin id of a widget.
      static int SMOOTH
      Style constant for smooth appearance.
      static int SYSTEM_MODAL
      Style constant for system modal behavior (value is 1<<17).
      static char TAB
      ASCII character convenience constant for the tab character (value is the char '\t').
      static int TIME
      Style constant for time display (value is 1<<7).
      static int TITLE
      Style constant for title area trim (value is 1<<5).
      static int TOGGLE
      Style constant for toggle button behavior (value is 1<<1).
      static int TOOL
      Style constant for tool window behavior (value is 1<<2).
      static int TOP
      Style constant for align top behavior (value is 1<<7, since align UP and align TOP are considered the same).
      static int TOUCHSTATE_DOWN
      A constant indicating that a finger touched the device.
      static int TOUCHSTATE_MOVE
      A constant indicating that a finger moved on the device.
      static int TOUCHSTATE_UP
      A constant indicating that a finger was lifted from the device.
      static int TRAIL
      Style constant for trailing alignment (value is 1<<17).
      static int TRANSPARENCY_ALPHA
      Image transparency constant indicating that the image contains alpha transparency information (value is 1<<0).
      static int TRANSPARENCY_MASK
      Image transparency constant indicating that the image contains a transparency mask (value is 1<<1).
      static int TRANSPARENCY_NONE
      Image transparency constant indicating that the image contains no transparency information (value is 0).
      static int TRANSPARENCY_PIXEL
      Image transparency constant indicating that the image contains a transparent pixel (value is 1<<2).
      static int Traverse
      The traverse event type (value is 31).
      static int TRAVERSE_ESCAPE
      Traversal event detail field value indicating that the key which designates that a dialog should be cancelled was pressed; typically, this is the ESC key (value is 1<<1).
      static int TRAVERSE_NONE
      Traversal event detail field value indicating that no traversal action should be taken (value is 0).
      static int TRAVERSE_RETURN
      Traversal event detail field value indicating that the key which activates the default button in a dialog was pressed; typically, this is the ENTER key (value is 1<<2).
      static int TRAVERSE_TAB_NEXT
      Traversal event detail field value indicating that the key which designates that focus should be given to the next tab group was pressed; typically, this is the TAB key (value is 1<<4).
      static int TRAVERSE_TAB_PREVIOUS
      Traversal event detail field value indicating that the key which designates that focus should be given to the previous tab group was pressed; typically, this is the SHIFT-TAB key sequence (value is 1<<3).
      static int UP
      Style constant for align up behavior (value is 1<<7, since align UP and align TOP are considered the same).
      static int V_SCROLL
      Style constant for vertical scrollbar behavior (value is 1<<9).
      static int Verify
      The verify event type (value is 25).
      static int VERTICAL
      Style constant for vertical alignment or orientation behavior (value is 1<<9).
      static int VIRTUAL
      Style constant to allow virtual data (value is 1<<28).
      static int WEBKIT
      Style constant specifying that a Browser should use WebKit for rendering its content (value is 1<<16).
      static int WRAP
      Style constant for automatic line wrap behavior (value is 1<<6).
      static int YES
      The MessageBox style constant for YES button; valid combinations are YES|NO, YES|NO|CANCEL (value is 1<<6).
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static void error​(int code)
      Throws an appropriate exception based on the passed in error code.
      static void error​(int code, java.lang.Throwable throwable)
      Throws an appropriate exception based on the passed in error code.
      static void error​(int code, java.lang.Throwable throwable, java.lang.String detail)
      Throws an appropriate exception based on the passed in error code.
      static java.lang.String getMessage​(java.lang.String key)
      Returns the NLS'ed message for the given argument.
      static java.lang.String getPlatform()
      Returns the SWT platform name.
      static int getVersion()
      Returns the SWT version number as an integer.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait