Properties that can be defined for this element:
Background color for grids.
The border that is drawn around the grid including header.
The bottom side border for grids.
The left side border for grids.
The right side border for grids.
The top side border for grids.
Text color for grids.
Font for grids.
SWT style flags that can be referred to in a selector for this element (as CSS attributes):
Indicates that the grid should have a border.
Widget states that can be referred to in a selector for this element (as CSS pseudo-classes):
Applies to disabled grids.
Applies to grids with gridlines.
Applies to a grid with a row template.
Item elements of grid controls
Properties that can be defined for this element:
Grid item background color
Grid item background image/gradient
Grid item text color
Decoration for item text.
Specifies what should happen when text overflows the containing element.
Shadow for item text.
Widget states that can be referred to in a selector for this element (as CSS pseudo-classes):
Applies to the items of a disabled grid.
Applies when the grid item has an even visible index
Mouse over state.
Applies to items of a grid with gridlines.
Applies to the items of a grid with a row template.
When the grid item is selected
When the focus is not on the grid
Item overlay that can be used to overwrite the items own colors
Properties that can be defined for this element:
Grid item background color. Supports rgba values
Grid item background image/gradient
Grid item text color
Widget states that can be referred to in a selector for this element (as CSS pseudo-classes):
Applies to the items of a disabled grid.
Applies when the grid item has an even index
Applies while the user hovers over the grid item.
Applies to the items of a grid with gridlines.
Applies to the items of a grid with a row template.
Applies when grid item is selected.
Applies to items on unfocused grid.
Column header of Grid controls
Properties that can be defined for this element:
Background color for grid column headers
Background image or gradient for grid column headers.
Border for the bottom line of grid columns headers.
Text color for grid column headers
Font for grid column headers
Padding for the content of grid columns headers.
Specifies what should happen when text overflows the containing element.
Shadow for item text.
Widget states that can be referred to in a selector for this element (as CSS pseudo-classes):
Applies to column headers of a disabled grid.
Mouse over state
Sort indicators in Grid column headers
Properties that can be defined for this element:
Indicator image for grid sorting (up/down)
Widget states that can be referred to in a selector for this element (as CSS pseudo-classes):
Applies when the grid is disabled.
On sorting down
On sorting up
A single cell in a multi-column Grid
Properties that can be defined for this element:
Defines the padding (i.e. the inner distance between border and content) for a grid cell.
Defines the spacing between image and text within a grid cell.
Grid lines in Grid controls
Properties that can be defined for this element:
Grid line color when linesVisible is true
Widget states that can be referred to in a selector for this element (as CSS pseudo-classes):
Applies for grid lines in header.
Applies for horizontal grid lines.
Applies for grid lines in a grid with a row template
Applies for vertical grid lines.
Checkboxes in Grid controls
Properties that can be defined for this element:
Background image for the grid checkbox. The size of the image should be 13 x 13 pixels.
Space around the check boxes
Widget states that can be referred to in a selector for this element (as CSS pseudo-classes):
When grid checkbox is checked
When grid checkbox is not checkable (used by Nebula Grid).
When grid checkbox is grayed
Applies while the user hovers over a grid check box.
The area freed by indenting an item for one level.
Properties that can be defined for this element:
Background image for the indention. It is centered within the available area, defined by the "width"-property and the height of the item. The overflow is not visible.
The indention-width of one level. This property can not be influenced by the states of the element.
SWT style flags that can be referred to in a selector for this element (as CSS attributes):
Indicates that the grid is oriented right to left.
Widget states that can be referred to in a selector for this element (as CSS pseudo-classes):
Used for the final level if the item has children.
Used for the final level if the item is expanded
Used for the final level if the item has no previous sibling.
Mouse over state. Can not be used together with line.
Used for the final level if the item has no next sibling.
Indicates that the level continues after this item. Never used for the final level and therefore never combined with the other states.