Package org.eclipse.ecf.core.sharedobject
package org.eclipse.ecf.core.sharedobject
ClassDescriptionAbstract container adapter factory.Base class for shared object classes.Replica shared object factoryCore interface for implementing components that exist within
Configuration information provided to ISharedObject via its enclosing ISharedObjectContainerImplementers which represent the one-way associations between SharedObject instances within the scope of a given ISharedObjectContainerCore interface that must be implemented by all ECF container instances.Interface for shared object containers that are clients rather than group managerConfiguration information associated with ISharedObjectContainer.Factory contract forSharedObjectContainerFactory
Contract for shared object container group manager (e.g.Implementers represent a transaction associated with the creation of a SharedObject within the scope of a given SharedObjectContainerContext reference provided to all ISharedObjects upon initialization.Container factory contractSharedObjectFactory
for default implementation.Manager for creating, disposing, and accessing ISharedObjects from an ISharedObjectContainer.Transaction configuration informationFilter for determining transaction participantsSuperclass for shared object classes that replicate themselves optimistically.Description of a remote ISharedObject instance.Exception thrown during transactional add of shared objectException thrown upon shared object add to containerException thrown when creating connector between shared objectFactory for creatingISharedObjectContainer
instances.Exception thrown upon shared object create byISharedObjectManager
Description of a local ISharedObject instance.Exception thrown uponISharedObjectManager.disconnectSharedObjects(ISharedObjectConnector)
Factory for creatingISharedObject
instances.Exception thrown during calls toISharedObject.init(ISharedObjectConfig)
Shared Object Message.Event type to represent messages sent between shared objectsEvent processor to process SharedObjectMsgEventsDescription of shared object type.Superclass for shared object classes that replicate themselves transactionally.Configuration parameters for transaction shared object creation and replication.Implementation of two-phase commit for transactional replication of shared objects.