PTP External Tools Framework TAU Extension

Built: 2023-03-09 at 06:07
Reported: 2023-03-09 at 07:14

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Eclipse PTP


Extends the external tools framework with capabilities specific to the TAU performance analysis system. org.eclipse.ptp.etfw.tau: Adds the core GUI and operational features required by TAU to the performance framework. org.eclipse.ptp.etfw.tau.jars: Contains the jar files required by the perfdmf plugin. org.eclipse.ptp.etfw.tau.papiselect: Provides an interface for selecting PAPI hardware performance counters. org.eclipse.ptp.etfw.tau.perfdmf: Provides perfdmf performance database integration with Eclipse, including the ability to launch ParaProf from Eclipse and call back from ParaProf to source code in Eclipse. org.eclipse.ptp.tau.selinst: Selective instrumentation functionality for C/C++


Signed Foundation, Inc. OU=IT Foundation, Inc. L=Ottawa ST=Ontario from=2021-03-16 to=2022-05-18
Signed CN=DigiCert SHA2 Assured ID Code Signing CA O=DigiCert Inc from=2013-10-22 to=2028-10-22
Signed CN=DigiCert Assured ID Root CA O=DigiCert Inc from=2006-11-10 to=2031-11-10


37.4K features/org.eclipse.ptp.etfw.tau_9.4.1.202108312239.jar

Content Metadata

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