Papyrus for UML

Built: 2023-03-09 at 06:07
Reported: 2023-03-09 at 07:13

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Eclipse Modeling Project


Papyrus for UML provides a UML 2 modeling environment that conforms to the OMG specification. Papyrus for UML notably features diagram editors for UML 2 diagrams, rich model editing facilities, and the glue required to integrate with other model-based tools. It also offers a very advanced support of UML profiles that enables users to define UML-based domain-specific modeling languages. To complement the UML profiles support, Papyrus provides very powerful customization mechanisms which can be leveraged to create user-defined Papyrus perspectives and give it the same look and feel as a native DSL editor.


SUA 2.0 be4a7d94b4e1903e628a3001859739a8

Content Metadata

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