ECF Remote Services

Built: 2024-08-21 at 21:32
Reported: 2024-11-13 at 01:02

This installable unit index report is produced by

Provider - ECF


This feature provides the ECF Remote Services API. The ECF Remote Services API allows distribution of services over a network. This API is required by ECF's implementation of OSGi R6 Remote Services/Remote Service Admin. Remote Services are specified in chapter 100 of the OSGi R6 Enterprise specification while RSA is specified in chapter 122 of the OSGi R6 Enterprise specification. For the Remote Service and Remote Service Admin specifications see For tutorials, documentation, and examples with ECF's Implementation of OSGi RS/RSA see


SUA 2.0 be4a7d94b4e1903e628a3001859739a8

Content Metadata

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