Class SelectionAnchorCellLabelKeyEventMatcher

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SelectionAnchorCellLabelKeyEventMatcher extends Object implements IKeyEventMatcher
This class allows checking the current selection anchor's cell for a matching label. Only labels from the given IUniqueIndexLayer downwards are considered. Optionally the matcher can be chained with an additional IKeyEventMatcher (results are and'ed).
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • SelectionAnchorCellLabelKeyEventMatcher

      public SelectionAnchorCellLabelKeyEventMatcher(SelectionLayer selectionLayer, IUniqueIndexLayer layer, String labelToMatch)
      Create a SelectionAnchorCellLabelKeyEventMatcher that checks only if the given label is assigned to the selection anchor's cell, while the label stack is retrieved from the given layer.
      selectionLayer - the SelectionLayer used to get the current selection anchor's position.
      layer - the layer used to retrieve the label stack at the selection anchor's position.
      labelToMatch - the label that should be part of the label stack at the selection anchor's position.
    • SelectionAnchorCellLabelKeyEventMatcher

      public SelectionAnchorCellLabelKeyEventMatcher(SelectionLayer selectionLayer, IUniqueIndexLayer layer, String labelToMatch, IKeyEventMatcher aggregate)
      Create a SelectionAnchorCellLabelKeyEventMatcher that checks if the aggregate matches as well as if the given label is assigned to the selection anchor's cell, while the label stack is retrieved from the given layer.
      selectionLayer - the SelectionLayer used to get the current selection anchor's position.
      layer - the layer used to retrieve the label stack at the selection anchor's position.
      labelToMatch - the label that should be part of the label stack at the selection anchor's position.
      aggregate - (optional) an additional IKeyEventMatcher to be chained with the result of this matcher (results are and'ed).
  • Method Details

    • matches

      public boolean matches( event)
      Specified by:
      matches in interface IKeyEventMatcher
    • anchorLabel

      public static SelectionAnchorCellLabelKeyEventMatcher anchorLabel(SelectionLayer selectionLayer, IUniqueIndexLayer layer, String labelToMatch)
      Create a SelectionAnchorCellLabelKeyEventMatcher that checks only if the given label is assigned to the selection anchor's cell, while the label stack is retrieved from the given layer.
      selectionLayer - the SelectionLayer used to get the current selection anchor's position.
      layer - the layer used to retrieve the label stack at the selection anchor's position.
      labelToMatch - the label that should be part of the label stack at the selection anchor's position.
    • anchorLabel

      public static SelectionAnchorCellLabelKeyEventMatcher anchorLabel(SelectionLayer selectionLayer, IUniqueIndexLayer layer, String labelToMatch, IKeyEventMatcher aggregate)
      Create a SelectionAnchorCellLabelKeyEventMatcher that checks if the aggregate matches as well as if the given label is assigned to the selection anchor's cell, while the label stack is retrieved from the given layer.
      selectionLayer - the SelectionLayer used to get the current selection anchor's position.
      layer - the layer used to retrieve the label stack at the selection anchor's position.
      labelToMatch - the label that should be part of the label stack at the selection anchor's position.
      aggregate - (optional) an additional IKeyEventMatcher to be chained with the result of this matcher (results are and'ed).