Class GenericLayerFixture

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILayer, ILayerListener, IPersistable

public class GenericLayerFixture extends AbstractLayerTransform
  • Constructor Details

    • GenericLayerFixture

      public GenericLayerFixture(ILayer underlyingLayer)
  • Method Details

    • getColumnIndexByPosition

      public int getColumnIndexByPosition(int columnPosition)
      Description copied from interface: ILayer
      Gets the underlying non-transformed column index for the given column position on this layer.
      Specified by:
      getColumnIndexByPosition in interface ILayer
      getColumnIndexByPosition in class AbstractLayerTransform
      columnPosition - The column position relative to this layer.
      An underlying non-transformed column index, or -1 if the given column position does not exist within this coordinate system.
    • getRowIndexByPosition

      public int getRowIndexByPosition(int rowPosition)
      Description copied from interface: ILayer
      Gets the underlying non-transformed row index for the given row position on this layer.
      Specified by:
      getRowIndexByPosition in interface ILayer
      getRowIndexByPosition in class AbstractLayerTransform
      rowPosition - The row position relative to this layer.
      An underlying non-transformed row index, or -1 if the given row position does not exist within this coordinate system.