Package org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.selection
package org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.selection
ClassDescriptionWrapper for basic
implementations that add target checks.Selection model that holds markers such as anchors and last selection properties in order to keep them up-to-date after underlying data has changed.Tracks the selections made in the table.This interface is used to configure the traversal behavior when moving the selection in a NatTable via key actions, e.g.The scope of the traversal which is necessary to determine what should happen on cycling.Specifies the semantics of moving the selection in the table, based on selecting the adjoining cell(s).Preserves the basic semantics of the cell selection.MoveSelectionCommandHandler<T extends MoveSelectionCommand>Abstraction of the selection behavior during navigation in the grid.Implementation of ISelectionProvider to add support for JFace selection handling.Indicates anILayer
that supports the selection of individual cells.This interface containsConfigAttribute
s that can be used to configure selection rendering, like the border style of the active selection.Enables selection of column, rows, cells etc.Specialised GridLineCellLayerPainter that renders an additional border around selected cells.Tracks the selections made in the table.Helper class to operate with selections.Command handler for theSelectRegionCommand