Class VerticalTextImagePainter

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class VerticalTextImagePainter extends AbstractTextPainter
TextPainter that draws text into a cell vertically. Can handle word wrapping and/or word cutting and/or automatic calculation and resizing of the cell width and height if the text does not fit into the cell.

This is the old implementation that uses GraphicsUtils to create the counter-clockwise rotated vertical text. Internally it will render the text horizontal to a temporary image and rotate the image afterwards.
This implementation is kept in case the new VerticalTextPainter that uses Transform for rotations is not working as intended. A typical case for this could be wrong size calculations dependent on several fonts.

  • Constructor Details

    • VerticalTextImagePainter

      public VerticalTextImagePainter()
    • VerticalTextImagePainter

      public VerticalTextImagePainter(boolean wrapText, boolean paintBg)
      wrapText - split text over multiple lines
      paintBg - skips painting the background if is FALSE
    • VerticalTextImagePainter

      public VerticalTextImagePainter(boolean wrapText, boolean paintBg, int spacing)
      wrapText - split text over multiple lines
      paintBg - skips painting the background if is FALSE
      spacing - The space between text and cell border
    • VerticalTextImagePainter

      public VerticalTextImagePainter(boolean wrapText, boolean paintBg, boolean calculate)
      wrapText - split text over multiple lines
      paintBg - skips painting the background if is FALSE
      calculate - tells the text painter to calculate the cell borders regarding the content
    • VerticalTextImagePainter

      public VerticalTextImagePainter(boolean wrapText, boolean paintBg, boolean calculateByTextLength, boolean calculateByTextHeight)
      wrapText - split text over multiple lines
      paintBg - skips painting the background if is FALSE
      calculateByTextLength - tells the text painter to calculate the cell border by containing text length. For horizontal text rendering, this means the width of the cell is calculated by content, for vertical text rendering the height is calculated
      calculateByTextHeight - tells the text painter to calculate the cell border by containing text height. For horizontal text rendering, this means the height of the cell is calculated by content, for vertical text rendering the width is calculated
    • VerticalTextImagePainter

      public VerticalTextImagePainter(boolean wrapText, boolean paintBg, int spacing, boolean calculate)
      wrapText - split text over multiple lines
      paintBg - skips painting the background if is FALSE
      spacing - The space between text and cell border
      calculate - tells the text painter to calculate the cell borders regarding the content
    • VerticalTextImagePainter

      public VerticalTextImagePainter(boolean wrapText, boolean paintBg, int spacing, boolean calculateByTextLength, boolean calculateByTextHeight)
      wrapText - split text over multiple lines
      paintBg - skips painting the background if is FALSE
      spacing - The space between text and cell border
      calculateByTextLength - tells the text painter to calculate the cell border by containing text length. For horizontal text rendering, this means the width of the cell is calculated by content, for vertical text rendering the height is calculated
      calculateByTextHeight - tells the text painter to calculate the cell border by containing text height. For horizontal text rendering, this means the height of the cell is calculated by content, for vertical text rendering the width is calculated
  • Method Details

    • getPreferredWidth

      public int getPreferredWidth(ILayerCell cell, gc, IConfigRegistry configRegistry)
      Description copied from interface: ICellPainter
      Get the preferred width of the cell when rendered by this painter. Used for auto-resize.
      Specified by:
      getPreferredWidth in interface ICellPainter
      getPreferredWidth in class CellPainterWrapper
      cell - The cell for which the preferred width is requested.
      gc - The GC that is used for rendering.
      configRegistry - The IConfigRegistry that contains the configuration used for rendering.
      The preferred width of the given cell when rendered by this painter.
    • getPreferredHeight

      public int getPreferredHeight(ILayerCell cell, gc, IConfigRegistry configRegistry)
      Description copied from interface: ICellPainter
      Get the preferred height of the cell when rendered by this painter. Used for auto-resize.
      Specified by:
      getPreferredHeight in interface ICellPainter
      getPreferredHeight in class CellPainterWrapper
      cell - The cell for which the preferred height is requested.
      gc - The GC that is used for rendering.
      configRegistry - The IConfigRegistry that contains the configuration used for rendering.
      The preferred height of the given cell when rendered by this painter.
    • paintCell

      public void paintCell(ILayerCell cell, gc, rectangle, IConfigRegistry configRegistry)
      Specified by:
      paintCell in interface ICellPainter
      paintCell in class BackgroundPainter
    • setNewMinLength

      protected void setNewMinLength(ILayerCell cell, int contentHeight)
      Description copied from class: AbstractTextPainter
      This method gets only called if automatic length calculation is enabled. Calculate the new cell width/height by using the given content length and the difference from current cell width/height to available length. If the calculated cell is greater than the current set contentLength, update the contentLength and execute a corresponding resize command.
      Specified by:
      setNewMinLength in class AbstractTextPainter
      cell - the current cell that is painted
      contentHeight - the length of the content
    • calculatePadding

      protected int calculatePadding(ILayerCell cell, int availableLength)
      Description copied from class: AbstractTextPainter
      This method is used to determine the padding from the cell to the available length. A padding can occur for example by using a BeveledBorderDecorator or PaddingDecorator. This TextPainter is called with the available space rectangle which is calculated by the wrapping painters and decorators by subtracting paddings. As this TextPainter does not know his wrapping painters and decorators the existing padding needs to be calculated for automatic resizing. Abstract because a horizontal TextPainter uses the width while a VerticalTextPainter uses the height of the cell and the Rectangle.
      Specified by:
      calculatePadding in class AbstractTextPainter
      cell - the current cell which should be resized
      availableLength - the length value that is available and was given into paintCell() as Rectangle argument
      the padding between the current cell length - availableLength