Interface ICellPainter

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractCellPainter, AbstractTextPainter, AutomaticRowHeightTextPainter, BackgroundImagePainter, BackgroundPainter, BeveledBorderDecorator, BlendedBackgroundPainter, ButtonCellPainter, CellPainterDecorator, CellPainterFixture, CellPainterWrapper, CheckBoxPainter, ColumnGroupExpandCollapseImagePainter, ColumnGroupHeaderTextPainter, ColumnHeaderCheckBoxPainter, ComboBoxFilterIconPainter, ComboBoxPainter, CustomLineBorderDecorator, DisabledCheckboxPainter, FilterIconPainter, FilterRowPainter, GradientBackgroundPainter, GroupByCellTextPainter, GroupByHeaderPainter, ImagePainter, IndentedTreeImagePainter, LineBorderDecorator, PaddingDecorator, PasswordTextPainter, PercentageBarCellPainter, PercentageBarDecorator, RichTextCellPainter, RowGroupExpandCollapseImagePainter, RowGroupHeaderTextPainter, SortableHeaderTextPainter, SortIconPainter, TableCellPainter, TextPainter, TreeCheckBoxPainter, TreeImagePainter, VerticalTextImagePainter, VerticalTextPainter, XPBackgroundDecorator

public interface ICellPainter
Implementations are responsible for painting a cell. Custom ICellPainter can be registered in the IConfigRegistry. This is a mechanism for plugging in custom cell painting.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • paintCell

      void paintCell(ILayerCell cell, gc, bounds, IConfigRegistry configRegistry)
    • getPreferredWidth

      int getPreferredWidth(ILayerCell cell, gc, IConfigRegistry configRegistry)
      Get the preferred width of the cell when rendered by this painter. Used for auto-resize.
      cell - The cell for which the preferred width is requested.
      gc - The GC that is used for rendering.
      configRegistry - The IConfigRegistry that contains the configuration used for rendering.
      The preferred width of the given cell when rendered by this painter.
    • getPreferredHeight

      int getPreferredHeight(ILayerCell cell, gc, IConfigRegistry configRegistry)
      Get the preferred height of the cell when rendered by this painter. Used for auto-resize.
      cell - The cell for which the preferred height is requested.
      gc - The GC that is used for rendering.
      configRegistry - The IConfigRegistry that contains the configuration used for rendering.
      The preferred height of the given cell when rendered by this painter.
    • getCellPainterAt

      ICellPainter getCellPainterAt(int x, int y, ILayerCell cell, gc, adjustedCellBounds, IConfigRegistry configRegistry)