Package org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.layer
package org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.layer
ClassDescriptionAbstract implementation for
that predefines dpi conversion factors and methods that convert based on these factors.Abstract base class for layers that expose transformed views of an underlying unique index layer.Base layer implementation with common methods for managing listeners and caching, etc.Abstract base class for layers that expose transformed views of an underlying layer.A composite layer is a layer that is made up of a number of underlying child layers.Wraps theIDataProvider
, and serves as the data source for all other layers.Default implementation of anIDpiConverter
that provides the horizontal dots per inch from the default display viaDevice.getDPI()
.Default implementation of anIDpiConverter
that provides the vertical dots per inch from the default display viaDevice.getDPI()
.Default implementation of anIDpiConverter
that scales according to the set dpi.Interface to add support for scaling.A Layer is a rectangular region of grid cells.Object interested in receiving events related to aILayer
.A layer that has a set of column and row indexes that contain no duplicates, such that there is only one corresponding column or row position for a row or column index in the layer.Collection of labels applied to a cell.Default implementation of anIDpiConverter
that returns a scaling factor of 1.0f with 96 dots per inch.This class stores the size configuration of rows/columns within the NatTable.