Package org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.hideshow.indicator
package org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.hideshow.indicator
that checks for cell edges at column borders and for the existence of column hide indicator labels.Configuration attributes for the hide indicator rendering.Constants for labels with regards to hidden columns and rows.Configuration that is used to register ui bindings for opening menus on right click on the cell edge of hidden columns and hidden rows.Overlay painter that is used to render an indicator for hidden columns or rows.Configuration that is used to register ui bindings for opening menus on right click on the cell edge of hidden columns and hidden rows in a HierarchicalTreeLayer.Specialization of theHideIndicatorOverlayPainter
that renders the hide indicator in the level header columns of aHierarchicalTreeLayer
that checks for cell edges at row borders and for the existence of row hide indicator labels in the level headers of a HierarchicalTreeLayer.MouseEventMatcher
that checks for cell edges at row borders and for the existence of row hide indicator labels.