Class ColumnGroupHeaderGridLineCellLayerPainter

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ColumnGroupHeaderGridLineCellLayerPainter extends GridLineCellLayerPainter
Specialization of the GridLineCellLayerPainter to support rendering of huge column groups in the performance ColumnGroupHeaderLayer.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • ColumnGroupHeaderGridLineCellLayerPainter

      public ColumnGroupHeaderGridLineCellLayerPainter(ColumnGroupHeaderLayer columnGroupHeaderLayer)
      Create a ColumnGroupHeaderGridLineCellLayerPainter that renders gray grid lines and uses the default clipping behaviour.
      columnGroupHeaderLayer - The ColumnGroupHeaderLayer used to check if huge spanning column groups should be rendered differently.
    • ColumnGroupHeaderGridLineCellLayerPainter

      public ColumnGroupHeaderGridLineCellLayerPainter(ColumnGroupHeaderLayer columnGroupHeaderLayer, gridColor)
      Create a ColumnGroupHeaderGridLineCellLayerPainter that renders grid lines in the specified color and uses the default clipping behaviour.
      columnGroupHeaderLayer - The ColumnGroupHeaderLayer used to check if huge spanning column groups should be rendered differently.
      gridColor - The color that should be used to render the grid lines.
    • ColumnGroupHeaderGridLineCellLayerPainter

      public ColumnGroupHeaderGridLineCellLayerPainter(ColumnGroupHeaderLayer columnGroupHeaderLayer, boolean clipLeft, boolean clipTop)
      Create a ColumnGroupHeaderGridLineCellLayerPainter that renders gray grid lines and uses the specified clipping behaviour.
      columnGroupHeaderLayer - The ColumnGroupHeaderLayer used to check if huge spanning column groups should be rendered differently.
      clipLeft - Configure the rendering behaviour when cells overlap. If set to true the left cell will be clipped, if set to false the right cell will be clipped. The default value is false.
      clipTop - Configure the rendering behaviour when cells overlap. If set to true the top cell will be clipped, if set to false the bottom cell will be clipped. The default value is false.
    • ColumnGroupHeaderGridLineCellLayerPainter

      public ColumnGroupHeaderGridLineCellLayerPainter(ColumnGroupHeaderLayer columnGroupHeaderLayer, gridColor, boolean clipLeft, boolean clipTop)
      Create a ColumnGroupHeaderGridLineCellLayerPainter that renders grid lines in the specified color and uses the specified clipping behaviour.
      columnGroupHeaderLayer - The ColumnGroupHeaderLayer used to check if huge spanning column groups should be rendered differently.
      gridColor - The color that should be used to render the grid lines.
      clipLeft - Configure the rendering behaviour when cells overlap. If set to true the left cell will be clipped, if set to false the right cell will be clipped. The default value is false.
      clipTop - Configure the rendering behaviour when cells overlap. If set to true the top cell will be clipped, if set to false the bottom cell will be clipped. The default value is false.
  • Method Details

    • adjustCellBounds

      public adjustCellBounds(int columnPosition, int rowPosition, bounds)
      Description copied from interface: ILayerPainter
      This method is used to adjust the cell bounds when painting the layer. This is most often used to reduce the size of the cell to accommodate grid lines.
      Specified by:
      adjustCellBounds in interface ILayerPainter
      adjustCellBounds in class GridLineCellLayerPainter
      columnPosition - The column position.
      rowPosition - The row position.
      bounds - The actual cell bounds.
      The adjusted cell bounds.