Class ColumnGroupHeaderLayer

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILayer, ILayerListener, IPersistable

public class ColumnGroupHeaderLayer extends AbstractLayerTransform
Adds the column grouping functionality to the column header. Also persists the state of the column groups when NatTable.saveState(String, Properties) is invoked.

Internally uses a collection of GroupModel to track the column groups on multiple levels.

It supports multiple column grouping levels. The levels are 0 based and configured bottom up. That means if 3 levels of column groups are defined, the first level==0 is the bottom most rowPosition==2, and the top most level==2 is on rowPosition==0.

  • Constructor Details

    • ColumnGroupHeaderLayer

      public ColumnGroupHeaderLayer(ILayer underlyingHeaderLayer, SelectionLayer selectionLayer)
      Creates a ColumnGroupHeaderLayer with the specified configurations and one grouping level. Uses the SelectionLayer as positionLayer and the default configuration.
      underlyingHeaderLayer - The underlying layer on whose top this layer should be created, typically the ColumnHeaderLayer.
      selectionLayer - The SelectionLayer needed for command handlers that inspect the selection on handling.
    • ColumnGroupHeaderLayer

      public ColumnGroupHeaderLayer(ILayer underlyingHeaderLayer, SelectionLayer selectionLayer, int numberOfGroupLevels)
      Creates a ColumnGroupHeaderLayer with the specified configurations. Uses the SelectionLayer as positionLayer and the default configuration.
      underlyingHeaderLayer - The underlying layer on whose top this layer should be created, typically the ColumnHeaderLayer.
      selectionLayer - The SelectionLayer needed for command handlers that inspect the selection on handling.
      numberOfGroupLevels - The number of group levels that should be supported. Additional levels can also be added via addGroupingLevel().
    • ColumnGroupHeaderLayer

      public ColumnGroupHeaderLayer(ILayer underlyingHeaderLayer, IUniqueIndexLayer positionLayer, SelectionLayer selectionLayer)
      Creates a ColumnGroupHeaderLayer with the specified configurations and one grouping level. Uses the default configuration.
      underlyingHeaderLayer - The underlying layer on whose top this layer should be created, typically the ColumnHeaderLayer.
      positionLayer - The positionLayer to which this layer should be mapped to, needed to handle column position transformations without taking the viewport into account. Typically the SelectionLayer.
      selectionLayer - The SelectionLayer needed for command handlers that inspect the selection on handling.
    • ColumnGroupHeaderLayer

      public ColumnGroupHeaderLayer(ILayer underlyingHeaderLayer, IUniqueIndexLayer positionLayer, SelectionLayer selectionLayer, int numberOfGroupLevels)
      Creates a ColumnGroupHeaderLayer with the specified configurations. Uses the default configuration.
      underlyingHeaderLayer - The underlying layer on whose top this layer should be created, typically the ColumnHeaderLayer.
      positionLayer - The positionLayer to which this layer should be mapped to, needed to handle column position transformations without taking the viewport into account. Typically the SelectionLayer.
      selectionLayer - The SelectionLayer needed for command handlers that inspect the selection on handling.
      numberOfGroupLevels - The number of group levels that should be supported. Additional levels can also be added via addGroupingLevel().
    • ColumnGroupHeaderLayer

      public ColumnGroupHeaderLayer(ILayer underlyingHeaderLayer, SelectionLayer selectionLayer, int numberOfGroupLevels, boolean useDefaultConfiguration)
      Creates a ColumnGroupHeaderLayer with the specified configurations. Takes the SelectionLayer as positionLayer.
      underlyingHeaderLayer - The underlying layer on whose top this layer should be created, typically the ColumnHeaderLayer.
      selectionLayer - The SelectionLayer needed for command handlers that inspect the selection on handling.
      numberOfGroupLevels - The number of group levels that should be supported. Additional levels can also be added via addGroupingLevel().
      useDefaultConfiguration - true if the default configuration should be applied, false if a custom configuration will be applied afterwards.
    • ColumnGroupHeaderLayer

      public ColumnGroupHeaderLayer(ILayer underlyingHeaderLayer, SelectionLayer selectionLayer, boolean useDefaultConfiguration)
      Creates a ColumnGroupHeaderLayer with one grouping level and the specified configurations. Takes the SelectionLayer as positionLayer.
      underlyingHeaderLayer - The underlying layer on whose top this layer should be created, typically the ColumnHeaderLayer.
      selectionLayer - The SelectionLayer needed for command handlers that inspect the selection on handling.
      useDefaultConfiguration - true if the default configuration should be applied, false if a custom configuration will be applied afterwards.
    • ColumnGroupHeaderLayer

      public ColumnGroupHeaderLayer(ILayer underlyingHeaderLayer, IUniqueIndexLayer positionLayer, SelectionLayer selectionLayer, boolean useDefaultConfiguration)
      Creates a ColumnGroupHeaderLayer with one grouping level and the specified configurations.
      underlyingHeaderLayer - The underlying layer on whose top this layer should be created, typically the ColumnHeaderLayer.
      positionLayer - The positionLayer to which this layer should be mapped to, needed to handle column position transformations without taking the viewport into account. Typically the SelectionLayer.
      selectionLayer - The SelectionLayer needed for command handlers that inspect the selection on handling.
      useDefaultConfiguration - true if the default configuration should be applied, false if a custom configuration will be applied afterwards.
    • ColumnGroupHeaderLayer

      public ColumnGroupHeaderLayer(ILayer underlyingHeaderLayer, IUniqueIndexLayer positionLayer, SelectionLayer selectionLayer, int numberOfGroupLevels, boolean useDefaultConfiguration)
      Creates a ColumnGroupHeaderLayer with the specified configurations.
      underlyingHeaderLayer - The underlying layer on whose top this layer should be created, typically the ColumnHeaderLayer.
      positionLayer - The positionLayer to which this layer should be mapped to, needed to handle column position transformations without taking the viewport into account. Typically the SelectionLayer.
      selectionLayer - The SelectionLayer needed for command handlers that inspect the selection on handling.
      numberOfGroupLevels - The number of group levels that should be supported. Additional levels can also be added via addGroupingLevel().
      useDefaultConfiguration - true if the default configuration should be applied, false if a custom configuration will be applied afterwards.
  • Method Details

    • getLayerPainter

      public ILayerPainter getLayerPainter()
      Specified by:
      getLayerPainter in interface ILayer
      getLayerPainter in class AbstractLayerTransform
      The ILayerPainter that is used by this layer. Typically the ColumnGroupHeaderGridLineCellLayerPainter to support rendering of huge column group cells by inspecting the showAlwaysGroupNames attribute.
    • setLayerPainter

      public void setLayerPainter(ILayerPainter layerPainter)
      setLayerPainter in class AbstractLayer
    • registerCommandHandlers

      protected void registerCommandHandlers(SelectionLayer selectionLayer)
      Register command handlers for this layer.
      selectionLayer - The SelectionLayer needed for handling selections on grouping/ungrouping.
    • getGroupModel

      public GroupModel getGroupModel()
      Convenience method to get the GroupModel on level 0. Useful for single level column grouping.
      The GroupModel for level 0.
    • getGroupModel

      public GroupModel getGroupModel(int level)
      Return the GroupModel for the given grouping level. Note that the levels are bottom up, so level 0 is the bottom most grouping level.
      level - The grouping level. Value is bottom up.
      The GroupModel for the corresponding level.
    • addGroupingLevel

      public void addGroupingLevel()
      Adds a new grouping level on top.
    • getLevelCount

      public int getLevelCount()
      The number of grouping levels configured in this layer.
    • getPositionLayer

      public IUniqueIndexLayer getPositionLayer()
      The layer to which the positions in the group should match. Typically this is the SelectionLayer.
    • convertColumnPositionUpwards

      protected int convertColumnPositionUpwards(int columnPosition)
      Converts the given column position the layerPath upwards.
      columnPosition - The column position to convert.
      The upwards converted column position.
    • doCommand

      public boolean doCommand(ILayerCommand command)
      Description copied from interface: ILayer
      Opportunity to respond to a command as it flows down the stack. If the layer is not interested in the command it should allow the command to keep traveling down the stack.

      Note: Before the layer can process a command it must convert the command to its local coordinates using ILayerCommand.convertToTargetLayer(ILayer)

      Specified by:
      doCommand in interface ILayer
      doCommand in class AbstractLayerTransform
      command - The command to execute.
      true if the command has been handled and was therefore consumed, false otherwise.
    • saveState

      public void saveState(String prefix, Properties properties)
      Description copied from interface: IPersistable
      Saves the state to the given Properties using the specified prefix. Note: The prefix must be prepended to the property key to support multiple states within one Properties instance.
      Specified by:
      saveState in interface IPersistable
      saveState in class AbstractLayerTransform
      prefix - The prefix to use for the state keys. Is also used as the state configuration name.
      properties - The Properties instance to save the state to.
    • loadState

      public void loadState(String prefix, Properties properties)
      Description copied from class: AbstractLayerTransform
      Underlying layers must load state first. If this is not done, IStructuralChangeEvent from underlying layers will reset caches after state has been loaded
      Specified by:
      loadState in interface IPersistable
      loadState in class AbstractLayerTransform
      prefix - The prefix to use for the state keys. Is also used as the state configuration name.
      properties - The Properties instance to load the state from.
    • getRowCount

      public int getRowCount()
      Specified by:
      getRowCount in interface ILayer
      getRowCount in class AbstractLayerTransform
      The number of rows in this layer.
    • getPreferredRowCount

      public int getPreferredRowCount()
      Specified by:
      getPreferredRowCount in interface ILayer
      getPreferredRowCount in class AbstractLayerTransform
    • getRowIndexByPosition

      public int getRowIndexByPosition(int rowPosition)
      Description copied from interface: ILayer
      Gets the underlying non-transformed row index for the given row position on this layer.
      Specified by:
      getRowIndexByPosition in interface ILayer
      getRowIndexByPosition in class AbstractLayerTransform
      rowPosition - The row position relative to this layer.
      An underlying non-transformed row index, or -1 if the given row position does not exist within this coordinate system.
    • localToUnderlyingRowPosition

      public int localToUnderlyingRowPosition(int localRowPosition)
      Description copied from interface: ILayer
      Convert a row position to the coordinates of the underlying layer. This is possible since each layer is aware of its underlying layer.
      Specified by:
      localToUnderlyingRowPosition in interface ILayer
      localToUnderlyingRowPosition in class AbstractLayerTransform
      localRowPosition - row position in local (the layer's own) coordinates
      row position in the underlying layer's coordinates
    • underlyingToLocalRowPosition

      public int underlyingToLocalRowPosition(ILayer sourceUnderlyingLayer, int underlyingRowPosition)
      Description copied from interface: ILayer
      Transforms the row position relative to the given underlying layer to this layer coordinates.
      Specified by:
      underlyingToLocalRowPosition in interface ILayer
      underlyingToLocalRowPosition in class AbstractLayerTransform
      sourceUnderlyingLayer - The underlying layer to which the given row position matches.
      underlyingRowPosition - The row position in the given underlying layer that should be converted to a local row position.
      The given row position transformed to be local to this layer.
    • getHeight

      public int getHeight()
      Description copied from interface: ILayer
      Returns the total height in pixels of this layer.
      Specified by:
      getHeight in interface ILayer
      getHeight in class AbstractLayerTransform
      The total height in pixels of this layer.
    • getPreferredHeight

      public int getPreferredHeight()
      Specified by:
      getPreferredHeight in interface ILayer
      getPreferredHeight in class AbstractLayerTransform
    • getRowHeightByPosition

      public int getRowHeightByPosition(int rowPosition)
      Description copied from interface: ILayer
      Returns the height in pixels of the given row. The height of invisible and non-existing rows is 0.
      Specified by:
      getRowHeightByPosition in interface ILayer
      getRowHeightByPosition in class AbstractLayerTransform
      rowPosition - The row position in this layer.
      The height of the row.
    • setRowHeight

      public void setRowHeight(int rowHeight)
      Set the row height for grouping level 0.
      rowHeight - The height to set for grouping level 0.
    • setRowHeight

      public void setRowHeight(int row, int rowHeight)
      Set the row height for the given row in this layer.

      Note: Use getLevelForRowPosition(int) if the row position for a level needs to be determined.

      row - The row whose height should be set.
      rowHeight - The height to set for the given row position.
    • getRowPositionForLevel

      public int getRowPositionForLevel(int level)
      level - The level for which the row position is requested.
      The row positions for the given grouping level.
    • getLevelForRowPosition

      public int getLevelForRowPosition(int rowPosition)
      rowPosition - The row position for which the level is requested.
      The level for the given row position.
    • isRowPositionResizable

      public boolean isRowPositionResizable(int rowPosition)
      Description copied from interface: ILayer
      Check if the row at the given position is resizable.
      Specified by:
      isRowPositionResizable in interface ILayer
      isRowPositionResizable in class AbstractLayerTransform
      rowPosition - The row position to check.
      true if the row is resizable, false if not.
    • setRowPositionResizable

      public void setRowPositionResizable(int rowPosition, boolean resizable)
      Set the row resizable configuration for the given row position.
      rowPosition - The row for which the resizable flag should be set.
      resizable - true if the row should be resizable, false if not.
    • getRowPositionByY

      public int getRowPositionByY(int y)
      Description copied from interface: ILayer
      Returns the row position that contains the given y coordinate.
      Specified by:
      getRowPositionByY in interface ILayer
      getRowPositionByY in class AbstractLayerTransform
      y - a vertical pixel location relative to the pixel boundary of this layer
      a row position relative to the associated coordinate system, or -1 if there is no row that contains y
    • getStartYOfRowPosition

      public int getStartYOfRowPosition(int rowPosition)
      Description copied from interface: ILayer
      Returns the y offset in pixels of the given row.
      Specified by:
      getStartYOfRowPosition in interface ILayer
      getStartYOfRowPosition in class AbstractLayerTransform
      rowPosition - the row position in this layer
      the y offset of the row, or -1
    • getCellByPosition

      public ILayerCell getCellByPosition(int columnPosition, int rowPosition)
      Description copied from interface: ILayer
      Returns the cell for the given coordinates on this layer.
      Specified by:
      getCellByPosition in interface ILayer
      getCellByPosition in class AbstractLayerTransform
      columnPosition - The column position of the requested cell.
      rowPosition - The row position of the requested cell.
      The ILayerCell for the given coordinates in this layer or null if the coordinates are invalid on this layer.
    • getBoundsByPosition

      public getBoundsByPosition(int columnPosition, int rowPosition)
      Description copied from interface: ILayer
      Calculates the bounds in pixel for the given cell position.
      Specified by:
      getBoundsByPosition in interface ILayer
      getBoundsByPosition in class AbstractLayer
      columnPosition - the column position of the cell
      rowPosition - the row position of the cell
      the bounds, or null if there are no valid bounds
    • getGroupByPosition

      public GroupModel.Group getGroupByPosition(int columnPosition)
      Get the GroupModel.Group for the column at the given column position for level 0. Will transform the given column position to a position matching the position layer for correct resolution.
      columnPosition - The column position related to this layer.
      The GroupModel.Group at the given column position or null if there is no GroupModel.Group at this position.
    • getGroupByPosition

      public GroupModel.Group getGroupByPosition(int level, int columnPosition)
      Get the GroupModel.Group for the column at the given column position for the given grouping level. Will transform the given column position to a position matching the position layer for correct resolution.
      level - The grouping level for which the group is requested. The level is zero based bottom-up.
      columnPosition - The column position related to this layer.
      The GroupModel.Group at the given column position or null if there is no GroupModel.Group at this position.
    • findGroupForCoordinates

      protected Object[] findGroupForCoordinates(int columnPosition, int rowPosition)
      Finds a GroupModel.Group and its parent GroupModel based on the coordinates.
      columnPosition - The column position based on the position layer.
      rowPosition - The row position based on this layer.
      Object array where the first item is the GroupModel and the second item is the found GroupModel.Group. Returns null if either no GroupModel or no GroupModel.Group was found.
    • isPartOfAGroup

      public boolean isPartOfAGroup(int columnPosition)
      Checks if there is a GroupModel.Group configured for the given column position at any level.
      columnPosition - The column position related to this layer.
      true if there is a GroupModel.Group at the given column position, false if not.
    • isPartOfAGroup

      public boolean isPartOfAGroup(int level, int columnPosition)
      Checks if there is a GroupModel.Group configured for the given column position at the given level.
      level - The grouping level for which the group is requested. The level is zero based bottom-up.
      columnPosition - The column position related to this layer.
      true if there is a GroupModel.Group at the given column position, false if not.
    • isPartOfAnUnbreakableGroup

      public boolean isPartOfAnUnbreakableGroup(int columnPosition)
      Check if the specified position belongs to a GroupModel.Group and if this GroupModel.Group is unbreakable. Convenience method for checks on level 0.
      columnPosition - The position used to retrieve the corresponding group related to this layer.
      true if the specified position belongs to a GroupModel.Group and this GroupModel.Group is unbreakable, false if not.
    • isPartOfAnUnbreakableGroup

      public boolean isPartOfAnUnbreakableGroup(int level, int columnPosition)
      Check if the specified position belongs to a GroupModel.Group at the specified level and if this GroupModel.Group is unbreakable.
      level - The level for which the check should be performed.
      columnPosition - The position used to retrieve the corresponding group related to this layer.
      true if the specified position belongs to a GroupModel.Group at the specified level and this GroupModel.Group is unbreakable, false if not.
    • getColumnSpan

      public int getColumnSpan(GroupModel.Group group)
      Calculates the span of a cell in a group. Takes into account collapsed and hidden columns in the group.
      group - the group for which the span should be calculated.
    • getDisplayModeByPosition

      public DisplayMode getDisplayModeByPosition(int columnPosition, int rowPosition)
      Description copied from interface: ILayer
      Returns the active DisplayMode for the cell at the given coordinates. Needed to retrieve the corresponding configurations out of the IConfigRegistry. The default value is DisplayMode.NORMAL. The SelectionLayer for example overrides this to return DisplayMode.SELECT for cells that are currently selected.
      Specified by:
      getDisplayModeByPosition in interface ILayer
      getDisplayModeByPosition in class AbstractLayerTransform
      columnPosition - The column position of the cell.
      rowPosition - The row position of the cell.
      DisplayMode for the cell at the given coordinates.
    • getConfigLabelsByPosition

      public LabelStack getConfigLabelsByPosition(int columnPosition, int rowPosition)
      Description copied from interface: ILayer
      Returns the config labels for the cell at the given coordinates. Needed to retrieve the corresponding configurations out of the IConfigRegistry.
      Specified by:
      getConfigLabelsByPosition in interface ILayer
      getConfigLabelsByPosition in class AbstractLayerTransform
      columnPosition - The column position of the cell.
      rowPosition - The row position of the cell.
      The LabelStack with the config labels for the cell at the given coordinates.
    • getDataValueByPosition

      public Object getDataValueByPosition(int columnPosition, int rowPosition)
      Description copied from interface: ILayer
      Returns the data value for the cell at the given coordinates.
      Specified by:
      getDataValueByPosition in interface ILayer
      getDataValueByPosition in class AbstractLayerTransform
      columnPosition - The column position of the cell.
      rowPosition - The row position of the cell.
      The data value for the cell at the given coordinates.
    • getRegionLabelsByXY

      public LabelStack getRegionLabelsByXY(int x, int y)
      Description copied from interface: ILayer
      Return the LabelStack containing the region labels for the cell at the given pixel position.
      Specified by:
      getRegionLabelsByXY in interface ILayer
      getRegionLabelsByXY in class AbstractLayerTransform
      x - the x pixel coordinate
      y - the y pixel coordinate
      LabelStack containing the region labels for the cell at the given pixel position.
    • getGroupByName

      public GroupModel.Group getGroupByName(String name)
      Returns the GroupModel.Group for the given name at level 0.
      name - The name of the requested group.
      The group with the given group name or null if there is no group with such a name.
    • getGroupByName

      public GroupModel.Group getGroupByName(int level, String name)
      Returns the GroupModel.Group for the given name.
      level - The grouping level for which the group is requested. The level is zero based bottom-up.
      name - The name of the requested group.
      The group with the given group name or null if there is no group with such a name.
    • addPositionsToGroup

      public void addPositionsToGroup(String groupName, int... positions)
      Adds the given positions to the group with the given name.
      groupName - The name of the group to which the given positions should be added.
      positions - The positions to add corresponding to this layer.
    • addPositionsToGroup

      public void addPositionsToGroup(int level, String groupName, int... positions)
      Adds the given positions to the group with the given name.
      level - The grouping level for which the group is requested. The level is zero based bottom-up.
      groupName - The name of the group to which the given positions should be added.
      positions - The positions to add corresponding to this layer.
    • addPositionsToGroup

      public void addPositionsToGroup(int level, int columnPosition, int... positions)
      Adds the given positions to the group to which the given column position belongs to.
      level - The grouping level for which the group is requested. The level is zero based bottom-up.
      columnPosition - The column position related to this layer to get the corresponding group to which the given positions should be added.
      positions - The positions to add corresponding to this layer.
    • addPositionsToGroup

      protected void addPositionsToGroup(GroupModel.Group group, int... positions)
      Adds the given positions to the given GroupModel.Group.
      group - The GroupModel.Group to which the positions should be added.
      positions - The positions to add corresponding to this layer.
    • addPositionsToGroup

      protected void addPositionsToGroup(int level, GroupModel.Group group, int... positions)
      Adds the given positions to the given GroupModel.Group.
      level - The grouping level for which the group is requested. The level is zero based bottom-up.
      group - The GroupModel.Group to which the positions should be added.
      positions - The positions to add corresponding to this layer.
    • removePositionsFromGroup

      public void removePositionsFromGroup(int level, int... positions)
      Removes the given positions from corresponding groups. Only performs an action if the position is part of the group.

      A removal will only happen for columns at the beginning or the end of a group. Removing a position in the middle will cause removal of columns at the end of the group to avoid splitting a group.

      A removal does only work for visible positions. That means removing something from a collapsed group does not work.

      level - The grouping level for which the group is requested. The level is zero based bottom-up.
      positions - The positions to remove corresponding to this layer.
    • addGroup

      public void addGroup(String groupName, int startIndex, int span)
      Creates and adds a group.
      groupName - The name of the group. Typically used as value in the cell.
      startIndex - The index of the first item in the group.
      span - The configured number of items that belong to this group.
    • addGroup

      public void addGroup(int level, String groupName, int startIndex, int span)
      Creates and adds a group.
      level - The grouping level for which the group is requested. The level is zero based bottom-up.
      groupName - The name of the group. Typically used as value in the cell.
      startIndex - The index of the first item in the group.
      span - The configured number of items that belong to this group.
    • removeGroup

      public void removeGroup(String groupName)
      Removes the group identified by the given name.
      groupName - The name of the group to remove.
    • removeGroup

      public void removeGroup(int level, String groupName)
      Removes the group identified by the given name.
      level - The grouping level for which the group is requested. The level is zero based bottom-up.
      groupName - The name of the group to remove.
    • removeGroup

      public void removeGroup(int columnPosition)
      Removes the group identified by the given column position.
      columnPosition - The group that contains the given column position.
    • removeGroup

      public void removeGroup(int level, int columnPosition)
      Removes the group identified by the given column position.
      level - The grouping level for which the group is requested. The level is zero based bottom-up.
      columnPosition - The group that contains the given column position.
    • removeGroup

      public void removeGroup(GroupModel.Group group)
      Removes the given group.
      group - The group to remove.
    • removeGroup

      public void removeGroup(int level, GroupModel.Group group)
      Removes the given group.
      level - The grouping level for which the group is requested. The level is zero based bottom-up.
      group - The group to remove.
    • clearAllGroups

      public void clearAllGroups()
      Removes all groups in all levels.
    • clearAllGroups

      public void clearAllGroups(int level)
      Removes all groups in the given level.
      level - The grouping level that should be cleared. The level is zero based bottom-up.
    • addStaticColumnIndexesToGroup

      public void addStaticColumnIndexesToGroup(String groupName, int... staticIndexes)
      Adds the given indexes as static indexes to the group that is identified by the given group name. Static indexes are the indexes that stay visible when the group is collapsed.
      groupName - The name of a group to which the the static indexes should be added to.
      staticIndexes - The static indexes to add.
    • addStaticColumnIndexesToGroup

      public void addStaticColumnIndexesToGroup(int level, String groupName, int... staticIndexes)
      Adds the given indexes as static indexes to the group that is identified by the given group name. Static indexes are the indexes that stay visible when the group is collapsed.
      level - The grouping level for which the group is requested. The level is zero based bottom-up.
      groupName - The name of a group to which the the static indexes should be added to.
      staticIndexes - The static indexes to add.
    • addStaticColumnIndexesToGroup

      public void addStaticColumnIndexesToGroup(int level, int columnPosition, int... staticIndexes)
      Adds the given indexes as static indexes to the group that is identified by the given column position. Static indexes are the indexes that stay visible when the group is collapsed.
      level - The grouping level for which the group is requested. The level is zero based bottom-up.
      columnPosition - The position of a group to which the the static indexes should be added to.
      staticIndexes - The static indexes to add.
    • collapseGroup

      public void collapseGroup(String groupName)
      Collapses the group with the given name.
      groupName - The name of the group that should be collapsed.
    • collapseGroup

      public void collapseGroup(int level, String groupName)
      Collapses the group with the given name.
      level - The grouping level for which the group is requested. The level is zero based bottom-up.
      groupName - The name of the group that should be collapsed.
    • collapseGroup

      public void collapseGroup(int position)
      Collapses the group for the given position, if the column at the specified position belongs to a group.
      position - The position corresponding to this layer whose corresponding group should be collapsed.
    • collapseGroup

      public void collapseGroup(int level, int position)
      Collapses the group for the given position, if the column at the specified position belongs to a group.
      level - The grouping level for which the group is requested. The level is zero based bottom-up.
      position - The position corresponding to this layer whose corresponding group should be collapsed.
    • collapseGroup

      public void collapseGroup(GroupModel groupModel, GroupModel.Group group)
      Collapses the given group of the given group model.
      groupModel - The group model to which the given group belongs to.
      group - The group to collapse.
    • collapseAllGroups

      public void collapseAllGroups()
      Collapses all groups in all levels.
    • collapseAllGroups

      public void collapseAllGroups(int level)
      Collapses all groups in the given level.
      level - The grouping level for which the group is requested. The level is zero based bottom-up.
    • expandGroup

      public void expandGroup(String groupName)
      Expands the group with the given name.
      groupName - The name of the group that should be expanded.
    • expandGroup

      public void expandGroup(int level, String groupName)
      Expands the group with the given name.
      level - The grouping level for which the group is requested. The level is zero based bottom-up.
      groupName - The name of the group that should be expanded.
    • expandGroup

      public void expandGroup(int position)
      Expands the group for the given position, if the column at the specified position belongs to a group.
      position - The position corresponding to this layer whose corresponding group should be expanded.
    • expandGroup

      public void expandGroup(int level, int position)
      Expands the group for the given position, if the column at the specified position belongs to a group.
      level - The grouping level for which the group is requested. The level is zero based bottom-up.
      position - The position corresponding to this layer whose corresponding group should be expanded.
    • expandGroup

      public void expandGroup(GroupModel groupModel, GroupModel.Group group)
      Expands the given group of the given group model.
      groupModel - The group model to which the given group belongs to.
      group - The group to expand.
    • expandAllGroups

      public void expandAllGroups()
      Expands all groups in all levels.
    • expandAllGroups

      public void expandAllGroups(int level)
      Expands all groups in the given level.
      level - The grouping level that should be expanded. The level is zero based bottom-up.
    • setDefaultCollapseable

      public void setDefaultCollapseable(boolean defaultCollapseable)
      Sets the default value for the collapseable flag when creating group objects for all group levels.
      defaultCollapseable - the default value for the collapseable flag that should be set on creating group.
    • isDefaultCollapseable

      public boolean isDefaultCollapseable(int level)
      level - The grouping level for which the group is requested. The level is zero based bottom-up.
      The default value for the collapseable flag of newly created group objects.
    • setDefaultCollapseable

      public void setDefaultCollapseable(int level, boolean defaultCollapseable)
      Sets the default value for the collapseable flag when creating group objects.
      level - The grouping level for which the group is requested. The level is zero based bottom-up.
      defaultCollapseable - the default value for the collapseable flag that should be set on creating group.
    • setGroupCollapseable

      public void setGroupCollapseable(String groupName, boolean collabseable)
      Set the group with the given group name to be collapseable or not.
      groupName - The name of the group that should be modified.
      collabseable - true to set the group collapseable, false to set it not to be collapseable.
    • setGroupCollapseable

      public void setGroupCollapseable(int level, String groupName, boolean collabseable)
      Set the group with the given group name to be collapseable or not.
      level - The grouping level for which the group is requested. The level is zero based bottom-up.
      groupName - The name of the group that should be modified.
      collabseable - true to set the group collapseable, false to set it not to be collapseable.
    • setGroupCollapseable

      public void setGroupCollapseable(int position, boolean collabseable)
      Set the group to which the specified position belongs to, to be collapseable or not.
      position - The position used to retrieve the corresponding group.
      collabseable - true to set the group collapseable, false to set it not to be collapseable.
    • setGroupCollapseable

      public void setGroupCollapseable(int level, int position, boolean collabseable)
      Set the group to which the specified position belongs to, to be collapseable or not.
      level - The grouping level for which the group is requested. The level is zero based bottom-up.
      position - The position used to retrieve the corresponding group.
      collabseable - true to set the group collapseable, false to set it not to be collapseable.
    • setDefaultUnbreakable

      public void setDefaultUnbreakable(boolean defaultUnbreakable)
      Sets the default value for the unbreakable flag when creating group objects for all grouping levels.
      defaultUnbreakable - the default value for the unbreakable flag that should be set on creating group.
    • isDefaultUnbreakable

      public boolean isDefaultUnbreakable(int level)
      level - The grouping level for which the group is requested. The level is zero based bottom-up.
      The default value for the unbreakable flag of newly created group objects.
    • setDefaultUnbreakable

      public void setDefaultUnbreakable(int level, boolean defaultUnbreakable)
      Sets the default value for the unbreakable flag when creating group objects.
      level - The grouping level for which the group is requested. The level is zero based bottom-up.
      defaultUnbreakable - the default value for the unbreakable flag that should be set on creating group.
    • setGroupUnbreakable

      public void setGroupUnbreakable(String groupName, boolean unbreakable)
      Set the group with the given name to unbreakable/breakable.
      groupName - The name of the group that should be modified.
      unbreakable - true to set the group unbreakable, false to remove the unbreakable state.
    • setGroupUnbreakable

      public void setGroupUnbreakable(int level, String groupName, boolean unbreakable)
      Set the group with the given name to unbreakable/breakable.
      level - The grouping level for which the group is requested. The level is zero based bottom-up.
      groupName - The name of the group that should be modified.
      unbreakable - true to set the group unbreakable, false to remove the unbreakable state.
    • setGroupUnbreakable

      public void setGroupUnbreakable(int position, boolean unbreakable)
      Set the group to which the position belongs to unbreakable/breakable.
      position - The position used to retrieve the corresponding group.
      unbreakable - true to set the group unbreakable, false to remove the unbreakable state.
    • setGroupUnbreakable

      public void setGroupUnbreakable(int level, int position, boolean unbreakable)
      Set the group to which the position belongs to unbreakable/breakable.
      level - The grouping level for which the group is requested. The level is zero based bottom-up.
      position - The position used to retrieve the corresponding group.
      unbreakable - true to set the group unbreakable, false to remove the unbreakable state.
    • isCalculateHeight

      public boolean isCalculateHeight()
      true if the a check is performed whether column groups are configured or not. If not the height of the layer will not show additional height for showing column groups. false if the height should be fixed regardless of existing column group.
    • setCalculateHeight

      public void setCalculateHeight(boolean calculateHeight)
      Configure whether the ColumnGroupHeaderLayer should calculate the height of the layer dependent on column group configuration or not.
      calculateHeight - true if the layer should check if column groups are configured and if not, the height of the column header will not show the double height for showing column groups. false if the height should be fixed regardless of existing column group.
    • isShowAlwaysGroupNames

      public boolean isShowAlwaysGroupNames()
      true if the group names are always visible on rendering, e.g. on scrolling, false if the group names stay at the fixed position in the cell and scroll with the cell. Default is false.
    • setShowAlwaysGroupNames

      public void setShowAlwaysGroupNames(boolean showAlwaysGroupNames)
      Configure whether group names should be always visible on rendering, e.g. on scrolling, or if the group names should scroll with the cell. Setting this value to true is recommended for huge column groups to ensure that the group name is always visible. This also increases the rendering performance as the spanned grouping cells are limited to the visible area.
      showAlwaysGroupNames - true if the group names should be always visible on rendering, e.g. on scrolling, false if the group names should stay at the fixed position in the cell and scroll with the cell. Default is false.
    • getReorderFromColumnPosition

      public int getReorderFromColumnPosition()
      Used to support column reordering via drag and drop. Needed because on drag the viewport could scroll and therefore on drag end the initial position could not be determined anymore.
      The position from which a column reorder operation was started. Position is based on the configured positionLayer.
    • setReorderFromColumnPosition

      public void setReorderFromColumnPosition(int fromColumnPosition)
      Set the position from which a column group drag operation was started.

      Used to support column reordering via drag and drop. Needed because on drag the viewport could scroll and therefore on drag end the initial position could not be determined anymore.

      fromColumnPosition - The position from which a column reorder operation was started. Position needs to be based on the configured positionLayer.
    • isReorderSupportedOnLevel

      public boolean isReorderSupportedOnLevel(int level)
      Check if reordering for the given grouping level is supported or not. By default reordering is supported on all grouping levels.
      level - The level to check.
      true if the given grouping level does support reordering, false if group reordering is not supported for the given level.
    • setReorderSupportedOnLevel

      public void setReorderSupportedOnLevel(int level, boolean supported)
      Configure whether reordering for a grouping level should be supported or not. By default reordering is enabled for all grouping levels.
      level - The level for which the reorder support should be configured.
      supported - true if the given grouping level should support reordering, false if group reordering should not be supported for the given level.
    • reorderColumnGroup

      public boolean reorderColumnGroup(int level, int fromColumnPosition, int toColumnPosition)
      Reorder a column group for the fromColumnPosition at the given level to the specified toColumnPosition.
      level - The group level on which the group reorder should be performed.
      fromColumnPosition - The column position of a column in the column group that should be reordered. Based on the configured positionLayer.
      toColumnPosition - The column position to which a column group should be reordered to. Based on the configured positionLayer.
      true if the reorder command was executed and consumed successfully
    • getProvidedLabels

      public Collection<String> getProvidedLabels()
      Specified by:
      getProvidedLabels in interface ILayer
      getProvidedLabels in class AbstractLayer
      The collection of labels that are provided by this layer.