Package org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.extension.glazedlists.filterrow
package org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.extension.glazedlists.filterrow
ClassDescriptionCompositeLayer that is build out of the columnheader layer stack and a filter row layer.This test class is intended to verify the integration of the
.Specialisation of the DefaultGlazedListsStaticFilterStrategy that is intended to be used in combination with FilterRowComboBoxCellEditors that allows filtering via multiselect comboboxes like in Excel.SpecializedComboBoxGlazedListsFilterStrategy
that can be used to exclude items from filtering.Default implementation of anIFilterStrategy
for the filter row which can also take static filters and combine them with the filter logic from the filter row.Special implementation of FilterRowComboBoxDataProvider that performs FilterRowComboUpdateEvents if the underlying list is changed.This test class is intended to verify the integration of theComboBoxFilterRowHeaderComposite
with mixed combobox filters and default text filters, and with the usage of dynamic combobox contents.