Interface CellKeyHandler<K>

Type Parameters:
K - The type of the key.
All Known Implementing Classes:
IdIndexKeyHandler, PointKeyHandler

public interface CellKeyHandler<K>
Implementations of this interface are intended to generate a key for a cell identified via column and row index. It can also calculate the column and row index from the key again.
  • Method Details

    • getKey

      K getKey(int columnIndex, int rowIndex)
      Creates the cell key based on the given column index and row index.
      columnIndex - The column index of the cell whose key should be generated.
      rowIndex - The row index of the cell whose key should be generated.
      The key of the cell with the given indexes.
    • getKeyWithColumnUpdate

      K getKeyWithColumnUpdate(K oldKey, int columnIndex)
      Creates a new cell key based on the given key with an updated column index.
      oldKey - The key that should be copied.
      columnIndex - The column index that should be updated in the existing key.
      The key of the cell with the previous row identifier and the updated column identifier.
    • getKeyWithRowUpdate

      K getKeyWithRowUpdate(K oldKey, int rowIndex)
      Creates a new cell key based on the given key with an updated row index.
      oldKey - The key that should be copied.
      rowIndex - The row index that should be updated in the existing key.
      The key of the cell with the previous column identifier and the updated row identifier.
    • getColumnIndex

      int getColumnIndex(K key)
      key - The key from which the column index should be retrieved.
      The column index for the cell key.
    • getRowIndex

      int getRowIndex(K key)
      key - The key from which the row index should be retrieved.
      The row index for the cell key.
    • updateOnHorizontalStructuralChange

      boolean updateOnHorizontalStructuralChange()
      true if the keys created by this handler need to be updated on horizontal structural changes, false if the keys update automatically.
    • updateOnVerticalStructuralChange

      boolean updateOnVerticalStructuralChange()
      true if the keys created by this handler need to be updated on vertical structural changes, false if the keys update automatically.