Package org.eclipse.emf.mwe.internal.ui.eclipse.launch

Interface Summary
MWELaunchConfigurationConstants Launch configuration constants that are used in addition to the IJavaLaunchConfigurationConstants ones.

Class Summary
MWEDebuggerLauncher The Launcher starts the workflow execution process in a new runtime VM.
It establishes the socket connection for communication between the runtime VM and the debugger framework.
It instantiates the debug model representation.
MWELaunchDelegate This launch delegate decides in which mode to run the workflow execution process (run or debug) and redirects to the JavaLaunchDelegate or delegates to the WorkflowDebuggerLauncher.
MWELaunchShortcut This class is an action handler that responds to a context menu run or debug action.
It creates a launchConfiguration if there is non already for the specified workflow file, stores it and starts it in the resp.