Package org.eclipse.emf.mwe.ewm.workflow.runtime

Interface Summary
RuntimePackage.Literals Defines literals for the meta objects that represent each class, each feature of each class, each enum, and each data type

Class Summary
RuntimeFactory The Factory for the model.
RuntimePackage The Package for the model.
WorkflowComponentExecutionInfo A representation of the model object 'Workflow Component Execution Info'.
WorkflowComponentExecutionInfoMap A representation of the model object 'Workflow Component Execution Info Map'.
WorkflowContext A representation of the model object 'Context'.
WorkflowEngine A representation of the model object 'Engine'.
WorkflowLog A representation of the model object 'Workflow Log'.
WorkflowLogEntry A representation of the model object 'Workflow Log Entry'.
WorkflowLogMap A representation of the model object 'Workflow Log Map'.
WorkflowParameterMap A representation of the model object 'Parameter Map'.
WorkflowParameterValueProxy A representation of the model object 'Workflow Parameter Value Proxy'.
WorkflowRunnable A representation of the model object 'Workflow Runnable'.
WorkflowRunner A representation of the model object 'Workflow Runner'.
WorkflowStateMap A representation of the model object 'State Map'.
WorkflowStateResolutionStrategy A representation of the model object 'State Resolution Strategy'.

Enum Summary
WorkflowLogEntryType A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Workflow Log Entry Type', and utility methods for working with them.

Exception Summary