Interface MappedObjectState

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public interface MappedObjectState
extends IChangeNotifier

This interface represents that state information that is available for each mapped object, i.e., each input or output object in the domain.

Method Summary
 java.util.Collection<Mapping> getMappings()
          This returns all the mappings the refer to the mapped object.
 java.lang.Object getOriginatingInput()
          This returns, if appropriate, the originating input object of the output object.
 boolean isInput()
          This returns whether the mapped object is an input.
 boolean isOutput()
          This returns whether the mapped object is an output.
 void setInput()
          This is called to indicate that the mapped object is an input.
 void setOriginatingInput(java.lang.Object originatingInput)
          This sets the originating input object of the output object.
 void setOutput()
          This is called to indicate that the mapped object is an output.
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.emf.edit.provider.IChangeNotifier
addListener, fireNotifyChanged, removeListener

Method Detail


boolean isInput()
This returns whether the mapped object is an input.


void setInput()
This is called to indicate that the mapped object is an input.


boolean isOutput()
This returns whether the mapped object is an output.


void setOutput()
This is called to indicate that the mapped object is an output.


java.lang.Object getOriginatingInput()
This returns, if appropriate, the originating input object of the output object.


void setOriginatingInput(java.lang.Object originatingInput)
This sets the originating input object of the output object.


java.util.Collection<Mapping> getMappings()
This returns all the mappings the refer to the mapped object.

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