Class ResourceEntityHandlerImpl

  extended by org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl.URIHandlerImpl
      extended by org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl.ResourceEntityHandlerImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:
XMLResource.ResourceEntityHandler, XMLResource.URIHandler

public class ResourceEntityHandlerImpl
extends URIHandlerImpl
implements XMLResource.ResourceEntityHandler

This resource entity handler implementation extends the URI handler implementation so that this object can be used as both a resource entity handler and a URI handler since it's far more efficient to deresolve a URI once to compute the entity value than to deresolve it for each use and then map that deresolved result to an entity. For this reason, this implementation overrides deresolve(org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI) to return the incoming URI.

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl.URIHandlerImpl
Field Summary
protected  int count
protected  java.lang.String entityName
protected  java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> nameToValueMap
protected  java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> valueToNameMap
Fields inherited from class org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl.URIHandlerImpl
baseURI, resolve
Constructor Summary
ResourceEntityHandlerImpl(java.lang.String entityName)
          Creates an instance that will generate entity names based on the given entity name followed by the count starting from 1 to ensure uniqueness.
Method Summary
 URI deresolve(URI uri)
          Returns the given URI.
protected  URI doDeresolve(URI uri)
          Returns the deresolved URI by calling super.
protected  void doSetBaseURI(URI uri)
          Sets the base URI by calling super.
protected  java.lang.String generateEntityName(java.lang.String entityValue)
          Generates a new unique entity name for the given entity value.
 java.lang.String getEntityName(java.lang.String entityValue)
          Returns the name associated with the entity value; a new name will be generated if there is not yet a name associated with the entity value.
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> getNameToValueMap()
          Returns the map of entity names to entity values to be recorded in the document during save.
 void handleEntity(java.lang.String entityName, java.lang.String entityValue)
          Records the entity name to entity value mapping.
 void reset()
          Resets the handler to its initial state.
 void setBaseURI(URI uri)
          Sets the base URI and if the URI has changed, resolves all the entity URIs values against the old base URI and then deresolves them against the new baseURI.
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl.URIHandlerImpl
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected java.lang.String entityName


protected int count


protected java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> nameToValueMap


protected java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> valueToNameMap
Constructor Detail


public ResourceEntityHandlerImpl(java.lang.String entityName)
Creates an instance that will generate entity names based on the given entity name followed by the count starting from 1 to ensure uniqueness.

entityName -
Method Detail


public URI deresolve(URI uri)
Returns the given URI.

Specified by:
deresolve in interface XMLResource.URIHandler
deresolve in class URIHandlerImpl
uri - the URI to deresolve.
the URI resolved against the base URI.
See Also:


protected URI doDeresolve(URI uri)
Returns the deresolved URI by calling super.

uri - the URI to deresolve.


public void setBaseURI(URI uri)
Sets the base URI and if the URI has changed, resolves all the entity URIs values against the old base URI and then deresolves them against the new baseURI.

Specified by:
setBaseURI in interface XMLResource.URIHandler
setBaseURI in class URIHandlerImpl
uri - the new base URI.


protected void doSetBaseURI(URI uri)
Sets the base URI by calling super.

uri -


public void reset()
Resets the handler to its initial state.

Specified by:
reset in interface XMLResource.ResourceEntityHandler


public java.lang.String getEntityName(java.lang.String entityValue)
Description copied from interface: XMLResource.ResourceEntityHandler
Returns the name associated with the entity value; a new name will be generated if there is not yet a name associated with the entity value.

Specified by:
getEntityName in interface XMLResource.ResourceEntityHandler
entityValue - the entity value for which a named entity is needed.
the name associated with the entity value.


protected java.lang.String generateEntityName(java.lang.String entityValue)
Generates a new unique entity name for the given entity value.

entityValue - the value for which an entity name is needed.
a new unique entity name.


public void handleEntity(java.lang.String entityName,
                         java.lang.String entityValue)
Description copied from interface: XMLResource.ResourceEntityHandler
Records the entity name to entity value mapping.

Specified by:
handleEntity in interface XMLResource.ResourceEntityHandler
entityName - the name of the entity.
entityValue - the associated value of the entity.


public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> getNameToValueMap()
Description copied from interface: XMLResource.ResourceEntityHandler
Returns the map of entity names to entity values to be recorded in the document during save.

Specified by:
getNameToValueMap in interface XMLResource.ResourceEntityHandler
the map of entity names to entity values to be recorded in the document during save.

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