Package org.eclipse.emf.ecore

Provides an API for the Ecore dialect of UML.


Interface Summary
EAnnotation A representation of the model object 'EAnnotation'
EAttribute A representation of the model object 'EAttribute'
EClass A representation of the model object 'EClass'
EClassifier A representation of the model object 'EClassifier'
EcoreFactory The Factory for the model.
EcorePackage The Package for the model.
EcorePackage.Literals Defines literals for the meta objects that represent each class, each feature of each class, each enum, and each data type
EDataType A representation of the model object 'EData Type'
EDataType.Internal Internal API implemented by all data types.
EDataType.Internal.ConversionDelegate An API for converting values of the data type to and from a string representation.
EDataType.Internal.ConversionDelegate.Factory A factory for creating conversion delegates.
EDataType.Internal.ConversionDelegate.Factory.Descriptor A Factory wrapper that is used by the EDataType.Internal.ConversionDelegate.Factory.Registry.
EDataType.Internal.ConversionDelegate.Factory.Registry A registry of factories for creating conversion delegates.
EEnum A representation of the model object 'EEnum'
EEnumLiteral A representation of the model object 'EEnum Literal'.
EFactory A representation of the model object 'EFactory'.
EGenericType A representation of the model object 'EGeneric Type'.
EModelElement A representation of the model object 'EModel Element'
ENamedElement A representation of the model object 'ENamed Element'
EObject A representation of the model object 'EObject'.
EOperation A representation of the model object 'EOperation'
EOperation.Internal Internal API implemented by all operations.
EOperation.Internal.InvocationDelegate A pluggable, dynamic implementation of operation behavior.
EOperation.Internal.InvocationDelegate.Factory A factory for creating invocation delegates.
EOperation.Internal.InvocationDelegate.Factory.Descriptor A Factory wrapper that is used by the EOperation.Internal.InvocationDelegate.Factory.Registry.
EOperation.Internal.InvocationDelegate.Factory.Registry A registry of invocation-delegate factories.
EPackage A representation of the model object 'EPackage'
EPackage.Descriptor An EPackage wrapper that is used by the EPackage.Registry.
EPackage.Registry A map from namespace URI to EPackage.
EParameter A representation of the model object 'EParameter'
EReference A representation of the model object 'EReference'
EStructuralFeature A representation of the model object 'EStructural Feature'
EStructuralFeature.Internal Internal API implemented by all features.
EStructuralFeature.Internal.DynamicValueHolder An API for the backing store that holds dynamic values.
EStructuralFeature.Internal.SettingDelegate An API for delegating reflective access to settings.
EStructuralFeature.Internal.SettingDelegate.Factory A factory for creating setting delegates.
EStructuralFeature.Internal.SettingDelegate.Factory.Descriptor A Factory wrapper that is used by the EStructuralFeature.Internal.SettingDelegate.Factory.Registry.
EStructuralFeature.Internal.SettingDelegate.Factory.Registry A registry of factories for creating setting delegates.
EStructuralFeature.Setting A representation of a value held by a feature of an object.
ETypedElement A representation of the model object 'ETyped Element'
ETypeParameter A representation of the model object 'EType Parameter'.
EValidator A validity checker.
EValidator.Descriptor An EValidator wrapper that is used by the EValidator.Registry.
EValidator.PatternMatcher An common interface for pattern-based constraints.
EValidator.Registry A map from EPackage to EValidator.
EValidator.SubstitutionLabelProvider An interface for providing labels used within message substitutions.
EValidator.ValidationDelegate An interface for delegating validation expression evaluation.
EValidator.ValidationDelegate.Descriptor A ValidationDelegate wrapper that is used by the EValidator.ValidationDelegate.Registry.
EValidator.ValidationDelegate.Registry A map from String to EValidator.ValidationDelegate.
InternalEObject An internal interface implemented by all EObjects.
InternalEObject.EStore An external backing store to which an object may delegate all access.

Class Summary

Package org.eclipse.emf.ecore Description

Provides an API for the Ecore dialect of UML.

Ecore Components

The Ecore components are related according to this hierarchy:

Diagram of the Ecore Component Hierarchy

The Ecore Components have the following relations, attributes, and operations:

Diagram of the Ecore Components Relations, Attributes, and Operations


All participants in the Ecore Modeling Framework implement the EObject's interface:

Diagram of EObject Operations

Java Language Types

Ecore defines the data types for the following Java language types:

Diagram of the Java Language Types

External Types

Ecore defines following additional data types:

Diagram of the External Types


Ecore supports generics as follows:

Diagram of the Generics

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