Package org.eclipse.emf.databinding.edit.internal

Class Summary
EMFEditListProperty PROVISIONAL: This API is subject to arbitrary change, including renaming or removal.
EMFEditListPropertyDecorator PROVISIONAL: This API is subject to arbitrary change, including renaming or removal.
EMFEditMapProperty PROVISIONAL: This API is subject to arbitrary change, including renaming or removal.
EMFEditMapPropertyDecorator PROVISIONAL: This API is subject to arbitrary change, including renaming or removal.
EMFEditMultiListProperty PROVISIONAL: This API is subject to arbitrary change, including renaming or removal.
EMFEditObservableListDecorator IEMFEditObservable decorator for an IObservableList.
EMFEditObservableMapDecorator IEMFEditObservable decorator for an IObservableMap.
EMFEditObservableSetDecorator IEMFObservable decorator for an IObservableList.
EMFEditObservableValueDecorator IEMFEditObservable decorator for an IObservableValue.
EMFEditSetProperty PROVISIONAL: This API is subject to arbitrary change, including renaming or removal.
EMFEditSetPropertyDecorator PROVISIONAL: This API is subject to arbitrary change, including renaming or removal.
EMFEditValueProperty PROVISIONAL: This API is subject to arbitrary change, including renaming or removal.
EMFEditValuePropertyDecorator PROVISIONAL: This API is subject to arbitrary change, including renaming or removal.

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